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In this recent decades, banking sector have been faced to the competition among themselves. In this sharp competition, make the customers does not loyal to one bank because a lot of choice they can make and customers always choose the best and profitable for them. This research has the purpose to analyze the influence of customers satisfaction towards customers loyalty and strategy to achieve competitive advantage in Bank Permata Yogyakarta. The research problem is submitted to know how is the influence of service quality (reliability, assurance, tangible, emphaty and responsiveness) towards customer’s satisfaction and loyalty, the influence of customer’s satisfaction and loyalty towards competitive advantage, and how the influence of product innovation towards competitive advantage. The concept that used is about strategic management, service quality, customer’s loyalty, customer’s satisfaction, strategic customer’s loyalty, and strategy to achieve competitive advantage. Based on this basic is submitted theoretical model with 13 hypothesis to be tested by Structural Equation Model. This research samples are 100 respondents who are Bank Permata’s customers. The analysis result of Structural Equation Model fulfills the criteria of goodness of fit index where chi-square = 204.456, probability = 0.156 (≥ 0.05), RMSEA = 0.047 (≤0.08), GFI = 0.875 (≥0.90), AGFI = 0.994 (≥0.90), TLI = 0.991 (≥0.95), CFI = 0.993 (≥ 0.95). This research result shows that there is significant influence of service quality (reliability, assurance, towards, tangible, emphaty and responsiveness) towards customer’s satisfaction and loyalty. There is significant influence of customer’s satisfaction and loyalty towards competitive advantage, and there is significant influence of product innovation towards competitive advantage. The suggestion from this research are: Bank Permata should increase the service quality (example : increasing the teller’s and Customer Service’s ability, increasing the politeness of teller’s and Customer Service’s, increasing the tangibles such as ATM, condition of parking area, and increasing the access to the Bank Permata) according to the open questionnaire to achieve the customer’s loyalty and customer’s satisfaction. And the product innovation need to be increased through product diversification, such as variation of credit, saving to achieve the competitive advantage. Despite that, the customer’s loyalty and satisfaction need to be increased too through the system and transaction of Bank Permata to achieve competitive advantage. Selama beberapa dekade ini, sektor perbankan telah mengalami perubahan yang sangat drastis dengan ditandai semakin ketatnya persaingan, menurunnya permintaan jasa pada sektor industri perbankan. Pada situasi dengan tingkat persaingan yang ketat tersebut nasabah seringkali tidak mempunyai loyalitas kepada suatu bank karena banyaknya tawaran yang diberikan kepada nasabah dan nasabah akan senantiasa memilih tawaran yang paling menguntungkan baginya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan pelayanan terhadap loyalitas nasabah dan strategi untuk mencapai keunggulan bersaing pada Bank Permata Cabang Yogyakarta. Masalah penelitian diajukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh kualitas pelayanan dari lima dimensi (reliability, assurance, tangible, emphaty, responsiveness) terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah, pengaruh kepuasan dan loyalitas terhadap keunggulan bersaing, serta pengaruh inovasi produk terhadap keunggulan bersaing. Konsep yang digunakan adalah tentang manajemen strategi, kualitas pelayanan, loyalitas pelanggan, kepuasan pelanggan, strategi kepuasan pelanggan, dan strategi untuk mencapai keunggulan bersaing. Atas dasar ini diajukan model teoritis dengan 13 hipotesis untuk diuji dengan metode SEM. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 100 orang responden yang merupakan nasabah Bank Permata Cabang Yogyakarta. Hasil analisis SEM memenuhi kriteria goodness of fit index, dimana nilai chi-square = 204.456, probability = 0.156 (≥ 0.05), RMSEA = 0.08 (≤0.08), GFI = 0.047 (≥0.90), AGFI = 0.994 (≥0.90), TLI = 0.991 (≥0.95), CFI = 0.993 (≥ 0.95). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara kualitas pelayanan dari lima dimensi (reliability, assurance, tangible, emphaty, responsiveness) terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah. Terdapat pengaruh antara kepuasan nasabah dan loyalitas terhadap keunggulan bersaing, serta terdapat pengaruh inovasi produk terhadap keunggulan bersaing pada Bank Permata Cabang Yogyakarta. Saran yang dapat dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain: Bank Permata sebaiknya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanannya (misalnya dengan meningkatkan kemampuan, keramahan dan kesopanan Teller dan Customer Servicenya, meningkatkan kondisi fasilitas yang ada seperti kondisi ATM, area parkir, dan kemudahan menghubungi Bank Permata) menurut hasil kuesioner terbuka untuk mencapai loyalitas dan kepuasan nasabah. Dan juga untuk inovasi produk harus ditingkatkan melalui diversifikasi produk seperti tabungan dan kredit. Selain itu loyalitas dan kepuasan nasabah perlu ditingkan melalui sistem dan transaksi yang ada.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 15958 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 07 Jul 2010 09:20 |
Last Modified: | 07 Jul 2010 09:20 |
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