Sumardiyono, Eko (2007) EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DALAM PEROLEHAN PROPER HIJAU (Studi Kasus di PT. Pupuk Kaltim Bontang). Masters thesis, program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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Pembangunan, selain membawa dampak positif juga membawa banyak bencana bagi lingkungan hidup karena lingkungan dianggap sebagai obyek yang berkonotasi komoditi dan terus dieksploitasi tanpa memperhitungkan daya dukung lingkungan. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan keseimbangan lingkungan adalah melalui Program Peringkat Lingkungan (PROPER). Dalam penilaian untuk PROPER Hijau dan Emas, tiga aspek yang dinilai adalah penerapan Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan, Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya serta Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (community development). Perusahaan yang mengedepankan community development lebih menekankan pembangunan sosial dan pembangunan kapasitas masyarakat dengan menggali potensi masyarakat lokal yang menjadi modal sosial perusahaan untuk maju dan berkembang. Program community development yang dilaksanakan PT. Pupuk Kaltim perlu dievaluasi dengan adanya suara sumbang dari sebagian stakeholder dan masyarakat. Untuk itu perlu diadakan penelitian di Kelurahan Loktuan sebagai daerah yang terkena dampak langsung dengan beroperasinya PT. Pupuk Kaltim. Program community development yang diambil sampelnya untuk penelitian adalah pembuatan pasar Citramas, pembuatan sumur dalam, pembangunan gereja Immanuel, dan pembuatan rumah baca. Tipe penelitian adalah deskriptif. Data primer yang diperoleh adalah dari hasil wawancara dan kuesioner kepada 29 stakeholders yang berusia di atas 40 tahun dan telah berada di Loktuan lebih dari 25 tahun, dengan pertimbangan mereka sudah lama mengenal PT. Pupuk Kaltim dan mengetahui perjalanan sejarah berdirinya perusahaan tersebut. Mata pencaharian responden adalah di sektor informal karena mereka sebagai penerima langsung manfaat program community development dari PT. Pupuk Kaltim Analisis community development PT. Pupuk Kaltim mempergunakan prinsipprinsip community development yang memiliki tiga karakter utama yaitu berbasis masyarakat (community based), berbasis sumber daya setempat (local resource based), dan berkelanjutan (sustainable). Usulan perbaikan pelaksanaan program community development PT. Pupuk Kaltim dibuat melalui analisis SWOT. Usulan perencanaan untuk community development di masa yang akan datang melalui kajian landasan teori dengan pendekatan 7 langkah perencanaan (the seven magic steps of planning) dan usulan strategis Development has positive impact, but also has brought many disasters to environment and humanity since environment is still considered mainly as an object. Therefore environment is heavily exploited without considering its carrying capacity. One program in promoting sustainable development is Business Performance Rating Program (PROPER). There are three aspects for Golden and Green PROPER assessment, covers Environmental Management System, the Use of Natural Resource, and Community Development. Company that prioritizes community development concept focuses more on social development and societal capacity building by making use of local potencies as the company’s social assets to grow and develop. Community development program implemented by PT Pupuk Kaltim needs to be evaluated since there are some negative perception among some stakeholders and the local community. Therefore, this research is held at Kelurahan Loktuan as one of the impacted areas of PT Pupuk Kaltim operation. Community development programs which were taken as samples are the development of Citramas market, deep well, Immanuel church, and reading-house. Type of the research is descriptive. Primary data was yielded through interview and questionaire to 29 stakeholders aged more than 40 years and have been living in Loktuan for more than 25 years, based on a consideration that they have been knowing PT Pupuk Kaltim’s operation well enough and witness the history of the company. The respondent’s jobs are in informal sector, since they are direct beneficiaries of PT. Pupuk Kaltim’s community development programs. Analysis on PT. Pupuk Kaltim’s community development made use the three main characteristics of community development programs, namely: community based, local resource based, and sustainabality. Suggestions for the improvement of PT. Pupuk Kaltim’s community development programs are made through SWOT analysis. Planning for future community development of the company is proposed by applying seven magic steps of planning and strategic proposal.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Environmental Science
ID Code:17349
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:23 Jul 2010 08:54
Last Modified:23 Jul 2010 08:54

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