SUCIPTO, EDY (2007) HUBUNGAN PEMAPARAN PARTIKEL DEBU PADA PENGOLAHAN BATU KAPUR TERHADAP PENURUNAN KAPASITAS FUNGSI PARU (Studi Kasus di Desa Karangdawa, Kecamatan Margasari, Kabupaten Tegal) (The Relationship Between Dust Particle Exposure of Limestone Processing Industry and The Decrease of Palmorary Function Capacity ( A Case Study in Karangdawa Village, Margasari District, Tegal Regency). Masters thesis, program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Pengolahan batu gamping/kapur (limestone) di Desa Karangdawa mempunyai dampak yang positif dan negatif kepada masyarakat dan lingkungannya. Di satu pihak akan memberikan keuntungan berupa memberikan lapangan pekerjaan, mempermudah komunikasi dan transportasi serta akhirnya meningkatkan ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat. Di pihak lain dapat timbul dampak negatif karena paparan partikel debu yang terjadi pada proses pengolahan batu kapur tersebut. Dari pemeriksaan oleh Kantor Pedalda Kabupaten Tegal tahun 2004 hasil pengukuran Total Partikel Debu (TSP) di daerah pemukiman sekitar pembakaran kapur di Desa Karangdawa rata-ratanya sebesar 893,25 µgr/m3 melebihi ambang batas baku mutu sesuai Kep. Gubernur Jawa Tengah No.8 Tahun 2001 yaitu 230 µgr/m3. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat pemaparan partikel debu, tingkat penurunan kapasitas fungsi paru dan hubungan pemaparan partikel debu pada pengolahan batu kapur terhadap penurunan kapasitas fungsi paru. Tipe penelitian ini adalah penelitian penjelasan (explanatory research), Metode pendekatan adalah Cross Sectional. Populasinya adalah pekerja, pemilik dan masyarakat disekitar pengolahan batu kapur, pengambilan sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling, jumlah sampel sebanyak 84 orang, analisis yang digunakan bivariate dengan uji Chi-Square dan Analisis multivariate dengan uji statistik Discriminant Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : Rata-rata TSP sebesar 1.167 µgr/m3 telah melebihi ambang batas. Berdasarkan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan nilai α = 5%, ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pemaparan partikel debu (letak tobong) dengan penurunan kapasitas fungsi paru. Sedangkan fungsi diskriminannya Z Score = (-5,589) + (-3,936 Letak tobong) menunjukkan setiap ada satu tobong letaknya tidak terpisah dengan pemukiman penduduk dapat menurunkan kapasitas fungsi paru sekitar 4 orang (pekerja, pemilik dan penduduk). Untuk itu disarankan membuat filter udara pada cerobong untuk menangkap abu maupun partikel debu, sehingga udara yang keluar dari cerobong asap telah lebih bersih. Limestone processing in Karangdawa village have positive and negative impact to the environment and society. It many give advantage in the form of giving work field, improve transportation and communications and also finally improve social and economics community. At others earn to arise negative impact because incured mote that happened at the limestone processing process. From inspection by Office Pedalda Tegal Regency of year 2004 Total Suspended Particulate ( TSP) in settlement area about combustion calcify in Karangdawa Village flatten of equal to 893,25 µgr/m3 exceed standart at quality of according to Decree Governor of Central Java No.8 Year 2001 that is 230 µgr/m3. This research was determine to the exposure level of dust particle, the Lung Capacity and Relationship between particle exposure and the decrease of pulmonary function Limestone Processing of the Lung Capacity. Type of this Research is explanatory research, method of Approach was Cross Sectional. Population is worker, owner and socialize around the limestone processing, intake of Sample with technique of purposive sampling, sum up sample as much 84 people, with analysis of bivariate used by test of Chi-Square and Analysis multivariate used by a statistical test of Discriminant Analysis. Result from this research was : Mean of TSP is equal to 1.167 µgr/m3 have exceeded boundary sill. Pursuant to statistical test with value = 5%, there is relation having a meaning of among dust particle ( situation tobong) with Decreasing of the Pulmonary Capacity. While discriminant function ZScore = (- 5,589) + (- 3,936 Situation tobong) showing each every there is one tobong situation not apart with resident settlement can Decreasing of the Pulmonary Capacity about 4 people ( worker, resident and owner). Suggestion which can be submitted to make filter air at flue to catch ash and also mote, so that the secretory air from smokestack have filter.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Environmental Science |
ID Code: | 17469 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 26 Jul 2010 07:44 |
Last Modified: | 26 Jul 2010 07:44 |
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