Izzudin SD., Izzudin SD. (2006) ANALISIS PENGARUH FAKTOR PERSONALITY TERHADAP ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN PADA PERAWAT RAWAT INAP RSJD Dr. AMINO GONDOHUTOMO SEMARANG. ( âAnalisys influence of personality factors to the nursing care on care unit nurse in RSJD dr Amino Gondohutomo Semarang â.). Masters thesis, program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Telah diteliti 87 perawat fungsional dibangsal perawatan RSJD Dr Amino Gondohutomo Semarang dari aspek personality MMPI dan aspek personality EPPS sebagai variable bebas dan askep sebagai variabel terikat. Secara deskriptif didapatkan responden 40 perawat pria dan 47 perawat wanita. Pendidikan responden terbanyak adalah D III keperawatan 85,1 % dan masa kerja yang lebih 5 th sebanyak 84 %. Askep yang baik sebesar 52,9 % dan askep yang tidak baik sebesar 47,1 %.Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara askep wanita dan pria. Perawat wanita mempunyai asuhan keperawatan yang lebih baik ( x2 = 12,623. p = 0,001 ). Variable bebas MMPI ego strength terhadap asuhan keperawatan mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna ( x2 = 4,819, p = 0,028 ). Perawat yang mempunyai ego strength baik atau matang mempunyai askep yang baik yang baik pula. Analisa bivariate ada pengaruh ego strength terhadap askep ( S = 0,019 ExpB = 4,345 ).Dengan analisis multivariate tidak ada pengaruh ego strength dan marietal distress terhadap askep ( S = 0,076 ExpB = 1,05 ). Variable bebas marietal distress terhadap askep menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna ( x2 = 4,117 p = 0,042 ). Perawat yang mempunyai marietal distress baik ( tidak ada problem rumah tangga ) mempunyai askep yang baik pula. Dengan analisis bivariate ada pengaruh marietal distress terhadap askep ( S = 0,042 ExpB = 9,252 ). Analisis multivariate marietal distress dan jenis kelamin terhadap askep menunjukkan ada pengaruh ( S = 0,05 ExpB = 9.019 ). Dari hasil ini disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan dan pengaruh yang bermakna antara marietal distress dan jenis kelamin terhadap askep, dimana perawat wanita dengan marietal distress baik askepnya 9 kali lebih baik dari perawat pria. Variable over hostility terhadap askep ada hubungan bermakna ( x2 = 38 p = 0,000 ), perawat dengan over hostility baik mempunyai askep yang baik . Dengan analisis bivariate tak ada pengaruh over hostilty terhadap askep ( S = 0,075 ExpB = 82737 ). Variable personality EPPS ( ach, ord, aff, nur dan cha ) semua tidak mempunyai hubungan bermakna terhadap askep. Hal ini karena test EPPS lebih ditekankan untuk seleksi dan penempatan pekerjaan. Sedangkan test MMPI selain untuk seleksi dan penempatan pekerjaan, test ini juga digunakan untuk menilai kapasitas mental-emosinal, mengevaluasi ada tidaknya psikopatalogi meskipun secara klinik tak terdeteksi karena tidak ada gejala atau keluhan. Kepada RSJD Dr Amino Gondohutomo Semarang hasil penelitian ini kiranya dapat menjadi referensi perlunya penanganan manejerial pemahaman marietal distress dan pemecahannya. Have been examined to 87 funtional nurses in unit care of RSJD Dr Amino Gondohutomo Semarang from the personality aspect MMPI and personality aspect EPPS as independent variable and askep as dependent variable. Descriptively got 40 male responden and 47 female responden. Most of them were graduated from D III nursing 85,1 % and with working periode more than 5 years are 84 %. And with better askep 52,9 % and improper askep 47,1 %. There is a significant relationship between female askep and male askep. The female has better nursing care ( x2 = 12,623 p = 0,001 ). Independent variable MMPI ego strength to the nursing care has a significant relationship ( x2 = 4,819 p = 0,028 ). A nurse who has a good ego strength or mature will have a good askep too. Bivariate analisys that ego strength influence to the askep ( S = 0,076 ExpB = 4,345 ). Multivariate analisys has no ego strength and marietal distress inluence the askep ( S = 0,076 ExpB = 1,05 ). Marietal distress variable to the askep show significant relationship ( x2 = 4,117 p= 0,042 ). A nurse who has a good marietal distress ( no marietal distress problema ) either has a good askep too. Bivariate analisys showed that marietal distress influnce askep ( S = 0,042 ExpB = 9,252 ). Analisys multivariate marietal distress and sex to the askep showed that there is a significant influence ( S = 0,05 ExpB = 9,019 ). From this result concluded that there is a significant influnce between marietal distress and sex to the askep. Which is the female nurse with a good marietal distress showed that the nursing care 9 time better than female. Variable over hostility to the askep show there is a significant relationship ( x2 = 38 p = 0,000 ). A nurse with a good over hostility has a good askep too. Bivariate analisys showed that there is no over hostility influence to the askep ( S = 0.075 Exp B = 82737 ). Personality variable EPPS ( ach, ord, aff, nur and cha ) has no signifucant relationship to the askep. Caused by EPPS test more emphasized to the selction and placing. MMPI test not only for selectio and placing but also to measure the capacity of mental-emotional and evaluate there is no psychopathology or not, even clinically were undetected because there is no symptomp and complaint. Generally for RSJD Dr Amino Gondohutomo the result from this research hopefully can be a refference how a managerial understand ability about marietal distress were needed.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 17936 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 28 Jul 2010 08:58 |
Last Modified: | 27 Dec 2010 13:11 |
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