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The title of this research is The Impact of Parking and Activity Support towards circulation in Jalan MT Haryono fragmented Jalan Sompok-Jalan Lampersari (Kawawan Peterongan) Semarang. The impact of the of citizen and technology development effect the land use in Semarang. It also effect Peterongan surrounding (precisely fragmented Jalan Sompok-jalan Lampersari) which is the location of business centre. The problematic in this research are how big the circulation can be hold in corridor of Jalan MT Haryono.(research location) and how can parking and activity support give impact to circulation in that corridor. The aims of this research are to find the optimization of corridor Jalan MT Haryono (research location) and to get the impact of parking and activity support towards circulation in that corridor. The advantages are to improve our knowledge about circulation and parking in research location, to give contribution to the urban design connected with circulation and parking in the business center area and to give contribution to decision maker. This research uses circulation, parking, pedestrian, activity support theories from Hamid Shirvani in his book The Urban Design Process. Path and nodes theories from Kevin Lynch in his book Image of the City. Figure ground and linkage theories based on Roger Trancik in his book Finding Lost Space. Beside those three books the researcher uses several theories about the infrastructure of the city, traffic engineering and the local government rules. The methods of collecting data are observation, interview, and documentation. The method of analysis data is qualitative rationalistic. The method of qualitative rationalistic based on the rationalize thought (Muhajir, 1993 :55) that came from the intellectual ability which is build through the ability of logic argumentation, so that more emphasize on the empiric meaning. The variable in this research are the volume of circulation and parking, the amount of informal sector (activity support) and formal sector (market, shops, and offices activities). The result of this research, we can conclude that the corridor of Jalan MT. Haryono (research location) is not optimal to hold the circulation of vehicles. The saturation degree shows us that traffic stream is not stable especially at the east side in the afternoon after work hours. The factor that impact the circulation of vehicles is the parking on street volume which is overload its capacity especially on the middle segment in east side that is in front of Peterongan market, so that decrease the space capacity for the circulation of vehicles. The factor that impact the circulation of pedestrian are parking activity and activity support that is informal sector (the street vendor activity) located in pedestrian ways especially in the middle segment in east side, so that decrease the space capacity of pedestrian circulation. The street vendor also located in the parking on street area, so that decrease the space capacity for parking area. Perkembangan jumlah penduduk dan kemajuan teknologi berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan lahan kawasan perkotaan di kota Semarang. Pengaruh ini juga tampak pada kawasan Peterongan sebagai kawasan perdagangan dan jasa khususnya di Jalan MT Haryono penggal Jalan Sompok-Jalan Lampersari. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah seberapa besar kemampuan sirkulasi yang dapat ditampung di koridor Jalan MT Haryono kawasan penelitian dan bagaimana pengaruh parkir dan activity support terhadap sirkulasi di koridor tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari optimalisasi koridor Jalan MT Haryono kawasan penelitian dan mendapatkan pengaruh parkir dan activity support terhadap sirkulasi di koridor tersebut. Manfaat penelitian ini antara lain diharapkan dapat memberi pemahaman tentang sirkulasi dan parkir di koridor jalan kawasan penelitian Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sirkulasi dan parkir, jalur pedestrian, dan activity support dari Hamid Shirvani dalam bukunya The Urban Design Process. Kemudian teori path dan nodes dari Kevin Lynch dalam bukunya The Image of the City. Sedangkan figure ground dan linkage dibahas menurut teori dari Roger Trancik dalam bukunya yang berjudul Finding Lost Space. Selain tiga buku tersebut juga didukung oleh beberapa teori tentang infrastruktur kota, rekayasa lalu lintas dan peraturan daerah. Penulis menggunakan metode pengumpulan data observasi, interview dan dokumentasi, sedangkan metode analisis datanya kualitatif rasionalistik. Metodologi penelitian kualitatif rasionalistik berlandaskan pada cara berfikir rasionalisme (Muhadjir, 1993 :55), yang berasal dari pemahaman kemampuan intelektual yang dibangun atas kemampuan argumentasi secara logika, sehingga lebih ditekankan pada pemaknaan empirik. Variabel pada penelitian ini adalah volume sirkulasi dan parkir, sektor informal aktivitas PKL dan sektor formal pasar, pertokoan, perkantoran. Hasil dari analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa koridor Jalan MT Haryono kawasan penelitian sudah tidak optimal dimanfaatkan untuk sirkulasi kendaraan. Derajat kejenuhan menunjukkan arus lalu lintas yang tidak stabil khususnya di sisi Timur pada sore hari kerja. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran sirkulasi kendaraan adalah volume parkir yang melebihi kapasitasnya di lajur pinggir jalan terutama di segmen Tengah sisi Timur yaitu di sekitar depan Pasar Peterongan, sehingga mengurangi kapasitas ruang untuk sirkulasi kendaraan. Sedangkan faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran sirkulasi pejalan kaki adalah aktivitas parkir dan activity support yaitu sektor informal (aktivitas PKL) yang menempati pedestrian way terutama di segmen tengah sisi Timur, sehingga mengurangi kapasitas ruang untuk sirkulasi pejalan kaki. Aktivitas PKL juga menempati lajur parkir pinggir jalan, sehingga mengurangi kapasitas ruang untuk parkir.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Architecture |
ID Code: | 17884 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 28 Jul 2010 07:51 |
Last Modified: | 28 Jul 2010 07:51 |
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