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Surat Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan No. 1013/Menkes/SK/IX/2001 tanggal 27 – 9 – 2001 memutuskan antara lain bahwa pelayanan obat bagi peserta Askes diberikan sesuai dengan jenis dan harga obat yang diterbikan oleh PT (Persero) Assuransi Kesehatan Indonesia yang tercantum dalam buku Daftar Plafon Harga Obat (DPHO). Resep obat ditulis oleh dokter pemberi pelayanan kesehatan RSU RA Kartini. Data sekunder RSU RA Kartini (2004) mengatakan 373 pasien Askes (31,77%) merasa tidak puas terhadap pelayanan pengobatan oleh dokter ,sebab dokter telah menulis resep obat bukan DPHO (Non DPHO), sehingga peserta Askes perlu membayar obat/iur biaya. Walaupun prosedur pelayanan penulisan resep telah disosialisasikan, faktor pemahaman mempengaruhi persepsi dokter dan dengan motivasi akan menentukan sikap sebagai karakteristik dokter untuk memutuskan jenis obat yang ditulis pada resep.Karakteristik sikap dokter dalam memutuskan dan menuliskan resep obat sebagai tujuan dari penelitian. Dipilh sebagai sasaran penelitian,kasus pasca bedah gawat perut karena jumlah pasien terbanyak untuk RSU RA Kartini (tahun 2003;2004), jenis obat hanya analgetika dan antibiotika dengan diagnosa dan tindakan jelas. Penelitian melalui metode survey, bersikap diskriptif analitik dengan cara belah lintang. Unit analisis adalah sikap dokter penulis resep,sedang populasi dokter yang membedah perut dan menulis resep bagi pasien pasca bedah gawat perut dengan 20 responden (total populasi). Dokter yang patuh menulis resep DPHO sebanyak 9 orang (41,52%) yang percaya terhadap kemanjuran obat DPHO hanya 2 (10%),dokter lain percaya terhadap kemanjuran obat Non DPHO.Sebagian besar 19 dokter (95%) menyetujui pemberian bonus sponsor. Sedang perhatian terhadap kemampuan pasien Askes untuk membayar obat/iur biaya, 12 (60%). Sebanyak 17 dokter (85%) setuju bila pasien memilih obat yang ditawarkan. Namun uji statistik Chi-Square membutikan tidak ada hubungan bermakna antar variabel. Dengan demikian dalam memilih dan menulis resep obat, dokter masih dalam rambu-rambu WHO (1997) serta Kode Etik Kedokteran. Disarankan butuh peninjauan kembali kebijakan pengelolaan obat DPHO oleh PT (Persero) Assuransi Kesehatan Indonesia. The Decree of Minister of Health No. 1013/MenKes/SK/IX/2001 date 27-09-2001 decided the medicine for the Health Insurance member that was given in accordance with type and price of a medicine published by the Indonesia Health Insurance company and Included in a book of the List of the Medicine Price Ceiling. A prescription was written by a doctor who gave a service at RA Kartini Hospital. Based on the secondary data from RA Kartini Hospital in 2004, 373 patients of the Health Insurance ( 31,77 % ) were not satisfied to the service of medication by a doctor because the prescription was not appropriate with the List of the Medicine Price Ceiling. A procedure of writing a prescription had been socialized but the understanding factor of a doctor influenced a motivation to determine a type of a medicine. Samples were patiens of post-stomach surgery. Types of medicines were analgesic and antibiotic. This was survey method using descriptive analytic and croos sectional approach. Unit of analysis was an attitude of doctor who wrote a prescription. Number of samples was 20 doctors who surged a stomach and wrote a prescription for the patient of post-stomach surgery. Number of doctors who doctors who write prescription in accordance with the List of the Medicine Prince Ceiling are nine persons ( 41,52% ). Number of doctors who believe to the efficacy of medicine in accordance with the List of the Medicine Price Ceiling are two persons ( 10 % ). Number of doctors who agree with giving a bonus of sponsorship are 19 person ( 95 % ). Percetantage of patient's capability to buy medicines is 60 %. Number of doctors who agree if patients choose the offered medicine are 17 persons ( 85% ). Statistically, there is no significant relationship among variables. Therefore, in choosing and in writing a prescription, a doctor has to follow the rule of WHO ( 1997 ) and the Medical Ethic Code. The Indonesia Health Assurance Company should re-evaluate a policy of management for medicines in accordance with the list of the Medicine Price Ceiling.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 17207 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 22 Jul 2010 08:39 |
Last Modified: | 27 Dec 2010 13:41 |
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