Khoiri, Abu (2008) PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI POSYANDU GUNA MENDUKUNG SURVEILANS KESEHATAN IBU & ANAK BERBASIS MASYARAKAT PADA DESA SIAGA (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Manisrejo Kecamatan Taman Kota Madiun Provinsi Jawa Timur). Masters thesis, program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Salah satu kegiatan Desa Siaga adalah surveilans kesehatan berbasis masyarakat, diantaranya adalah surveilans kesehatan ibu dan anak melalui kegiatan Posyandu. Surveilans kesehatan ibu dan anak dilakukan oleh kader Posyandu dengan melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan menggunakan instrumen Sistem Informasi Posyandu (SIP). Informasi yang dihasilkan SIP antara lain hasil timbang, status gizi anak, imunisasi, tingkat risiko ibu hamil, imunisasi TT, daftar ibu dan anak yang hidup dan mati, serta presensi petugas pada saat layanan Posyandu. Berdasarkan survei pendahuluan, informasi yang dihasilkan SIP sebelum dikembangkan sulit diakses kembali, serta belum menghasilkan informasi yang lengkap, akurat, dan jelas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan Sistem Informasi Posyandu guna mendukung surveilans kesehatan ibu dan anak berbasis masyarakat pada Desa Siaga. Desain penelitian menggunakan pre eksperimental (One Group pretest-posttest). Pengembangan sistem dilakukan berdasarkan tahapan FAST. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari end user (kader Posyandu, Pokja IV TP PKK, bidan wilayah, petugas gizi Puskesmas) dan supporting end user (Kepala Kelurahan dan Ketua Desa Siaga). Analisis data dengan cara analisis isi (untuk data kualitatif) dan rata-rata tertimbang nilai hasil evaluasi kualitas informasi antara sebelum dan sesudah pengembangan sistem (untuk data kuantitatif). Sistem dikembangkan dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan data base MySQL. Hasil analisis data secara deskriptif bahwa nilai rata-rata tertimbang hasil uji kualitas informasi sesudah pengembangan sistem (sebesar 3,07) lebih besar dari sebelum pengembangan sistem (sebesar 2,54). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan SIP dapat mengatasi masalah yang berhubungan dengan kualitas informasi, yaitu : aksesibilitas, kelengkapan, keakuratan, dan kejelasan informasi yang dihasilkan SIP. Ada beberapa hal yang menjadi kelemahan sistem, yaitu sistem belum dapat menampilkan informasi D/S tiap bulan (jumlah anak yang hadir saat layanan Posyandu dibagi jumlah seluruh anak di wilayah Posyandu), sistem belum dapat menampilkan balok SKDN, dan sistem belum dapat menampilkan umur anak dibawah satu tahun dalam tahun, bulan, dan hari. One of the Alert Village activities is implementation of surveillance based on community namely surveillance of maternal and child health through activities which are conducted at the Integrated Health Services. Surveillance activities are conducted by a cadre who records and reports using information system of the integrated health services. The resulted information is weight, child’s nutritional status, immunization, risk level of pregnant women, immunization of Tetanus Toxoid, list of mothers and children who are either life or lifeless, and presence of health workers during providing services. Based on the previous study, resulted information was difficult to re-access and had not resulted the complete, accurate, and clear information. The objective of this research was to develop information system of the integrated health services for supporting surveillance of maternal and child health based on community at the alert village. Design of this research was pre-experimental (one group pretestposttest). Development of the system was based on the steps of FAST (Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking). Subjects consisted of both the end users (cadres of the integrated health services, Work Group IV of Family Welfare Education, midwives, and nutritional health workers at Health Centers) and the supporting end users (Head of Village and Chairman of the Alert Village). Data were analyzed using a content analysis (for the qualitative data) and considered average of resulted information between before and after developing the information system (for the quantitative data). The system was developed using the PHP programming software and data base MySQL. The score of the considered average on the new system (3.07) was higher than the score of the considered average on the old system (2.54). It means that the new system could overcome problems related with quality of information namely accessibility, completeness, accurateness, and clarity. The new system had not presented information of D/S for every month (number of children who attend during providing health services divided with number of all children at a work area of the integrated health services). Beside that, the new system had not presented diagram of SKDN and age of children less than one year using units of year, month, and day.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 16093 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 08 Jul 2010 08:19 |
Last Modified: | 27 Dec 2010 09:45 |
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