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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penampilan produksi sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) dan Peranakan Limousin (PL) jantan dengan pakan konsentrat dan jerami padi fennentasi. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 4 ekor sapi PO dengan bobot badan awnl 108,5:t 11,81 kg dan 4 ekor sapi PL dengan bobot hidup awal 133,25 :t 18,84 kg, masing-masing berjenis kelamin jantan dan berumur 8-11 bulan. Pakan yang diberikan berupa konsentrat sebanyak 70% dari kebutuhan bahan kering (BK) dan jerami padi fennentasi secara ad libitum. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah "Independent Sample Comparison". Parameter yang diamati adalah konsumsi ballan kering (BK) pakan, konsumsi protein kasar (PK), konsumsi "total digestible nu~rients" (TON), pertambah<ln bobot hidup harlan (PBHH) dan konversi pakan. Oata yang dipero!eh dianalisis dengan uji t-student. HasH penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa terdapnt perbedaan yang nyata (P<O,05) antara sapi PO dan sapi PL dalam ml!ngkonsumsi BK pakan total, BK konsentrat, PK total, PK konsentrat dan PBHH. Konsumsi BK dan PK jerami padi fennentasi, konsumsi TON dan konversi pakan ticiak berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Pada sapi PO, rata-rata konsumsi harian BK pakan total 3,21 kg, BK konsen'.Tat 2,01 kg, BK jerami padi fennentasi 1,20 k3, PK total 0,39 kg, PK kcnsentrat 0,29 kg, PK jerami fennentasi 0,10 kg dan konsumsi TON 1,98 kg. Pada sapi PL, r11tarata konsumsi harian BK pakan total 4,18 kg, BK konsentrat 2,84 kg, BK jerami padi fennentasi 1,34 kg, PK total 0,51 kg, PK konsen',rat 0,40 kg, PK jerami felmentasi 0,11 kg dan konsumsi TON 2,74 kg. Pertambahan bobot badan harian dan konversi pakan pecta sapi PO adalah 0,24 kg dan 17,41, sedangkan pada sapi PL adalah 0,47 dan 9,34. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian in: adalah penampilan produksi sapi PL jantan dengan pakan konsentrat dan jerami padi fenn::!ntasi lebih baik daripada sapi PO. Konversi pakan sapi PO dan sapi PL sama Kata kunci: sapi Peranakan Ongole, sapi Peranakan Limousin, penamp;lan produksi, jerami padi jermeptasi. ABSTRACT The study was conducted to obtain perfonnance of Ongole crossbred (OC) and Limousin crossbred (LC) cattle with concentrate and fennentation rice straw fed. Four males of OC cattle with initial weight 108,5 :t 11,81 kg and four mates of LC cattle with initial weight 133,25 ± 18,84 kg, aged around 8-11 months, were used in this study. They were fed concentrate amount as 70% of dry matter (OM) requirement, and fennentation rice straw ad libitum. The experiment was designed on Independent Sample Comparison, and the data were analyzed by the use t-test. The results showed that total OM, concentrate DM, total crude protein (CP), concentrate CP intake, and average daily gain (ADO) signifficantly different (P<O,05) between the breeds. Fennentation rice straw OM, fennentation rice straw CP, total digestible nutrients (TON) intake, and feed conversion were not signifficantly different (P<0,05) between the breeds. In OC cattle, the intake of total OM, concentrate OM, fennentation rice straw OM, total CP, concentrate CP, fennentation rice straw CP and TON were 3.21 kg; 2.01 kg; 1.20 kg; 0,39 kg, 0,29 kg,O,l 0 kg and 1.98 kg, respectively. In LC cattle, the intake oftotal DM, 99 Proceeding Seminar Naslonal AINt V Pengembangan NutrlsJ dan BJoreknoJogi Pakan 5l'baga/ Prn<iorong Agrolndustrl Df B/dang Pecemakan UnNe:n1t.u BrawlJ,aya MaLang, 10Agustus 2005 concentrate DM, fennentation rice straw DM, total CP, concentrate CP, fennentation rice straw CP and TDN were 4.18 kg; 2.84 kg; 1.34 kg; 0,5\ kg, 0,40 kg, 0,11 kg and 2.74 kg, respectivel),. ADO between OC cattle and LC cattle were 0.24 kg and 047 kg, respectively, while feed conversion were 17.41 and 9.34, respectively. It was concludt:d that the perfonnance of LC cattle on feed with concentrate and fennentation rice straw better than OC cattle. Ke)'\vords: Ongole Crossbreed, Limousin Crossbreed, Performance, Fermentation Rice Straw.
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General) S Agriculture > SF Animal culture |
Divisions: | Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences > Department of Animal Agriculture |
ID Code: | 17855 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 27 Jul 2010 14:58 |
Last Modified: | 27 Jul 2010 14:58 |
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