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Pendahuluan : ISK merupakan suatu masalah medis yang sangat sering, dengan perjalanan alamiah yang tak terduga. Banyak infeksi sembuh spontan, tapi ada juga yang berkembang dan merusak ginjal, atau menyebabkan sepsis gram negatif. Penatalaksanaan ISK menyeluruh memerlukan pengetahuan termasuk pathophysiology dan perawatan medis berdasarkan klinis. Kebanyakan ISK pada anak disebabkan bakteri yang masuk ke uretra dan asenderen menuju saluran kemih.Bakteri yang secara normal hidup dalam usus besar dan keluar kedalam feses adalah penyebab infeksi terbanya. Selama training jamban, anak mungkin belum mengerti cara cebok setelah BAB(berak), sehingga bakteri kemudian masuk kedalam uretra dan menyebabkan ISK. Hal terbesar yang menjadi perhatian tentang ISK pada anak adalah bahwa dapat menyebabkan kerusakan ginjal menetap dan membentuk skar. Skar berulang dapat menyebabkan hipertensi dan mengurangi fungsi ginjal, termasuk gagal ginjal. Hal ini sering terjadi saat usia toilet training dan memudahkan bakteria berkembang dalam urine. Tujuan utama terapi adalah untuk mencegah kerusakan ginjal dan komplikasi jangka pendek danjangka panjang dengan menghilangkan infeksi secara cepat dan menyeluruh. Proses mengajar toilet training pada anak adalah suatu task universal, dimana orang tua menyambut dengan berbagai derajad stress dan keberhasilan. Sejak akhir tahun 1950 telah ada trend untuk menuntun anak menggunakan jamban atau setting toilet-training dengan cara mereka sendiri. Tujuan: Mengatahui pengaruh toilet training terutama cara cebok dari depan kebelakang terhadap berkurangnya kejadian ISK berulang. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan suatu quasi experimental yang meneliti 32 anak perempuan, dibagi atas 16 anak dalam kelompok intervensi dan 16 anak dalam kelompok kontrol. Sampel diambil dengan cara stratified random sampling. Setiap orang tua atau pengasuh (babysitters atau pembantu) menjawab kuesioner, 16 dengan toilet training dan 16 hanya menjawab kuesioner (kelompok kontrol). Subyek penelitian didapat dari 2 klinik di RSDK dan RS Kodya Semarang dan kelompok intervensi dilakukan toilet training selama periode 3 bulan untuk tiap anak pada rumah mereka.Subyek dilatih tiap 2 minggu dan kemudian di follow up dengan test dan menjawab kuesioner, hingga 6 bulan. Pada bulan ke 6, dari semua subyek dikumpulkan sampel mid stream urine untuk dikultur. Hasil : Setelah 6 bulan untuk tiap subyek, pada akhir penelitian didapatka bahwa pada kelompok intervensi; pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik toilet secara significan meningkat dibanding kelompok kontrol (p<0,001). Berulangnya ISK pada kelompok kontrol cenderung meningkat selama evaluasi 6 bulan, namun, pada kelompok intervensi, kejadian berulang cenderung berkurang dan kami menemukan bahwa E.coli adalah penyebab utama ISK awal dan berulang. Ada perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Pada akhir penelitian, kelompok intervensi ada perbaikan bermakna dalam pemakaian jamban benar, (p<0,001) dibanding kelompok kontrol. Persentasi anak yang berhasil dalam cara cebok yang benar meningkat secara bermakana pada kelompok intervensi (100% vs 17,8%) Introduction : UTI is an extremely common medical problem, with an unpredictable natural history. Many infections resolve spontaneously, but others can progress to destroy the kidney, or via gram negative sepsis, the host. Management of UTI requires a thorough knowledge of the pathophysiology involved, and medical care which is tailored to the clinical setting. Most urinary tract infections (UTIs) in children are caused by bacteria that enter the urethra and travel up the urinary tract. Bacteria that normally live in the large intestine and are present in stool (feces) are the most common cause of infection. During potty training, children may not properly wipe their bottoms after a bowel movement. Bacteria may get into the urethra and cause a UTI.. The biggest concern over UTIs in children is that they can cause permanent kidney damage and scarring. Repeated scarring can lead to high blood pressure and reduced kidney function, including kidney failure.. These patterns are common during toilet training and make it easier for bacteria to build up in the urine. The main goal of treatment is to prevent kidney damage and its short- and long-term complications by eliminating the infection quickly and completely.The process of teaching toilet training to children is a universal task that parents accomplish with varying degrees of stresses and successes. Since the late 1950s there has been a trend toward allowing children to set their own toilet-training pace. Objectives: To determine the influence of toilet training especially wiping from front to back for the decrease of recurrence rate urinary tract infection (UTI). Methods: This is a quasi experimental study wich examined 32 female children, consist of 16 children in the intervention group and 16 children in the controle group. Sample was determined by stratified random sampling. Of the parents or nonparents (babysitters or day care persons) answering the questionnaires, 16 were with toilet training and 16 were only answered questionnaires (controle group). Research subjects were recruited from two clinics in RSDK and RS Kodya Semarang and intervention group do toilet training about 3-month period for each of them at their home. Subjects were trained for every 2 weeks, and than follow up with test and answering the questionnaires, until six month. At month 6th, all subject collect the mid stream urine sample to do culture. Results : After 6 months for each subject, at the end of study found that in the intervention group knowledge, attitude and practice of toilet had significantly increased compared to control group (p<0,001). The recurrences of UTI in control group tend to increase during 6 months evaluation , however, in the intervention group, recurrences tend to decrease and we found that E.coli as a major caused of recurrences. There were significant differences in the intervention group and control group. At the end of study, intervention group had significantly improved their toilet use (p<0,001) compared to the control group. The percentage of children who gain the wiping method was significantly higher in the intervension group compared to control group (100% vs 17,8%).

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:R Medicine > RJ Pediatrics > RJ101 Child Health. Child health services
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science
ID Code:18739
Deposited By:Ms upt perpus3
Deposited On:04 Aug 2010 14:24
Last Modified:04 Aug 2010 14:24

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