Yuniarno , Saudin (2005) HUBUNGAN KUALITAS AIR SUMUR DENGAN KEJADIAN DIARE DI DAS SOLO (STUDI KASUS DI HULU DAN HILIR BENGAWAN SOLO). Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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The incidence of diarrhea in 2004 spread at the district of Gresik about 16,28 per 1000 people and district of Wonogiri about 10,9 per 1000 people. Although the Goverment has done many programs to reduce incidence of diarrhea the disease stuck on high number. Water as the main media to infect the disease, also can be the important thing to prevent incidence of diarrhea. This research has purpose to know the correlation of well water quality to the incidence of diarrehea along the riverside areas of Bengawan Solo. This research method was observational used through cross sectional approach. The number of observation was 66 respondent in upstream and 66 respondent in downstream areas of Bengawan Solo. Data were collected from laboratory, observation, medical record, intervieew and measuring. The result of bivariate analysis showed variables which correlation to the incidence of diarrhea on the upstream were: education, RP = 4,13 (CI=2,74-6,23); income, RP = 2,14 (CI=1,65-2,77); distance of well water septictank, RP = 2,36 (CI=1,87-2,97); knowledge, RP = 2,92 (CI=2,41-3,54); practice, RP = 3,57 (CI =3,06-4,15); pH of well water, RP = 3,00 (CI=2,51-3,57); BOD well water, RP = 3,70 (CI=3,20-4,27); TDS well water, RP = 5,01 (CI=4,29-6,07); and contain of E. coli in well water, RP = 4,76 (CI=4,26-5,30). On the downstream the variables which influenced to the incidence of diarrhea were: income, RP = 1,62 (CI=1,36-1,92); the distance of well water to river, RP = 2,02 (CI=1,78-2,27); distance of well water to septictank, RP = 1,84 (CI=1,60-2,10); attitude, RP = 1,60 (CI=1,33-1,91); practice, RP=1,73 (CI=1,49-2,00); pH of well water, RP = 2,14 (CI=1,86-2,45); BOD well water, RP = 3,14 (CI=2,76-3,56); TDS well water, RP = 6,95 (CI=5,95-8,11); and contain of E. coli in well water, RP = 2,26 (CI=2,03-2,51). The result of multivariate analysis found out the most correlation variable on upstream was the contain of E. coli in well water with significant value about 0,043. Person who had well water with contain E. coli over standard (> 50/100 ml sample) had diarrhea probability about 17%. On the downstream the contain of E. coli in well water became the main correlation of incidence of diarrhea with significant value about 0,011 the other was the content TDS of well water with significant value about 0,015. A person on the downstream of Bengawan Solo who had well water with contain E. coli over standard (>50/100 ml sample) and contain TDS of well water over standard (>1500 mg/l), both had diarrhea probability about 13,4 %. Conclution of this research get out the contain of E. coli variable to be the main correlation of incidence of diarrhea both of upstream and two variables the contain E. coli and TDS of well water on the downstream DAS Solo. The need action such as controll distance of well water and practice health and good habits like do not throw waste disposal on river, the river management, green forest and hygiene habits for preventive the incidence diarrhea. The further studies about river pollutants can be done for other influenced disease. diare di Kabupaten Gresik pada tahun 2004 sebesar 16,28 per 1000 penduduk dan di Wonogiri 10,9 per 1000 penduduk. Pemerintah telah melaksanakan kegiatan program kesehatan untuk mengurangi angka kejadian diare di kedua kabupaten tersebut, tetapi angka kejadian diare masih tinggi. Air sebegai media utama penular diare sangatlah penting untuk upaya pencegahan diare. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan kualitas air sumur terhadap kejadian diare di hulu dan hilir DAS Solo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian observasional yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah responden didapat sebanyak 66 responden di hulu dan 66 responden di hilir. Data diperoleh dari observasi langsung di lapangan, pemeriksaan laboratorium, catatan medik puskesmas dan wawancara dengan responden. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan, pada hulu DAS Solo variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian diare adalah : pendidikan, RP = 4,13 (CI=2,74-6,23); penghasilan, RP = 2,14 (CI=1,65-2,77); jarak sumur ke septictank, RP = 2,36 (CI=1,87-2,97); pengetahuan, RP = 2,92 (CI=2,41-3,54); praktek, RP = 3,57 (CI=3,06-4,15); pH air sumur, RP = 3,00 (CI=2,51-3,57); kadar BOD air sumur, RP = 3,70 (CI=3,20-4,27); kadar TDS air sumur, RP = 5,01 (CI=4,29-6,07); dan kandungan E. coli pada air sumur, RP = 4,76 (CI=4,26-5,30). Sedangkan di hilir DAS Solo variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian diare adalah : penghasilan, RP = 1,62 (CI=1,36-1,92); jarak sumur ke sungai, RP = 2,02 (CI=1,78-2,27); jarak sumur ke septictank, RP = 1,84 (CI=1,60-2,10); sikap, RP = 1,60 (CI=1,33-1,91); praktek, RP = 1,73 (CI=1,49-2,00); pH air sumur, RP = 2,14 (CI=1,86-2,45); kadar BOD air sumur, RP = 3,14 (CI=2,76-3,56); kadar TDS air sumur, RP = 6,95 (CI=5,95-8,11); dan kandungan E. coli pada air sumur, RP = 2,26 (CI=2,03-2,51). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan variabel yang terbukti berhubungan di hulu DAS Solo adalah kandungan E. coli pada air sumur dengan nilai signifikansi 0,043.Individu di hulu DAS Solo yang air sumurnya mengandung E. coli tidak memenuhi standar ( > 50/100 ml sampel ) memiliki probabilitas untuk terkena diare sebesar 17 %. Sedangkan di hilir variabel kandungan E. coli pada air sumur juga paling dominan berperan terhadap kejadian diare dengan nilai signifikan 0,011. Variabel kadar TDS air sumur turut berperan terhadap kejadian diare dengan nilai signifikansi 0,015. Individu di hilir DAS Solo yang air sumurnya tidak memenuhi standar dari kandungan E. coli ( > 50/100 ml sampel ) dan kadar TDS air sumurnya tidak memenuhi standar (>1500 mg/l), memiliki probabilitas untuk terkena diare sebesar 13,4 %. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini terdapat satu variabel yaitu kandungan E. coli yang terbukti berhubungan dengan kejadian diare di hulu dan dua variabel yaitu E. coli dan kadar TDS yang terbukti berhubungan dengan kejadian diare di hilir DAS Solo. Perlu adanya tindakan pengendalian jarak sumur dan perilaku hidup yang sehat dan benar, seperti tidak membuang sampah di sungai, manajemen pemanfaatan sungai yang mampu memelihara sungai, penghijauan hutan kembali, dan kebiasaan hidup yang hygienis untuk mencegah terjadinya diare. Kajian lebih lanjut tentang polutan di sungai dan dampak kualitas air sungai terhadap penyakit lainnya dapat diteliti lebih lanjut.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Epidemiology |
ID Code: | 18718 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 04 Aug 2010 14:09 |
Last Modified: | 04 Aug 2010 14:09 |
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