Rianto, Edy and Muryanti, Ninik and Purbowati, Endang (2005) RETENSI PROTEIN PADA KERBAU MUDA JANTAN YANG MENDAPAT AMPAS BIR SEBAGAI PENGGANTI KONSENTRAT. Prosiding Seminar Nasional AINI V Pengembangan Nutrisi dan Bioteknologi Pakan sebagai Pendorong Agroindustri di Bidang Peternakan . pp. 298-307.
| PDF 547Kb |
ABSTRAK Suatu pt:nelitian telah dilaksanaka'1 dengan tujuan untuk mempelajari retensi protein pada kerbau jantan muda yang mendapat ampas bir sebagai pengganti konsentrat jadi. Sebanyak 8 ekor kerbau jantan berumur sekitar 1 tahun, dengan bobot badan awal rata-rata 160,32 kg (CV= 11,12%), dialokasikan ke dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap CRAL) dengan 2 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah penggantian 500;,) konsentrat dengan ampas bir (TO: lerami padi ad libitum + konsentrat jadi 1,25% rind bobot hadan; T I: lerami padi ad libitum + konsentrat jadi 0,625% dari bobot badan + ampas bir 0,625% dari bobot badan). lumlah konsumsi total dan kecernaan bahan kering (BK) pada kedua perlakuan tidalr berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Konsumsi dan kecernaan BK pada TO adalah 4340 g/hari dan 68,73%, sedangkan pada Tl adalah 5086 g/hari dan @,32%. Konsumsi protein pada Tl (704 glhari) lebih tinggi daripada TO (569 g/hari), meskipun secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata (P>O,05). Kecernaan dan retensi protein pada Tl (77,56% dan 69,66%) dan TO (76,50% jan 6t1,61%) tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Sementara itu, pertambahan bobot badan harian (PBBH) pada Tl (665 glhari) nyata (P<0.05) lebih tinggi daripada TO (378 glhari). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggantian konsentrat dengan ampas bir tidak berpengaruh terhadap retensi protein. Namun dl!mikian, penggantian konsentrat dengan amoas bir mampu mellingkatkan produktivitas kerbau jantan muda. Kata kunci: kerbau, ampas bir, retensi protein, konversi protein ABSTRACT An expeririment was carried out to study protein retention in young buffaloe bulls fed bre.very byproduct as a substitute of fabricated feed concentrate. Eight male buffaloes, aged about 12 months, weighed 160.32 kg (CV=I1.12%), were allocated into a completely randomised design with 2 treatments and 4 replicates. The treatments applied were substitution of 50% feed concentrate by beer industry by-product ( TO: rice straw ad libitum + fabricated feed concentrate as much as 1.25% of body weight; T: rice straw ad libitum + fabricated feed concentrate as much as 0,625% of body weight + beer industry by-product as much as 0,625% of body weight). Dry matter intake and digestibility of the both treatment were not significantly different (P>0.05). Dry matter intake and digestibility of TO were 4340 gld and 68,73%, respectively, while those ofTI were 5086 gld and 68,32%, respectively. Protein intake of T1 (704 gld) was higher than that of TO (569 gld), although statistically was not significant (P>O.05). Protein digestibility and retention of Tl (77.56% and 69.66%) and TO (76.50% and 68.61%) were not significantly different (P>0.05). However, liveweight gain (LWO) of Tl (665 glQ) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of TO (378 gld). It can be concluded that substitution of fabricated feed concentrate by beer industry by-product did not influence protein retention. However, it increased buffalo's productivity. Key words: buffalo, beer industry by-product, protein retention, protein conversion
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General) S Agriculture > SF Animal culture |
Divisions: | Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences > Department of Animal Agriculture |
ID Code: | 19325 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 06 Aug 2010 19:56 |
Last Modified: | 06 Aug 2010 19:56 |
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