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The development of catching fishery cannot be separated from the role of the stake holders and availability “fish landing place” facilities. The “fish landing place” will function effectively if the condition of existing facilities meets or exceeds the conformity of its needs and it has an ability to attract fishing boats to sale their catch at the “fish landing place”. The research has objectives of studying the supporting capability of several existing facilities as primary facilities, functional facilities and supporting facilities. As soon as formulating its development strategy. The used method is by using the descriptive method; the data collected consist of primary and secondary data. Primary data are collected through observation, measurement, and direct structured interviews aimed to the respondents that have been previously determined, meanwhile, secondary data are obtained from the involved governmental and private institutions. The secondary data collection process is limited only in the period of 2003-2007. The parameter of the aspects of the fish landing place are analyzed by using the formula of “Fishery Harbour and Fish Landing Place Operational Facility Standardization”, the development of fishery is analyzed by using the descriptive analysis, meanwhile, to determine the development strategy, it uses SWOT analysis. From the research results, it can be found that the necessity of primary facilities, such as, the length of the pier is 168,62 m, meanwhile, the existing pier measures 174 m; the dock area is 11.076,25 m², however, the existing dock area is as much as 8.700 m². The average depth of water ways, measured at the low of water surface (LWS) at the estuary area is 2,01m, dock is 2,46 m, and berthing area is 2,65 m. From the measurement, the average width of water ways is 40 m, meanwhile, the requirement for boat traffic (two way traffic) is only 34,02 m. Meanwhile, the minimum depth standard for the estuary area for small-sized boats is 1,59 m, medium-sized boats is 2,63 m, and large-sized boats is 3,46 m. For the dock area, small-sized boats is at least 1,49 m, medium-sized boats is 2,53 m, and large-sized boats is 3,36 m. For the berthing area, the minimum depth for small-sized boats is 1,39 m, medium- sized boats is 2,43 m, and large-sized boats is 3,26 m. The functional and supporting facilities have been quite adequate. The SWOT analysis shows that the development strategy uses the Strength-Opportunity (SO) strategy. The concluded of research, was showed the depth of water ways at the estuary (ZI), thus, its depth should fulfill the minimum requirements for all sizes of over-loaded boats. If the minimum depth has not been fulfilled yet, therefore, the boats should wait for the rise of water surface (high tide) until it reaches the edequate limit or the rehabilitation of existing facilities should be conducted. The development strategy uses strength to utilize opportunity, suited to the conditions and participation level of the stakeholders. Perkembangan perikanan tangkap tidak bisa lepas dari peran para stakeholders dan tersedianya fasilitas Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan. Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan akan berfungsi efektif apabila keadaan fasilitas yang ada sesuai atau melebihi kesesuaian dengan kebutuhannya, dan mempunyai kemampuan untuk menarik kapal-kapal penangkap ikan untuk melelangkan hasil tangkapannya di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji daya dukung Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Klidang Lor, ditinjau dari fasilitas pokok, fungsional dan penunjang serta merumuskan strategi pengembangannya. Metoda yang dipergunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan didukung oleh data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi, pengukuran dan survei; sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari instansi pemerintah maupun swasta yang terkait. Pengambilan data sekunder dibatasi dari periode tahun 2003 – 2007. Parameter aspek pelabuhan dianalisa dengan menggunakan rumus “Standarisasi Fasilitas Operasionil Pelabuhan Perikanan dan Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan”, sedangkan untuk menentukan strategi pengembangannya menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fasilitas pokok, seperti : Panjang dermaga hasil pengukuran 174 m, sedangkan yang dibutuhkan (hasil perhitungan) 168,62 m. Kolam pelabuhan hasil pengukuran seluas 8.700 m², sedangkan yang dibutuhkan seluas 11.076,25 m2. Hasil pengukuran kedalaman alur pelayaran di daerah muara (ZI) ratarata 2,01 m, kolam pelabuhan (Z2) 2,46 m dan daerah tambat labuh (Z3) 2,65 m. Standar minimal kedalaman (hasil perhitungan) di daerah muara (ZI) bagi kapal ukuran kecil 1,59 m, sedang 2,63 m dan besar 3,46 m; daerah kolam pelabuhan (Z2) untuk kapal ukuran kecil 1,49 m, sedang 2,53 m dan besar 3,36 m; daerah tambat labuh (Z3) untuk kapal ukuran kecil 1,39 m, sedang 2,43 m dan besar 3,26 m. Lebar alur pelayaran hasil pengukuran rata-rata 40 m, sedangkan hasil perhitungan untuk kebutuhan lalu lintas kapal (two way traffic) 34,02m. Fasilitas fungsional dan penunjang rata-rata sudah cukup memadai. Dari hasil Analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa strategi pengembangan PPI Klidang Lor menggunakan strategi Strength- Opportunity (SO). Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan, untuk daerah muara (ZI) kedalaman alur pelayaran masih kurang, terutama bagi kapal ukuran sedang dan besar pada kondisi muatan penuh (overload) sehingga harus menunggu adanya kenaikan muka air (pasang) sampai batas yang mencukupi untuk ber aktifitas, pada saat keluar maupun masuk ke Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan. Strategi pengembangan menggunakan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang (Strategi SO), yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi dan tingkat partisipasi dari para stakeholders.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:S Agriculture > SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Coastal Resource Management
ID Code:16717
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:14 Jul 2010 12:17
Last Modified:14 Jul 2010 12:17

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