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Di sentra industri tempe desa Bandungrejo Kecamatan Mranggen saat ini berjumlah 26 industri rumah tangga menghasilkan produk tempe yang dipasarkan ke wilayah demak dan sekitarnya juga memasok ke wilayah bagian Timur kota Semarang. Namun dari keberhasilan produk tempe tersebut, limbah yang dihasilkan juga menimbulkan masalah terutama berkaitan dengan pencemaran air tanah yang dapat mempengaruhi turunnya kualitas sumber air bersih sumur-sumur gah yang selama ini dijadikan sebagai sumber air bersih masyarakat. Melihat dari penggunaan bahan baku dan proses produksinya, maka limbah cair yang dihasilkan lebih bersifat organik terutama dari proses perendaman kedele. Oleh karena itu, bentuk pengolahan biologis adalah suatu altematip yang paling cocok untuk pengolahan air limbah tempe. Pengolahen bilologis yang dimaksud adalah anaerobic fixed bed reactor, yaitu suatu paket kolom media bio filter yang difungsikan untuk menguraian zat organik air limbah tempe dalam suatu tangki reaktor. Salah satu bentuk media tersebut dapat dibuat secara sederhana dan hemat energi adalah proses pengolahan melalui biofilter anaerob tercelup menggunakan media pipa PVC. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sumber-sumber air limbah dari masing-masing proses produksi tempe, mengetahui debit/kapasitas dan karateristik limbah cair pabrik tempe dan merencanakan secara detail/rancang bangun siStem pengolahan air limbah (IPAL) pabrik tempe. Metoda penefiban ini adalah deskriptip yang dilanjutkan kepada perancangenklisain bangunan pengolahan air limbah tempe, yang didahului melalui beberapa tahapan survey lokasi, identifikasi masalag yang ada, pengambilan sampel kuafitas air limbah tempe, kualitas air di 11 (sebelas) sumur-sumur gali, pendataan jumlah sentra industri tempe termasuk kapasitas produksi dan sumber air bersihnya. Sebagai tahapan selanjutnya adalah analisis dan dilanjutkan pada proses perancangan bangunan pengolahan air limbah tempe Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa di desa Bandungrejo Kecamatan Mranggen mempunyai rata-rata kapasitas produksi tempe sebesar 62,9 kg/hari dan sebagian besar menjadi anggota koperasi yang memasok kebutuhan bahan bakunya, sumber air bersih untuk proses produksi adalah berasal dari sumur¬sumur gali . Hasil pemeriksaan terhadap kualitas air di 11 (sebelas) sumur-sumur gall yang ada menunjukkan bahwa nilai pH berada pada kisaran 7,25 - 9,71 adalah bersifat basa, TDS (total dissolved solids) sebesar 343 - 1320 mg/liter, nitrat 0,75 - 5,7 mg/liter, nitrit tidak diketemukan, zat organik 1,95 - 4,48 mg/liter, DO 6,57 - 7,49 mg/liter, BOD5 10,49 - 401,47 mg/liter, COD 17,80 - 401,47 mg/liter. Selain pemeriksaan terhadap kualitas sumber air bersih juga dilakukan pemeriksaan air limbah tempe yang bersumber dari buangan proses produksi yaitu pencucian, perebusan biji, perendaman dan pemecahan biji dan kulit kedelai, Karateristik limbah cair pada parameter kunci yaitu suhu = 38,6°C, COD, = 6.719 - 22.494 mg/liter, BOD5 = 3.225 - 10.797 mg/L, TSS = 3.468 - 9.876 mg/L, sedangkan debit/ kapasitas limbah cair industri tempe rata-rata sebesar 1,27 m3/hari/industri tempe. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa sumber-sumber air limbah tempe adalah berasal dari dad pencucian, perebusan biji, perendaman dan pemecahan biji dan kulit kedelai, debit/kapasitas air limbah tempe rata-rata sebesar 1,27 m /han/industri tempe, karateristik limbah cair pabrik tempe bersifat organik dengan perbandingan BOD/COD = 0,4 - 0,5, rancang bangun IPAL yang diusulkan adalah dengan menggunakan aliran tidak kontinue (batch system) melalui sistem anaerobik dengan penggunaan media pipa PVC sarang tawon path proses biotilter. Disarankan den hasil penelitian ini adalah : perlunya pemberian pengetahuan kepada masyarakat disentra industri tempe tentang dampak pencemaran lingkungan dari aktivitas pembuatan tempe serta perlunya pembentukan dan pemantapan organisasi pengelolaan limbah cair industri tempe agar tercapainya kesinambungan operasi dan pemeliharaan !PAL Problem of which often appear in small industrial environment specially industrial central of tempe is lowering of awareness of society in management of environment especially the limited existing fund to build waste water facility and also its operating expenses. Industrial central of tempe in Bandungrejo District of Mranggen in this time amount to 26 home industries yield product of tempe that marketed to region of demak and its surroundings, and also to region part of east town of Semarang. But from efficacy of product of tempe, yielded waste also generate problem especially related to contamination of ground water, able to decrease quality of wells dig water which during the time made as source of clean water of society. To overcome the mentioned hence, require a cheap waste water treatment system design, easy to operate and also economize energi. Seek the usage of raw material and production process, hence yielded waste water more organically, especially from soak process of soyabean. Therefore, biological processing is the most suited alternatif to process waste water from temps industry The biological treatment process that mentioned is anaerobic fixed bed reactor, that is a bio-filter media column package functioned for the decomposition of organic matter irrigate waste of tempe in a reactor tank. The media form can be made simply and economize energi by processing the process through meant Nailer immerse by using PVC pipe media of wasp den. The aim of this research is to know the source of waste water from each production process of tempe, knowing debit/capacities and the waste water characteristic of tempe industry, and also design by detail waste water treatment system of temps industry_ This Research method is descriptif continued to scheme/design waste water treatment of tempe, preceded through some step of survey incation. problem identification, obtain waste water quality samples of tempe, quality of water in 11 (eleven) dig wells, amount of central industrial of tempe, including production capacities and source of it clean water. As step hereinafter is analysis and continued to process scheme of waste water treatment process building of tempe industry. Results of obtained research that in countryside of Bandungrejo District of Mranggen have capacities mean produce yielded tempe equal to 62,9 kg/day and most of all becoming co-operation member which is supplying requirement of its raw material, source of clean water for production process comes from wells dig . Inspection results to quality of water in 11 (eleven) dig wells existing indicate that value of pH range in 7,25 - 9,71 (alkali), TDS (total dissolved solids) equal to 343 - 1320 mg/litre, nitrate 0,75 - 5,7 mg/litre, nitrit do not be met, organic matter 1,95 - 4,48 mg/litre, DO 6,57 - 7,49 mg/litre, BOD5 10,49 - 401,47 mg/litre, COD 17,80 -401,47 mg/litre. Besides inspection to quality of the source of clean water, inspection of tempe waste water also conducted from production process discard that is washing, poaching of seed, soaking and resolving of soy husk and seed. Characteristic of waste water at key parameter that is temperature = 38,6 °C, CODcr = 6.719 - 22.494 mg/litre, BOD5 = 3.225 - 10.797 mg/L, TSS = 3.468 - 9.876 mg/L, while debit/tempe industrial waste water capacities of mean equal to 1,27 m3/hariftempe industry. As conclusion of this research is that source of waste water of tempe comes from from washing process, poaching of seed process, soaking and resolving of soy husk and seed process, debit/capacities waste water of tempe mean equal to 1,27 m3/hariftempe industry, factory waste water characteristic of tempe have the character of organic with comparison of BOD/COD = 0,4 - 0,5, the proposed of IPAL design is by using batch system through anaerobic system with usage of PVC pipe media of wasp den at biofilter process. Suggested from results of this research [are] : the importance of giving knowledge to society of central industrial of tempe about impacts contamination to environment by activity making of tempe and also the importance of forming and stabilization of organization management of industrial waste water of tempe so that reaching of continuity of operation and maintenance of VVWTP (waste water treatment plan).
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 20163 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 12 Aug 2010 09:01 |
Last Modified: | 12 Aug 2010 09:01 |
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