Suherman, Suherman (2008) SISTEM APPRAISAL BERITA KRIMINAL PADA HARIAN METEOR DAN HARIAN SUARA MERDEKA. Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Tesis ini menyelidiki sistem appraisal yang dipakai pada Harian Suara Merdeka dan Harian Meteor dalam berita kriminal agar dapat teridentifikasi kesamaan dan perbedaan kedua harian tersebut dalam hal pemosisian pembaca. Empat berita kriminal dari masing-masing hrian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori appraisal yang menitik beratkan pada tiga ranah: engagement, attitude and graduation untuk menjawab tiga permasalahan penelitian yaitu: (1) Jenis piranti appraisal (appraisal devices) apa sajakah yang dipakai harian Suara Merdeka dalam berita kriminal? (2) Jenis piranti appraisal (appraisal devices) apa sajakah yang dipakai dalam harian Meteor dalam berita criminal? dan (3) Apa perbedaan dan kesamaan Sistem Appraisal antara harian Suara Merdeka dan Meteor? Penelitian ini bersifat kualitati dan interpretatif di mana data dianalisis dengan mengguakan kerangka analisis appraisal (White 1998; Martin and Rose 2003) untuk mengidentifikasi kesamaan dan perbedaan dalam penggunaan piranti appraisal setelah terlebih dahulu teridentifiaksai sistem yang dipakai dalam masing-masing harian. Dari sudut metodologi penelitian, kajian ini termasuk menggunakan metode simak bebas libat cakap (Sudaryanto 1993) di mana peneliti tidak terlibt sebagai subyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua harian tersebut enggunakan piranti appraisal yang sama meskipun dengan proporsi yang berbeda. Perbedaan kedua harian terletak pada permasalahan, antara lain (1) Suara Merdeka menampilkan berita argumentatif dengan menitik beratkan pada siapa, melakukan apa, dan dimana, seangkan Meteor menampilkan kronologi peristiwa; (2) Suara merdeka tidak menggunakan campur kode, sedangkan Meteor menggunakan alih kode yaitu sesekali lompat dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Jawa pada level kata; (3) Suara Merdeka hanya menyampaikan fakta objektif tanpa bumbu wartawan sedangkan berita criminal Meteor terlihat subyektif dan berisi informasi tambahan berdasarkan interpretasi wartawan terhadap suatu peristiwa kriminal. Simpulannya adalah bahwa pembaca harus waspada terhadap berita yang tidak bebas nilai (mengandung kepentingan tertentu). Oleh karena itu hendaknya pembacaan berita dilakukan secara kritis sebab berita yang sama dapat dilaporkan dengan cara yang berbeda bergantung pada ideologi yang dianut oleh mas media tertentu. This thesis explores the appraisal systems employed by Suara Merdeka and Meteor Daily Newspapers in their crime news on which to identify the similarities and differences between the two with respect to readers’ positioning. Four crime news from each daily newspapers were taken for analysis by means of the appraisal theory, focusing on the three domains: engagement, attitude and graduation in order to respond to three research questions, namely (1) What appraisal devices are employed by Suara Merdeka Daily Newspaper, (2) What appraisal devices are employed by Meteor Daily Newspaper? And (3) What similarities and differences were made between Suara Merdeka and Meteor Daily Newspapers? The study is qualitative and interpretative in nature in which the data were analyzed employing the appraisal analytical framework (White 1998; Martin and Rose 2003) in order to come up with the similarities and differences in the use of appraisal systems upon identification of the systems employed by each daily newspapers. In terms of methodology the study can be classified into nonparticipant observation (Sudaryanto 1993) in which the researcher was not involved as the subject of the study. The study reveals that both daily newspapers employ the same appraisal devices with somehow different proportions. The differences between the two lie in the issues, such as (1) Suara Merdeka presents argumentative news items focusing on who did what, and where, while Meteor presents chronological narratives of the crime news; (2) Suara merdeka does not employ code-switching while Meteor does by occasionally turning from Indonesian and to Javanese at word level; (3) Suara Merdeka simply presents objective facts without flavor of the journalist while Meteor’s news items may be subjective and consist of additional information according to the journalist’s interpretation of the event. In conclusion, readers are warned of the possible non-value free news items. Therefore, it is advisable to critically read any news item since the same event may be reported differently by different mass-media depending on the ideology of the mass media in question.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Linguistic |
ID Code: | 18172 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 29 Jul 2010 13:12 |
Last Modified: | 29 Jul 2010 13:12 |
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