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The research entitled “ The Prudent of criminal Law in overcoming The criminal Acts of Illegal Logging” is taken by situation in which the forest are not only known as the important natural resources offering timbers, but also one of ecosystem components. The forest sphere is open natural resources that might people getting in to access for exploring the forest and the use the advantages of forest. At a stretch by the spirit of reformation, the cutting down timbers and managing forests by breaking the laws, known as illegal logging revealed that it was the reason why forest destruction has been lasting up to now. These issues drive to worse condition such as the harming of balancing ecosystem, the flood that ruins the settlements, the erosion, and the dysfunction of the role of forest as the equilibrium. The recent illegal logging activity is turning up as if it is a legal one, so transparent, and there are many personals get involved. In overcoming such criminal acts, the institutions who are in charge of (either the police investigating or the PPn investigating, the office of a public prosecution and the Judges) has issued the penal code no 19 of 2004 to abolish the old one no. 41 of 1999. Both were the Law Instruments reigned the forestations. In the efforts of overcoming the criminal law established by the legislative in particular. It derives to how formulating an activity considering breaking of forestation laws, in what such conditions the suspected should be taken as a criminal and the kinds of punishment. It should be of course, in line with its implementations by the areas of the Judicative authorities. In the research, it will be drawn and formulated the statement problems such as (1) How the prudent of criminal acts is formulated and the current implementation of how to lay down the law for the sentenced persons ? (2) How is the formulation and the future current implementation ? Based on the background of the problems, the research conducted some aims such as follow : (1) Acquainting and explaining the formulated prudent of criminal acts of illegal logging and its current implementations, (2) Providing the contributions to the Legislative in formulating the Laws dealing with the illegal logging overcoming in the future. The target of the research was addressed to the prudent problems in implementing and formulating the criminal acts of illegal logging and how to sentence the convictions. The approach used in this research was judicial norm supported by a case study in District crt of Blora, Purwodadi and Bojonegoro. The results revealed that : 1. The formulated prudent of criminal acts of illegal logging and its current implementations. a. The forestation criminal acts of illegal logging and formulated in chapter 50 and 78 the penal code No. 41 of 1999. Its definition however, by all means of it is not limitative formulated. The result was that there were many lawyers interpreted by their own meanings. b. The subjects of the forestation criminal acts dealing with the penal code no 41 of 1999 are that, they, who involve personally, corporations and/or organizations, are stated in single chapter. It does not treat in different ways in personal or corporations matter. It meant that corporations should take the similar condemned as what personal should be. c. Of punishments are cumulatively. The primer sentenced is sentenced to imprisonment and fined ; another sentenced was a kind of confiscated goods and/or its devices used crimes, some compensation and some calisthenics punishment to the corporations. d. The fine has no completed particular regulations yet for the sentenced corporations. The application of the prudent of criminal acts of illegal logging and its current implementing seemed that it does not run well with the justice and established aspects. It obtained in several illegal logging cases which occurred in the authority of the District Court Of Blora, Purwodadi and Bojonegoro. 2. The formulated prudent of criminal acts of illegal logging and its current implementations for the future. a. The definition of the criminal acts in the forest frame. b. The subject of the criminal acts in the forest frame (personally, corporations and public servant) were formulated in the chapters comprehensively. c. Instead of stiffness, the sentenced should abstain some alternatives or cumulative-alternatives way Penelitian dengan judul “ Kebijakan Hukum Pidana dalam Menanggulangi Tindak Pidana Illegal Logging” dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif yang dilengkapi dengan studi kasus, hal ini dimaksudkan untuk 1. mengetahui dan menganalisis kebijakan formulasi tindak pidana illegal logging dan penerapan sanksinya yang berlaku sekarang 2) memberikan kontribusi sumbangan pemikiran kepada badan legislatif dalam merumuskan undang-undang khususnya dalam permasalahan illegal logging dan penerapan sanksi tindak pidana dimasa yang akan datang. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1. Formulasi Tindak Pidana illegal logging dan penerapan sanksinya yang berlaku sekarang. - Tindak pidana dibidang kehutanan diatur dan dirumuskan dalam pasal 50 dan pasal 78 Undang-undang No.41 tahun 1999, namun mengenai definisi yang dimaksudkan dengan illegal logging tidak dirumuskan secara limitatif sehingga banyak para praktisi hukum yang menafsirkan illegal logging sendiri-sendiri. - Subyek hukum illegal logging menurut UU No. 41 Tahun 1999 adalah orang dalam pengertian baik pribadi, badan hukum maupun badan usaha, diatur dalam satu pasal yang sama tidak dibedakan pasal mengenai pribadi atau korporasi sehingga korporasi dikenakan ancaman sanksi yang sama dengan pribadi. Tentang pejabat yang mempunyai kewenangan dalam bidang kehutanan yang berpotensi meningkatkan intensitas kejahatan illegal logging. Belum terakomodasi dalam undang-undang ini oleh karena itu, hal tersebut menjadi celah hukum yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pelaku yang tidak diatur secara tegas dalam undang-undang tersebut untuk lolos dari tuntutan hukum. - Ancaman pidana yang dikenakan adalah sanksi pidana bersifat kumulatif, pidana pokok yakni penjara dan denda, pidana tambahan berupa perampasan hasil kejahatan dan atau alat-alat untuk melakukan kejahatan, ganti rugi serta sanksi tata tertib. - Pidana denda untuk korporasi belum dilengkapi dengan aturan khusus. Kebijakan aplikasi formulasi tindak pidana illegal logging dan penerapan sanksi dirasakan tidak memenuhi aspek kepastian dan keadilan. Hal ini terjadi dalam berbagai kasus illegal logging yang terjadi di wilayah hukum Pengadilan Negeri Blora, Purwodadi dan Bojonegoro ; 2. Kebijakan formulasi tindak pidana illegal logging yang akan datang diharapkan memuat secara jelas dan lengkap mengenai 1. Definisi Illegal Logging 2. Subyek Hukum tindak pidana Illegal Logging (pribadi dan badan hukum atau badan usaha atau korporasi danpegawai negeri dirumuskan dalam pasal-pasal yang komprehensif 3. Sanksi Pidana, hendaknya dirumuskan tidak secara kaku kumulatif, namun lebih fleksibel dengan perumusan alternatif atau kumulatif-alternatif.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law |
ID Code: | 17562 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 27 Jul 2010 07:23 |
Last Modified: | 27 Jul 2010 07:23 |
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