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Problem faced by farmer of maize in Regency of Blora is productivity which still lower that is 32,99 kw/ha compared to horizontally - flatten productivity mount Central Java of equal to 36,75 kw/ha and also potency of result that is 60,80 - 70,30 kw/ha. productivity of Maize which still lower the, causing the effort farmer of maize lose looks so that a lot of farmer which displace effort to other commodity like planting soy, peanut and crop of other season. Other; Dissimilar cause lower of productivity of maize of because factor price - factors of production which from year to year tend to experience of increase, especially the price fertilize brand ( Urea, SP-36, KCL ) and the pesticide. Beside that price of maize moment of great crop [is] which uncertain and often less profit farmer. Other; Dissimilar factor is which is often experienced of by most farmer of maize is limitation of capital to buy medium produce in the form of seed, fertilize and drugs. This research aim to analyze the level of advantage storey; level, mount efficiency of is effort farmer and mount scale of is effort farmer of at effort maize farmer in Subdistrict Randublatung Regency Blora. Sample used by as much 100 responder with intake sample method of[is way of proportional stratified random sampling. At data analysis conducted by using advantage Cobb Daouglass function, Calculation Model Zellner's Method of Seemingly Unrelated Regression, maximum advantage examination, scale examination of is effort economic efficiency examination and farmer relative. Pursuant to inferential research result that effort maize farmer in Subdistrict Randublatung Regency Blora not yet given maximum advantage storey : level to farmer. But if seen from variable input use indicate that pesticide and seed which not yet optimal while labour variable input allocation and fertilize have reached optimal. Result of scale anticipation of is effort indicating that scale condition of is effort in effort maize farmer in research area flattenedly to stay in circumstance increasing returns to scale ( increase of result of progressively increase ). From result analyze economic efficiency relative between second of group of pursuant to wide scale of farm of worked that is wide scale of farm of under 1,0 ha ( small businessman ) and scale of wide effort of farm more than above 1,0 provable ha there are difference mount efficiency of where small businessman more is efficient compared to by a big farmer. Masalah yang dihadapi petani jagung di Kabupaten Blora adalah produktivitas yang masih rendah yaitu 32,99 kw/ha dibanding dengan rata-rata produktivitas tingkat Jawa Tengah sebesar 36,75 kw/ha maupun potensi hasilnya yaitu 60,80 – 70,30 kw/ha. Produktivitas jagung yang masih rendah tersebut, menyebabkan usahatani jagung kurang menarik sehingga banyak petani yang alih usaha ke komoditas yang lain seperti menanam kedelai, kacang tanah dan tanaman semusim lainnya. Penyebab lain rendahnya produktivitas jagung karena harga-faktor produksi yang dari tahun ke tahun cenderung mengalami kenaikan, terutama harga pupuk buatan (Urea, SP-36, KCL) dan pestisida. Disamping itu harga jagung saat panen raya yang tidak menentu dan sering kurang menguntungkan petani. Faktor lain yang sering dialami sebagian besar petani jagung adalah keterbatasan modal untuk membeli sarana produksi berupa benih, pupuk dan obat-obatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis besarnya tingkat keuntungan, tingkat efisiensi usaha tani dan tingkat skala usaha tani pada usaha tani jagung di Kecamatan Randublatung Kabupaten Blora. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 100 responden dengan metoda pengambilan sampel cara proportional stratified random sampling. Pada analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan fungsi keuntungan Cobb Daouglass, Perhitungan Model Zellner's Method of Seemingly Unrelated Regression, pengujian keuntungan maksimum, pengujian skala usaha tani dan pengujian efisiensi ekonomi relatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa usahatani jagung di Kecamatan Randublatung Kabupaten Blora belum memberikan tingkat keuntungan yang maksimum kepada petani. Namun jika dilihat dari penggunaan input variabel menunjukan bahwa benih dan pestisida yang belum optimal sedangkan pengalokasian input variabel tenaga kerja dan pupuk telah mencapai optimal. Hasil pendugaan skala usaha menunjukan bahwa kondisi skala usaha dalam usahatani jagung didaerah penelitian secara rata - rata berada dalam keadaan increasing returns to scale (kenaikan hasil semakin bertambah). Dari hasil analisis efisiensi ekonomi relatif antara kedua kelompok berdasarkan skala luas lahan garapan yaitu skala luas lahan dibawah 1,0 ha (petani kecil) dan skala usaha luas lahan lebih dari diatas 1,0 ha dapat dibuktikan terdapat perbedaan tingkat efisiensi dimana petani kecil lebih efisien dibandingkan petani besar.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Economics and Development Studies
ID Code:17660
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 1
Deposited On:27 Jul 2010 09:21
Last Modified:27 Jul 2010 09:21

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