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In the matter of the criminal judicature system, casualties were the forgotten subject. Moreover criminal act of the rape casualties often became second casualties after the process of the criminal judicature being finished, that was the reason why criminal act of the rape casualties experienced the lifelong trauma because of the disgrace incident that struck her. When the incident experienced the process of heading its justice she must become the witness, become important subject in finding and making the clear point from the occurrence of the criminal act, it's no wonder if casualties were the important element in the triangle theory in police. And when the process entered the following stage then she become a witness in the court at a cost of personally and told the incident in the court repeatedly and when ending with the existence of the decision of the judge, casualties did not get anything or did not get compensation or restitution. Stood concerning this, in fact had a set of criminal right of act casualties that was arranged in the article 98 of KUHAP in its explanation. There had the gap/the right for criminal act casualties to make use of this article. Because of that the writer promoted the title of the "The Implementation of the Demand of Compensation in the Article 98 of KUHAP (Criminal-Law procedural code) towards the Rape Criminal Act in the Semarang Legal Territory" With the problem as follows: How the Implementation of the Demand of the Rape Criminal Act Compensation in the Article 98 KUHAP in real (or that was valid at the time based on legal positive law) in the Semarang Legal Territory and How the Implementation of the Demand of Rape Criminal Act Compensation in the Article 98 of KUHAP that necessarily (ideal or that was valid by the upcoming time based on the future law) in the Semarang legal territory? From the research that was carried out, obtained by results and the conclusion as follows, the implementation of the demand of rape criminal act compensation in the article 98 of KUHAP in real (or that was valid at this time). This article that is the article 98 KUHAP were not yet made maximally use of by criminal act casualties, especially rape criminal act casualties, because of most criminal act casualties especially rape criminal act casualties were general towards the law, while the country did not give facilities of the legal adviser, The existence of the authority of the upholder's apparatus of the law (Republic of Indonesia State Police, the attorney general's office, and justice) that did not adhere in personal criminal act casualties, meaning that casualties who were the manifestation of the interests of the public were unrepresentative by the country. In the rape criminal act resolution using method of The Mediation Penal Resolution: Criminal case resolution outside the Court (borrowed the term from Barda Nawawi Arief). as for the base idea of the foundation of this method was the article 54 articles (1) the letter c and d the KUHP BILL, that the aim of condemnation was to "complete the conflict that was caused by the criminal act by restoring the balance and caused the safe feeling, peace in the community and released the guilt to the accused, afterwards in the following article the article 58 articles (1) the KUHP BILL. Dalam hal sistim peradilan pidana korban merupakan subyek yang terlupakan. Bahkan Korban tindak pidana khususnya korban tindak pidana perkosaan sering menjadi korban kedua setelah selesainya proses peradilan pidana, itulah sebabnya korban tindak pidana pemerkosaan mengalami trauma seumur hidup karena peristiwa aib yang menimpa dirinya. Ketika peristiwa itu mengalami proses untuk menuju keadilan ia harus menjadi saksi, menjadi subyek yang penting dalam menemukan dan membuat titik terang dari terjadinya tindak pidana, maka tidak heran jika korban adalah unsur penting dalam teori segitiga di Kepolisian, dan bila proses itu memasuki tahap berikutnya maka ia menjadi saksi di Pengadilan dengan biaya sendiri dan menceritakan kejadian itu di Pengadilan secara berulang-ulang dan bila telah berkahir dengan adanya keputusan hakim, korban tidak mendapatkan apa-apa atau tidak mendapatkan kompensasi atau restitusi.Berpijak dari hal tersebut, sebenarnya ada seperangkat hak korban tindak pidana yang diatur dalam pasal 98 KUHAP dalam penjelasannya. Disitu ada celah/hak bagi korban tindak pidana untuk memanfaatkan pasal tersebut. Oleh karena itu penulis mengangkat judul “ Implementasi tuntutan Ganti Kerugian dalam Pasal 98 KUHAP terhadap Tindak Pidana Pemerkosaan di Wilayah Hukum Semarang” Dengan permasalahan sebagai berikut : Bagaimana Implementasi Tuntutan Ganti Kerugian Tindak Pidana Pemerkosaan dalam pasal 98 KUHAP senyatanya (riilnya atau yang berlaku saat ini berdasarkan hukum Positif) di wilayah hukum Semarang dan Bagaimana Implementasi Tuntutan Ganti Kerugian Tindak Pidana Pemerkosaan dalam pasal 98 KUHAP yang seharusnya (ideal atau yang berlaku dimasa yang akan datang berdasarkan hukum masa depan) di wilayah hukum Semarang ?. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil dan kesimpulan sebagai berikut Implementasi tuntutan ganti kerugian tindak pidana pemerkosaan dalam pasal 98 KUHAP senyatanya (riilnya atau yang berlaku saat ini). Pasal tersebut yaitu pasal 98 KUHAP belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal oleh korban tindak pidana, khususnya korban tindak pidana pemerkosaan, karena Korban tindak pidana khususnya korban tindak pidana pemerkosaan sebagaian besar adalah awan terhadap hukum, sementara negara tidak memberikan fasilitas penasehat hukum, Adanya kewenangan Aparat penegak hukum (Polri, Kejaksaan dan Kehakiman) yang tidak melekat pada pribadi korban tindak pidana, artinya korban yang merupakan manisfestasi kepentingan umum tidak terwakili oleh negara. Dalam penyelesaian tindak pidana pemerkosaan digunakan metode penyelesaian Mediasi Penal : Penyelesaian perkara pidana di luar Pengadilan (meminjam istilah Barda Nawawi Arief). Adapun landasan atau ide dasar dari metode tersebut adalah pasal 54 ayat (1) huruf c dan d RUU KUHP, bahwa tujuan pemidanaan adalah “Menyelesaikan komflik yang ditimbulkan oleh tindak pidana dengan memulihkan keseimbangan dan mendatangkan rasa amam, damai dalam masyarakat dan membebaskan rasa bersalah pada terpidana, kemudian dalam pasal berikutnya pasal 58 ayat (1) RUU KUHP.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law |
ID Code: | 18451 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 02 Aug 2010 09:38 |
Last Modified: | 02 Aug 2010 09:38 |
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