Sumariyah, Sumariyah and Khuriati, Aini and vvardays, Asap Yoyo and Setiawati, Evi (1998) PEMBUATAN SISTEM PENGUKUR KADAR GARAM MENGGUNAKAN MIKROKOMPUTER. Documentation. FAKULTAS MIPA.
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Department of Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Dipcneyoro thlversity The concestrataan of the salt in the water bee h ry mpo t t for habitat in the site. Indeed. for 'richness of soil In the tare¬bech the information stout the alt ecncentrationis very needed. In his case, we need one system measurement of the salt's concentration. This system can be used for collecting, storing, saving depending of the concentration to safe parameters like location when the measureme t has amen done, etc. ese the ented to design an to construct an instrument f it ocent system by using a hardware interface) and a software (programming) of the micros atte This system has been Used and operated like an integrated system measurement of salt concentration. designing, realising and testing of the circuit of sensor salt concentration. The linierarity of the circuit has been examined by comparing the salt concentartion with output sensor, analog voltage. The second tap is designing, realising of amplifier voltage. Then, the interface was dais and examined. The examination of the interface is linierity of the mean component by [hanging and comparing the analog signal to digital signal /ADC 0909). The fourth step is designing and realising a software ano connecting the hardware to slot easpantion of compeer. The last step is connecting the input amplifier circuit with the sensor salt concentration and the output amplifier circuit with the hardware. The results of sensor liniarity tests (tebeen salt concentration end output voltages) is V = 2.114e + 0,0076 X and ADC 09D9 (netceen Input and output voltages/ is V = 0 OEC1 -- 51 4Jr2 X with the variance is 0,M)23. This Instrument was capable of displaying salt concentration in the 0% 1007. range with the accuracy 0,5 Z. The result os system linierity test is Y = 0,0764 + 1,0061 X with the variance is rDi(00. Kandungan garam dalaa air pantai sangat menentukan species tanamar, pantai. Olen karma itu untuk nemparkaya species tanaman rada suatu pantai diperlukan anformasi leder garam air pantai. Dalam hal int dihutuhkan suatu sisten ukur kadar garam yang dapat serial rneeherekan informash yang lengkap, seperti Ickaei, waste pengukuran dan sebagainya. IsQuan ponelttaan adalah merancang renglaian sensor ladar ClareTh. peranglat kerasiantarmuka dan perangkat lanak Eewpa program komputer serta merealisasekan rangkaian tersehut sehingga dapat b ri sec to pad merbentek suet, shstem peegukur kadar Reuel' t an ' dal k k sac bartahap. Tahap pernelaan yaitu merancang. merealhsasi clan mengudi rangkalan smear kadar garam. Rungujian disini merupakan Lela linxeriCas darx rengkaien, Yalta nenbandinglan berbagai macem harga kadar garam dengan keluaran sensor yang berwpa sinyal tegengan analeg. Tahap kenia yaitu Merancang den merealasasi serta meneLdi rangkaian perguat tegangan. Tahap kettga yaitu merancang, maymbeat dan (tangs(); perangkat antarmetka. Pengujian disini adalah tide linieritas dari komen utema perangkat antariruka yaits, pengubah sinyal analog menjadi sinyal digital atau Alt 0909. linaeritas AEC 0809 yaitu rrembandingkee sinyal tegangan analog terhadapsenyal digital. Tahap selanjutnya adalan membliat program dan menghubungkan perangkat antarnuks dangen slot pengembangan komptker. Oxp perangkot hook dengan sxmolasa, yaitn masukan ADC (€09 pada antannuka masih terupa sinyal analog dart AFG, bukan sensor. Tahap terakhir yaitu rnengh_bungkan bagian keluaran Bari rangkaian peoguat tegangan dengen perang kat antarmuka dan bagian rnasokan dengan bagian kelxoran sensor kadar garam. Hasil uji linleritas sensor kadar garam yait oeptodingkan kcnsantrasi kadar garam dengan tegang 1, 1 an menghaslIkan persamaan Y = 2,1148 + 0,0076281g X. Hasil Uix Linieritas AOC 0807 manghasilkan persamaan v = 0,2821 + 511a Z X dengan variansi sebrpar °ours. Sister PargxXor yang diGuat monpu memberiXan informasi kolsentrasi kadar garam antara C. Hasil Uji Linierltas Sister Pengukur kadar garam menghasilkan persanaan garim lures yang Palprg crook, yaltu Y = 0,07E4 1,0061 X danger! variansi a = 0,1070.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science and Mathematics > Department of Mathematics |
ID Code: | 20148 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 12 Aug 2010 08:36 |
Last Modified: | 12 Aug 2010 08:36 |
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