Isolasi dan Identifikasi Jamur Indigenous Rhizosfer Tanaman Kentang dari Lahan Pertanian Kentang Organik di Desa Pakis, Magelang

Purwantisari, Susiana and Budi Hastuti, Rini (2009) Isolasi dan Identifikasi Jamur Indigenous Rhizosfer Tanaman Kentang dari Lahan Pertanian Kentang Organik di Desa Pakis, Magelang. BIOMA, 11 (2). pp. 45-53. ISSN 1410-8801



Fungus Rhizosphere is one of biotic factors that are capable to induce plant resistance to disease. Type of soil containing organic and inorganic minerals may affect the existing types of mushroom plant is classified as fungal plant fertility boosters (biofertilizer). Thus, fungal isolates isolated from healthy plants rhizosphere have a chance to be important alternative of raw material in organic potato farming located in the village of Pakis, Magelang regency. Fungal isolation was carried out using serial dilution method up to 10-5 on PDA medium (Potato Dextrose Agar). Fungal isolates were obtained and identified using macroscopic and microscopic approaches using identification book of Domsch, et al., (1980). Based on the isolation procedure, we obtained 8 (eight) indigenous fungal isolates, belonging to the genus Trichoderma (2 isolates), Penicillium (1 isolate), Phytopthora (2 isolates), Mucor (1 isolates) and 2 isolates of fungi that has not yet been identified.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Q Science > QR Microbiology > QR180 Immunology
Divisions:Faculty of Science and Mathematics > Department of Biology
ID Code:19120
Deposited On:06 Aug 2010 08:56
Last Modified:06 Aug 2010 08:56

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