Eko Turisno, Eambang and Sudaryatmi, Sri and Suldruo, Suldruo (2004) MODEL PENENTUAN HAK ATAS TANAH TIMBUL. Documentation. Fakultas Ilmu Hukum.
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Penehtian tahap kedua merupakan penemuan dan penyempumaan model penentuan hak atas tanah timbul. Lokasi penelitian adalah daerah Kabupaten yang terdapat tanah MOM khususnya di paint Mara Jawa Tengah yang. meliputi, Kabtipaten Dernak, Kabupaien Pemalang, dan Kabupaten Pali. Jenis material yang diteliti adalah peraturan-peraturan hukum, kelmakan-kehijakan khususnya mengenai tanah Umbul, kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang telah Mlakukan masyarakat dalinn penentuan status hak anis Canal, tirnbul, Mtambah hasil-hasd penelitian yang telah ada mengenai tanah adat khususnya mengenat tanah iimbul. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dah kajian pnstaka, basil penelitian lapangan dan pembahasan mentinjukkan bahwa Penanganan tanah timbul diserahkan sepenuhnya pada desa untuk mengatur sendiri. Warga desa inemperoleh hak garap karena pembagian atau setelah melakukan perbuatan unnik inembuka lahan bam kemudian meminta ijin kepada Kepala desa. Kennla desa dengan beberapa persyaratan memberikan ijin lmk ganap atas tanah (MINN. Sebagmn sudah bersertitikat dengan hak milik, sedang pada umultniya hinwa berupa inn lisan yang diperoteh dah kepala desa. Warp desa yang mengusahakan tanah timbal memerlukan usaha dan waktu yang cukup lamai, bisa menenma tanah tatibul senagai man negara, pitman pengelola hams mendapatkan priothas jika dPadikan hak tnilik. Pemantatan tanah timbal di wilayah pantai beim mempethatikan sempadan pantai bahkan terdapat juga tanah yang belum muncul masih berupa taut sudah dipatok-pamk wink dikuasai. Musnahnya tanali limbo! akan meMadi mustwino/a hak garap, Homan pada daerah teneruu mast h dianggap temp menjadi hak pengelola somata. Peinegang hak atas tanah bulbul dibebani bebera pa kewajiban serta pembatasan mut* luas tanah yang dimiliki Data-data yang tel dihimpun dari panel Man menemukan m odd-model pen tecahan dalani penelnuan status hak atas tanah timbul claims penelitian tahap kedua. menyempumakan model penentuan status hak atas malt tin Mut yang merupakan hartnonisasi hukurn modern dengan hukum adat serta mencoba memperoleh matt, model baku yang berlaku urriuni. Konsep model berupa konsep rancangan l'eraturan Daerah Ssecond Phase research representing invention and completion tnodel the determination Chanelbar right arise. The location of the research was in Demak Regency, Perhalang Regency and Pah Regency. Material Type are regulations , policy specially regarding the chanelbar arise the, habit which have been conducted by society in determination of status of land right arise, added by a research pickings which have thel e is hitting custom chanelbar speLially regarding the chanelbar arise. Pursuant to data obtained from book study, result of research of field and solution indicate that the claim:lbw' Handling arise delivered fully countryside to arrange by itself Countryside citizen obtain, get the nghts till because division or having taken steps deed to open the new farm later; then ask the pennission to countryside Head. Lead the counnyside with a few conditions give the rights permission till to the cliandbar arise. Partly certificate have with the property, hi general only in the loon of oral permission obtained front countrythde head. Counnyside citizen labouring chanelbar arise to need the sufficient time and ettbt, can accept the chanelbar arise as goverment land, but thrmers have to get the priority if made by property. Management chanelbar arise in coastal region not yet paid intention the coastal border even there are also chanelbar which not yet ef neryed still in the form of sea have be mastered_ it chandbar arise will become its a oniliiMte is rights till, but at certain area stifi assinued by remain to he Tanners rights initialy. Right owner to the chanelbar arise encumbered by some obligation alai also demarcation to wide chanelbar had. Data Which have been mustered from research find the resolving models in determination of status of land right ante in second phase research. completing model of delerinination of status or land right aftso representing modern harmonisasi law with the customary law and also Hy to obtain; get a standard inodel going into effect public. Concept model in the Ran of concept of Peraturan Daerah
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law > Department of Law |
ID Code: | 19717 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 09 Aug 2010 08:41 |
Last Modified: | 10 Aug 2010 15:09 |
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