HERMAWAN, HERRY (2007) PRAKTEK PENGIKATAN JUAL-BELI TANAH DAN BANGUNAN DI KOTA JAKARTA TIMUR. Masters thesis, program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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Jual beli adalah perbuatan hukum yang sangat dimintai saat ini khususnya jual beli tanah dan bangunan di Kota Jakarta Timur, karena jual beli terjadi berdasarkan perjanjian yang artinya dimana penjual berjanji untuk menyerahkan barang dan pembeli berjanji untuk membayar harga barang dengan jumlah yang telah disepakati. Unsur-unsur pokok perjanjian jual beli adalah barang dan harga, dimana perjanjian jual beli itu sudah dilihatkan pada detik tercapainya sepakat mengenai barang dan harga, jika kedua belah pihak telah setuju tentang barang dan harga maka lahirlah perjanjian jual beli yang sah. Karena jual beli berdasarkan pada hukum perjanjian maka di dalam melakukan hubungan hukum para pihak harus memperhatikan syarat-syarat sahnya perjanjian, yaitu : sepakat, cakap, hal tertentu dan causa/sebab yang halal. Untuk jual beli dengan objek tanah, setelah berlakunya Undang-undang Pokok Agraria (UUPA) harus dibuat dengan akta otentik dan harus dilakukan di hadapan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT), namun dalam kenyataannya di masyarakat banyak ditemukan jual beli dengan objek tanah tidak dilakukan jual beli tanah di hadapan PPAT dan bagaimana dengan kewajiban-kewajiban para pihak yang harus dipenuhi dalam jual beli tanah. Untuk menunjang penulisan ini, penulis menggunakan penelitian hukum normative dan mengambil data dari berbagai sumber yang ada hubungannya dengan masalah yang dibahas. Adapun metode yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data dan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan digunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dan metode penelitian lapangan. In the Statute Book (Staatblaad) 1917 number 129 is stated that, “adoption on female child and female child and adoption by other ways, instead of Notary Certificate, is illegal”. But the jurisprudence, the decision of the Extraordinary First Instance Court in Jakarta dated October 17, 1963 number 917/1963 the decision of the Extraordinary First Instance Court in Jakarta dated 17, 1963 number 588 states that, “children adoption in Tiong Hoa community in Indonesia is not limited anymore on male child adoption, but it is allowed for adoption on female child”. This, as stated in SEMA number 2, 1979 jo. Number 6, 1983, related with the jurisprudence on female child adoption. Regarding with the Statute Book (Staatblaad), the jurisprudence and the SEMA, the writer was interested in conducting a research about the adoption practice of Tiong Hoa children in Tegal City, the Province of Central Java. The purpose of this research was to know how the practice of children adoption in the legal custom of Tiong Hoa community in Tegal city, how the legal cause of female child adoption and how the conflict settlement process in children adoption applied by Tiong Hoa community in Tegal City, Central Java. The approach method applied by the writer in this research was juridical empire method; by the sampling method of non-random sampling or nonprobability sampling and the purposive sampling type. As the samples of this research were 9 (nine) families of Tiong Hoa community in Tegal City, who ever did the practice of children adoption. Based on the research on the spot, from 9 (nine) respondent who did children adoption, there were 4 (four) respondents did female child adoption and the other respondents did male child adoption and 8 of 9 respondents did the adoption by the custom ceremony of tea drinking and 1 respondent did the adoption without the custom ceremony of tea drinking, notary certificate, and first instance court. So, there was no respondents did the children adoption by notary certificate or the proposal/ the legalization through first instance court. The position of female adopted child is equal to male adopted child. Therefore, the female child adoption is allowed. When there was a conflict due to children adoption, do Tiong Hoa community settled it by consensus in a family atmosphere. From the research result, can be concluded that children adoption is considered to be legal if it is conducted by the custom ceremony of tea drinking. The legal cause of female child adoption in Tiong Hoa Custom Law in Tegal City is legal so that female adopted child has care rights, even the same inheritance as own children as long as it is not determined differently by the both family sides related with children adoption. The conflict settlement due to children adoption is bay consensus in a family atmosphere.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Notary
ID Code:17596
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:27 Jul 2010 08:20
Last Modified:27 Jul 2010 08:20

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