Suprapto, Hery (2008) PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PROGRAM PENCEGAHAN, PEMBERANTASAN PENYALAHGUNAAN DAN PEREDARAN GELAP NARKOBA (P4GN) BERBASIS WEB UNTUK MENDUKUNG KOORDINASI DI BADAN NARKOTIKA PROVINSI (BNP) JAWA TENGAH ( Information System Development of the Program of Prevention, Eradication of Abuse and Illegal Distribution of Narcotics based on Web to Support Coordination at Narcotics Body of Central Java Province). Masters thesis, program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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BNP Jateng memiliki tugas pokok.sebagai koordinator program P4GN, dalam menjalankan tugasnya sangat membutuhkan sistem informasi P4GN berbasis web. Sistem Informasi Program P4GN Berbasis Web adalah suatu sistem pengelolaan data P4GN di BNP Jateng yang menghasilkan informasi P4GN bagi Manajemen BNP Jateng guna membantu pengambilan keputusan dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai koordinator program P4GN dengan memanfaatkan teknologi web. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan koordinasi P4GN belum dapat dilaksanakan dengan optimal. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena sistem informasi P4GN yang ada di BNP Jateng belum menghasilkan informasi yang relevan, akurat, tepat waktu, lengkap dan mudah diakses. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan sistem informasi P4GN untuk mendukung koordinasi di BNP Jateng. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif kuantitatif. Pengembangan sistemnya berdasarkan langkah-langkah FAST (Framework for the application of systems techniques). Desain penelitian ini adalah one group pre test post test. Subyek penelitian adalah Kalakhar dan Wakalakhar BNP Jateng, Ketua dan Wakil Sekretariat BNP, Koordinator Satgas dan Satgas BNP, Petugas sistem informasi dan anggota BNP lainnya. Variabel penelitian ini adalah relevansi, keakuratan, ketepatan waktu, kelengkapan dan kemudahan akses. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode content analysis, analisis deskriftik dan analisis analitik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sistem informasi P4GN saat ini belum menghasilkan informasi yang relevan, akurat, tepat waktu, lengkap dan mudah diakses. Sistem informasi P4GN yang dikembangkan dapat menghasilkan informasi P4GN yang lebih baik sehingga dapat mendukung koordinasi P4GN di BNP Jateng. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai rata-rata tertimbang kriteria relevansi (sistem lama 2,83 dan sistem baru 3,39). Kriteria keakuratan (sistem lama 2,27 dan sistem baru 3,47). Kriteria ketepatan waktu (sistem lama 2,67 dan sistem baru 3,25).Kriteria kelengkapan (sistem lama 2,50 dan sistem baru 2,93). Kriteria kemudahan akses (sistem lama 2,63 dan sistem baru 3,47).Hasil rata-rata tertimbang keseluruhan system lama 2,58 dan system baru 3,756. Hasil uji statistic system baru terhadap system lama 0,0005 (p<0,05) artinya ada perbedaan kualitas informasi sebelum pengembangan sistem dan setelah pengembangan sistem. Kesimpulannya sistem informasi baru lebih baik dari sistem informasi P4GN lama. The Narcotics Body of Central Java Province which has a main task as a coordinator of the Program of Prevention, Eradication of Abuse and Illegal Distribution of Narcotics needs information system based on web in performing the task. Information System of the program based on Web is one of data processing that results information of the Program of Prevention, Eradication of Abuse and Illegal Distribution of Narcotics for the Narcotics Body to make a decision. Based on a previous study, coordination of the program had not been conducted optimally. It was accounted for information system of the program at the Narcotics Body had not resulted information which was relevant, accurate, timely, complete, and easy to access. Aim of this research was to result information of the Program of Prevention, Eradication of Abuse and Illegal Distribution of Narcotics to support coordination at The Narcotics Body of Central Java Province. This was qualitative-quantitative research. Development of the system was performed based on steps of FAST (Framework for the Application of System Techniques). Research design used one group pretest-posttest. Subjects were Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Daily Officer, Chairman and Vice- Chairman of The Narcotics Body of Central Java Province, Coordinator and Staffs of The Narcotics Body Task Force, Officer of information system, and other staffs of The Narcotics Body. Variables of research consisted of relevancy, accurateness, timeliness, completeness, and easiness to access. Data were analyzed using the method of Content Analysis, Descriptive Analysis, and Statistical Analysis. Current information system of the program has not resulted information which is relevant, accurate, timely, complete, and easy to access. The new system could support coordination of the program at the Narcotics Body of Central Java Province. Considered average for criteria of relevancy is 2.83 (old system) and 3.39 (new system), criteria of accurateness is 2.27 (old system) and 3.47 (new system), criteria of timeliness is 2.67 (old system) and 3.25 (new system), criteria of completeness is 2.50 (old system) and 2.93 (new system), and criteria of easiness to access is 2.63 (old system) and 3.47 (new system). Overall, considered average for the old system is 2.58 and 3.76 for the new system. There is any significant differences in terms of the quality between the old and the new system (p=0.005). It means that the new system is better than the old system.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 17614 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 27 Jul 2010 08:34 |
Last Modified: | 27 Dec 2010 10:18 |
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