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Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 1946 tanggal 4 September 1946 tentang Penghapusan Desa Perdikan, maka Desa-desa Perdikan hapus dan beralih menjadi Desa biasa, sehingga hak-hak istimewa yang melekat pada Desa Perdikan hapus pula. Dengan lahirnya Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tanggal 24 September 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria sebagai pelaksanaan dari Pasal 33 ayat 3 UUD 1945, maka tidak dikenal lagi adanya dualisme hukum dibidang pertanahan yang didasarkan pada Hukum Adat dan Hukum Perdata Barat. Hal-hal yang bersangkutan dengan tanah selanjutnya diatur menurut ketentuan Undang-undang Pokok Agraria tersebut beserta peraturan pelaksanaannya. Hak-hak atas tanah yang ada sebelum berlakunya UUPA yaitu hak-hak yang berasal dari Hukum Adat maupun Hukum Perdata Barat dikonversi menjadi hak-hak atas tanah menurut ketentuan UUPA sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 16, antara lain : Hak Milik, Hak Guna Usaha, Hak Guna Bangunan, Hak Pakai dan lain-lain. Selanjutnya atas dasar hak-hak tersebut segala bentuk peralihan yang terjadi seperti jual beli, hibah, tukar menukar dan sebagainya dilaksanakan pula menurut ketentuan UUPA (Pasal 26) beserta peraturan pelaksanaannya (PP Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 Pasal 37). Permasalahan yang timbul pada masyarakat di Kelurahan Kadilangu, bahwa status hak atas tanah bekas Desa Perdikan belum jelas dan masih dijumpai adanya sistem jual beli atas tanah bekas Desa Perdikan dengan sistem jual beli lama sehingga tidak sesuai dengan sistem jual beli yang diatur dalam UUPA. Oleh karena itu penyusun ingin mengetahui status dan jual beli atas tanah di Kelurahan Kadilangu Kabupaten Demak yang merupakan tanah bekas Desa Perdikan yang sampai sekarang belum tuntas penyelesaiannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis empiris. Pendekatan yuridis digunakan sebagai acuan dasar yaitu berupa norma-norma hukum atau peraturanperaturan yang mengatur mengenai hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan perolehan status dan jual beli tanah bekas Desa Perdikan Kadilangu. Pendekatan empiris digunakan untuk menganalisis perilaku masyarakat berkaitan dengan peraturanperaturan mengenai status tanah bekas Perdikan Kadilangu. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa status tanah bekas Desa Perdikan seharusnya dapat dikategorikan sebagai tanah swapraja/bekas swapraja yang selanjutnya beralih pada tanah Negara. Sedangkan pelaksanaan jual beli atas tanah bekas Desa Perdikan tidak sesuai dengan UUPA karena tidak adanya bukti/status hak atas tanah bekas Desa Perdikan. Sehingga tidak dapat dipenuhinya persyarakatan bagi suatu peralihan hak (jual beli) menurut ketentuan UUPA. Referring to Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 1946 (1946 Act Number 13) issued on 4 September 1946 in relation to eradication of Perdikan villages, Perdikan villages have been removed and become regular villages, so that special rights embedded to the Perdikan villages have also been removed. With the advent of Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 (1960 Act Number 5) issued on 24 September 1960 in relation to basic regulations of agrarian affairs as the revelation of Article 33 verse 3 of UUD 1945 (1945 Constitution), there is not any longer legal dualism in land affairs based on Common Laws and Western Civil laws. Matters concerning with land affairs are subsequently disposed according to policy of Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria or UUPA (act of agrarian affairs) along with its rules of revelation. Rights on land existing prior to the implementation of UUPA, which had been rights coming from Common Laws and Western Civil Laws, were converted into rights on land according to the policy of UUPA. The rights on land, as they were disposed in Article 16, are among others: property rights, enterprise use rights, building use rights, usage rights and the like. Then based on the rights any form of transposition following such as trade, grant, barter and so forth is to be conducted according to the policy of UUPA in Article 26 along with its rules of revelation (1997 Government Regulation Number 24 Article 37). Cases emerging from people in Village of Kadilangu have been that the status of land of the ex-Perdikan village has not been plain and that the old system of trade of land of the ex-Perdikan village has still been observable. The cases have been improper to the trade system disposed in UUPA. It is therefore the writer would like to find out the status and trade of land in Village of Kadilangu in Regency of Demak. The land has been of ex-Perdikan village which up to the present has not yet been settled down. This research uses an empiric juridical method. The juridical approach used as a basic reference is a series of legal norms or regulations disposing matters related to acquisition of the status and trade of land of ex-Perdikan Village of Kadilangu. The empiric approach is used to analyze behavior of people related to regulations on the status of land of the ex-Perdikan Village of Kadilangu. From the research result it is concluded that the status of land of the ex- Perdikan Village of Kadilangu should have been to be categorized as land of swapraja (autonomous)/ bekas swapraja (ex-autonomous) area which should then be converted to the state land. Whereas the mode of trade of land of the ex-Perdikan village has been improper to UUPA as there has been no evidence/ status of rights on land of the ex- Perdikan village. The absence of the status has been unable to accomplish conditions for a transposition of (trade) right according to the policy of UUPA.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Notary
ID Code:17635
Deposited By:Ms upt perpus3
Deposited On:27 Jul 2010 08:53
Last Modified:27 Jul 2010 08:53

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