KURNIAWAN, ZAKKY (2005) FENOMENA ANGKUTAN DESA – KOTA DI KABUPATEN BOYOLALI. Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Pembangunan Kabupaten Boyolali telah membawa dampak pada kemajuan dan perkembangan ekonomi wilayah. Perkembangan ekonomi wilayah tersebut telah menjadikan pusat kota Boyolali baik di Pasar Boyolali maupun Sunggingan serta Kesatrian menjadi daerah pusat berbagai kegiatan. Keberadaan daerah pusat kota sebagai pusat kegiatan didukung oleh daerah – daerah di sekitarnya sebagai daerah penyangga antara lain penyedia bahan makanan pokok, bahan mentah, penyedia tenaga kerja dan lain – lain. Daerah pedesaan yang menjadi pendukung bagi pusat kota adalah Cepogo, Doglo, Doplang, Pager Jurang, Drajitan, Plandakan, Papringan, Jrakah, Kacangan, Simo dan Selo. Untuk memperlancar hubungan antara kota dengan desa tersebut, diperlukan adanya transportasi berupa angkutan umum yang selama ini telah dilayani oleh angkutan umum berupa minibus dan bus sedang. Pola angkutan umum di Kabupaten Boyolali adalah bertipe konsentris yang menghubungkan pusat kota dengan daerah pedesaan di sekelilingnya. Namun dalam kenyataan di lapangan, selain terdapat angkutan berkembang, yang mampu melayani penumpang secara kontinue dan teratur, terdapat pula angkutan yang tidak mampu melayani penumpangnya secara seimbang pada jam sibuk dan jam tidak sibuk. Indikasinya dapat dilihat pada saat jam tidak sibuk dimana tidak ada angkutan umum yang beroperasi dengana alasan pendapatan yang diperoleh tidak mencukupi untuk menutup biaya operasi kendaraan. Daerah – daerah yang dilayani oleh angkutan umum yang kontinue dan teratur berkembang menjadi daerah yang maju, yang mampu mengimbangi pesatnya perkembangan pusat kota. Namun daerah – daerah yang dilayani oleh angkutan umum yang tidak kontinue dan teratur akan semakin tertinggal. Karena itulah diperlukan analisis pola perjalanan masyarakat, analisis interaksi desa – kota, analisis profil kinerja angkutan umum serta kondisi prasarana lalu lintas yang terdapat pada jaringan trayek angkutan umum. The development of Boyolali has brought impact toward the area progression and the area economic growth. That area economic growth has made the central town of Boyolali be the central area of various activities. The exixtence of the central town as the ecnter of activities is supported by the surrounding areas which act as the supporting areas such as the provider of staple foods, raw materials, workers, etc. To accelerate the connection between town and village, thus the presence of transportations such as mini buses and medium buses are needed. The pattern of the public transportation in Boyolali regency is concentric that connect the central town and its surrounding rural areas. However, the reality is that besides the developing transportations, that can sevice the passengers continually and regularly, there are also transportations that can not service their passengers fairly on the peak and off peak hours. The aim of this research is to knowthe phenomena of the public transportation in relation to the rural-urban interactions. This based on the fact that areas which continually and regularly served by the public transportation are tend to develop. The research method used is quantitative analysis on the sosio-economical data, the public facilities, the pattern of people trip and the operation profile of rural-urban transportations. After finishing the quantitative analysis, the next step is doing the qualitative analysis on the condition method of making use of land and the traffict facilities. After analyzing and discussing, we can conclude that rural-urban interactions are influenced by distance, geographic location and supreme potential that completed with infrastructure network and public transportation service. The traditional trading relationship and socio-economical characteristic have made the medium power area be the high trip generation area. In addition, the pattern of people trip in Boyolali is internal-internal in town trip. These caused rural-urban transportations will operate continually and regularly if they pass by more than on sub districts before entering the town. In general, the route network of public transportations in Boyolali has not reflected efficiency. There are areas that not serviced by the public transportations. On the other hand, there are areas that serviced by more than one routes of public transportations.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning |
ID Code: | 17896 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 28 Jul 2010 08:10 |
Last Modified: | 28 Jul 2010 08:10 |
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