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The Fish Landing Place (PPI) Jayanti Cidaun, Cianjur Regency, was only able to give contribution of catchments fishery products as much as 0,004% per year to needs of fish for the people of Cianjur Regency. For fishermen, it had an impact on low income rate per month. The low production rate of PPI also cause the so called low rate of fish comsumption of Cianjur people (19,3 kg/ capita/ year) compared to the national average rate ( 26, 2 kg/ capita / year), thus, it was concerned that it will hinder the improvement of intelligence of human resources, especially children, in Cianjur Regency. Fish Landing Place (PPI) Jayanti Cidaun was built with the objective of giving contribution of catchments fishery product from the sea for Cianjur people. With this condition, it was obvious that the PPI should be improved with the appropriate strategy in order to be optimal in giving service for the service users. This research is aimed to analyze the function and the facilities of PPI in specifically measures because it was considered as unable both in providing the optimum service, and in analyze the strategy of PPI development generally. The used analytical instrument to formulate the strategy for development at PPI Jayanti Cidaun are AHP ( Analytical Hierarchy Procces) and SWOT ( Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). AHP analysis was used to determine the priority scale of problem solving in relation with the function and facilities of PPI, meanwhile, SWOT analysis was used to formulate the policy in form of the strategy of comprehensive PPI development. This research result apparently proved that the function and facilities of PPI still had various significant weaknesses resulting in the low production rate. Based on AHP analysis result; the vast and protected from waves and current harbor (0,066) and oil residue handling (0,064) were considered as the most representing fishermen’s dissatisfaction concerning the functional service and facilities of PPI. SWOT analysis showed that the factor of threat identification in EFAS was the highest value (4, 295). The strategy that had to be used was, utilizing forces to minimize the threat. This was performed in order to improve fishermen’s welfare. Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Jayanti Cidaun, Kabupaten Cianjur, hanya mampu memberikan kontribusi produk ikan hasil tangkapan pertahunnya sebesar 0, 004 % terhadap kebutuhan ikan masyarakat Kabupaten Cianjur. Bagi nelayan ini berdampak pada tingkat pendapatan yang rendah setiap bulannya. Tingkat produksi yang rendah dari PPI mengakibatkan juga tingkat konsumsi ikan masyarakat Cianjur terbilang rendah ( 19,3 kg/ kapita/ tahun) dibandingkan dengan rata-rata nasional (26, 2 kg/ kapita/ tahun) sehingga dikhawatirkan menghambat peningkatan kecerdasan sumber daya manusia khususnya bagi anakanak di kabupaten Cianjur. PPI Jayanti Cidaun didirikan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi produksi ikan laut untuk kebutuhan masyarakat Cianjur. Dengan kondisi ini jelas PPI harus dikembangkan dengan strategi yang tepat agar dapat optimal memberikan layanan pada para pengguna jasanya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis fungsi dan fasilitas PPI secara khusus karena dianggap belum memberikan layanan yang optimal serta menganalisis strategi pengembangan PPI secara umum. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Procces) dan SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). Analisis AHP digunakan untuk menentukan skala prioritas pemecahan masalah terkait fungsi dan fasilitas PPI, sedangkan analisis SWOT digunakan untuk merumuskan kebijakan berupa strategi pengembangan PPI secara menyeluruh. Hasil penelitian ternyata membuktikan fungsi dan fasilitas PPI masih memiliki berbagai macam kelemahan yang mengakibatkan rendahnya tingkat produksi PPI. Berdasarkan hasil analisis AHP; kolam pelabuhan yang luas serta terlindung dari gelombang dan arus (0,066) dan penanganan sisa minyak (0,064) dianggap paling mewakili ketidakpuasan nelayan terhadap layanan fungsi dan fasilitas PPI. Analisis SWOT menunjukan faktor identifikasi Ancaman (Threats) dalam EFAS sebagai nilai tertinggi (4,295). Strategi yang harus dilakukan adalah menggunakan kekuatan untuk meminimalkan ancaman. hal ini dilakukan dalam upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan nelayan.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Coastal Resource Management |
ID Code: | 18393 |
Deposited By: | Mr upt perpus 4 |
Deposited On: | 02 Aug 2010 08:18 |
Last Modified: | 02 Aug 2010 08:18 |
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