PANGESTI, TYAS (2009) PEMBATALAN HIBAH DAN AKIBAT HUKUMNYA (STUDI KASUS PERKARA NOMOR 20/PDT.G/1996/PN.Pt). Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Grant is giving done by someone to other party done when above the ground and its the execution is done when granter above the ground. Grant in law it doesn't matter basically irrevocable, but if fulfilling certain conditions of annihilable grant. This research was aimed to find out if verdict on the cassation of grant at Pati District Court in case Number 20/ PDT.G/1996/PN.Pt, concerning on the cassation of grant, had or had not appropriated with the legal law and to find out its law consequences toward the grant which was implored for cassation in case Number 20/ PDT.G/1996/PN.Pt about the cassation of grant. The approach used in this research was normative law approach, with analytic descriptive research specification. The data used were the secondary data. Technique of collecting data in this research was by studying document or literary material and field study or interview. The data analysis was using qualitative data analysis. Based on this research, there were some results gained: First, the judges who took the verdict on the cassation of grant in case Number 20/ PDT.G/1996/PN.Pt legal fundament ceremony of judge decides cancellation of donation because ineligible donation receiver as donation receiver. Second, the law consequences of the cassation of grant which had already had legal jurisdiction were persistent, so the object of conflict – in this case the land – would be given back to those who gave the grant as well as his rights. Implication of this law writing was expected to help and give input and additional knowledge for sides associated with the case examined, so that there would be no more unsure about any law aspect concerned with this, especially Indonesian positive law. This writing was also hopefully useful for other researchers that concern in the same study. In giving a grant, it should be fulfilling the legal norms in society, i.e. appropriateness norms, religion norms and morality norms, so that it would minimize the possibility of cassation of grant, because of bad behaviors of the grant’s receiver after having the grant. Hibah adalah pemberian yang dilakukan oleh seseorang kepada pihak lain yang dilakukan ketika masih hidup dan pelaksanaannya dilakukan pada waktu penghibah masih hidup. Hibah dalam hukum manapun pada dasarnya tidak dapat dibatalkan, tetapi apabila memenuhi syarat-syarat tertentu hibah dapat dibatalkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa putusan pembatalan hibah di pengadilan Negeri Pati dalam perkara Nomor 20/Pdt.G/1996/PN.Pt tentang pembatalan hibah telah sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku atau tidak sesuai dan untuk mengetahui akibat hukum terhadap harta hibah yang dimohonkan pembatalan dalam perkara Nomor 20/Pdt.G/1996/PN.Pt tentang pembatalan hibah. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan hukum normatif dengan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis. Jenis data yang dipergunakan adalah data sekunder. Teknik mengumpulkan data yang dipergunakan yaitu melalui studi dokumen atau bahan pustaka dan studi lapangan atau wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diperoleh hasil: Pertama, pembatalan hibah dengan nomor perkara 20/Pdt.G/1996/PN.Pt, dasar hukum majelis hakim memutuskan pembatalan hibah karena penerima hibah tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai penerima hibah. Kedua, akibat hukum atas putusan pembatalan hibah yaitu berupa tanah kembali kepada pemberi hibah beserta hak – haknya. Implikasi penulisan hukum ini adalah diharapkan dapat membantu dan memberi masukan serta tambahan pengetahuan bagi para pihak yang terkait dengan masalah yang diteliti sehingga tidak ada keraguan lagi mengenai aspek hukumnya, terutama hukum positif Indonesia dan berguna bagi para pihak yang berminat pada masalah yang sama. Dalam pelaksanaan pemberian suatu hibah seharusnya memenuhi norma – norma yang berlaku, yaitu norma kepatutan, norma agama dan norma kesusilaan. Sehingga mempersempit kemungkinan terjadinya pembatalan hibah karena perilaku buruk penerima hibah setelah mendapatkan harta hibah.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Notary |
ID Code: | 17564 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 27 Jul 2010 07:28 |
Last Modified: | 27 Jul 2010 07:28 |
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