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Mangrove forest is a transfer of ecosystem from land to sea which has many functions, such as in biolog¬ical cycle, in ecology and in social community. Mangrove forest condition affected by physical-chemical condition may directly influence its ecological condition. This ecological ballance can be reached if biological condi¬tion is wholly able to adjust in the present system, either inside or out side the mangrove forest. Research on mangrove was done with a purpose of giving information about location and also proper reboi¬sation matter for coastall zone. Method use in this research is case study, that is directly examining object without giving treatment. Result of the research showed several kinds of mangrove those are Avicennia Alba, Avicennia marina Fork, Avicennia sp, Rhizophora conjugate, Rhizophora mucronata, where as, from water parameter were measured salinity, water temperature and pH, in which salinity ranges 31,5 - 32 promil, water temperature ranges 30- 30,5°C and ph ranges 7 - 8. Kinds of substrate inthe mangrove forest are mud and sand. Conclusion of the researched in the hight tide zone were found Avicennia sp, the midle tide zone were found mixe Avicennia sp and Rhizophora sp, in the low tide zone were found Rhizophora sp. This suitable with substrate in research the location Hutan mangrove merupakan ekosistim peralihan antara darat dan laut, yang memiliki berbagai fungsi baik fungsi dalam siklus biologi, ekologi maupun fungsi sosial kemasyarakatan. Kondisi hutan mangrove yang dipengaruhi kondisi fisika¬kimia secara langsung akan mempengaruhi kondisi ekolo¬ginya. Keseimbangan ekologi ini akan tercapai bila kondisi biologi secara utuh mampu menempati sistim yang ada, baik didalam maupun diluar hutan mangrove. Penelitian mengenai mangrove dilakukan dengan tujuan memberikan informasi tentang lokasi serta bahan reboisasi yang tepat dikawasan pantai. Metoda yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metoda studi kasus yaitu mengamati obyek secara langsung tanpa memberikan perlakuan. Hasil dari penelitian ditemukan beberapa jenis mangrove yaitu Avicennia alba, Avicennia marina Fork, Avicennia Sp, Rhizophora conjugata, Rhizophora mucrona¬ta. Sedangkan untuk parameter air yang diukur adalah salini¬tas, temperatur air, PH. Salinitas rata-rata berkisar antara 31,5 - 32 promil, temperatur air rata-rata 30 -30,5 °C, PH rata-rata 7 - 8. Jenis substrat pada hutan mangrove tersebut berupa lumpur dan pasir. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa daerah yang dekat laut dijumpai tumbuhan Avicennia sp, bagian tengah campuran antara Avicennia sp dan Rhizophora sp dan bagian dekat daratan Rhizophora sp, ini sesuai dengan substrat lokasi penelitian
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences > Department of Animal Agriculture |
ID Code: | 19951 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 10 Aug 2010 14:14 |
Last Modified: | 10 Aug 2010 14:14 |
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