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Pemanfaatan hutan bertujuan agar seluruh masyarakat memperoleh manfaat bagi kesejahteraannya dengan tetap menjaga kelestarian hutan. Tindak pengrusakan terhadap hutan merupakan indikasi bahwa banyak pihak yang ingin mengambil manfaat dari keberadaan hutan, namun masyarakat sekitar hutan selama ini justru termarginalisasi. Partisipasi masyarakat desa hutan perlu dalam pengelolaan hutan karena masyarakat desa hutan mempunyai pengalaman dan ketrampilan alami untuk melestarikan hutan, meningkatkan kesejahteraan serta meningkatkan akses masyarakat desa hutan terhadap sumberdaya alam atau hutan. Kawasan Hutan Regaloh (luas 1.178,1 hektar) di Kabupaten Pati Propinsi Jawa Tengah, dimanfaatkan oleh Perhutani dengan multi produksi, yaitu lahan tumpangsari, budidaya ulat sutera (Bombyx mori), budidaya lebah madu (Apis mellifera) serta wanawisata yang berupa camping ground atau bumi perkemahan. Pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan selama ini belum dapat berpengaruh bagi perkembangan kawasan sekitarnya. Pertanyaan penelitian yang muncul adalah ‘Apakah kawasan Hutan Regaloh dapat lebih berkembang daripada kondisi yang ada sekarang ini melalui strategi pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan yang tepat terutama dari aspek tumpangsari dan wanawisata ?’. Untuk memperoleh jawaban tersebut dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan merumuskan strategi pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan bersama masyarakat untuk pengembangan kawasan Hutan Regaloh. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dari segi materi yaitu pendekatan keruangan dan pendekatan substansial. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survai. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dan wawancara lisan kepada petani pesanggem, masyarakat non pesanggem terkait dengan aktivitas hutan, ketua LMDH, petugas lapangan dari Perhutani serta pejabat dari instansi terkait. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan deskriptif, sedangkan perumusan strategi menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat kawasan Hutan Regaloh yang umumnya berada pada usia produktif masih miskin. Diversifikasi usaha pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan non tegakan mempunyai prospek yang cukup baik untuk dikembangkan terutama sektor pertanian sub sektor kehutanan yang ditunjukkan dengan kontribusi pendapatan non tegakan hutan (non kayu atau non timber) hampir seimbang dengan kontribusi pendapatan dari tegakan hutan terhadap pendapatan kawasan Hutan Regaloh. Faktor penunjang pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan cukup memadai guna mendukung usaha pengembangan kawasan Hutan Regaloh tetapi petani masih sering kesulitan mendapatkan modal untuk pengadaan input produksi, pemasaran hasil panen masih di tingkat lokal kecamatan, mengingat kuantitas produksinya masih rendah. Pemasaran produk wanawisata (camping ground) juga tergolong kurang karena pengguna jasa (pengunjung) masih sebatas Kabupaten Pati dan sekitarnya. Hasil perumusan strategi pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan dalam upaya pengembangan kawasan Hutan Regaloh. Inti dari strategi itu adalah peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas diversifikasi pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan, mengembangkan produk baru, memperbaiki harga produk dari diversifikasi pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan, perbaikan sistem pengelolaan hutan Regaloh oleh Perhutani, peningkatan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa hutan serta ketegasan hukum atas segala tindak kriminalitas terhadap Hutan Regaloh. Rekomendasi yang dapat disampaikan dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu masyarakat desa hutan (pesanggem dan non pesanggem) harus mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah Kabupaten Pati dan Perhutani dengan cara diberi kemudahan memperoleh modal usaha untuk menambah input produksi sehingga masyarakat desa hutan dapat meningkatkan aktivitas di kawasan hutan bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab serta tidak mengganggu kelestarian hutan. Diversifikasi hasil hutan harus mampu membawa peningkatan kontribusi dari non tegakan (non timber) terhadap pendapatan kawasan Hutan Regaloh, pengadaan pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk peningkatan kualitas sumberdaya manusia di Perhutani KPH Pati. Kualitas jalan, jumlah trayek dan moda angkutan juga perlu ditingkatkan. The exploiting of forest aim to all community getting benefit to their welfare by constant to take care of forest conservation. Criminal act for the forest is representing an indication that many party wish to take benefit of existence of forest, particularly the people around the forest which during the time was exactly marginalized. Participation by forest village community is need in management, because forest village community has experiences and natural skill to preserve the forest, to increase welfare and to enhance access of forest village community for resources. Forest area of Regaloh (broadly is 1,178.1 hectares) in Pati Regency, Central Java Province, was exploited by Perhutani in multi productions, that is tumpangsari farm, silkworm cultivation (Bombyx mori) , honeybee cultivation (Apis mellifera) and also tourism sector which in the form of camping ground or encampment area. The exploiting forest resources during the time had not yet an effect on surrounding growth of area. Question of research which generates is “What is forest area of Regaloh able to more expand rather than the recent condition by the right exploiting strategies of forest resources particularly from the tumpangsari and forest tourism aspects ?” To get the answer is conducted the research with a purpose to formulate the exploiting strategy of forest resources share with the community for forest area growth of Regaloh. The approaches of this research which used by items facet that are spatial and substantial approaches. Data were collected with quetioner and oral interview to pesanggem farmer, non pesanggem community that related with forest activities, chairman of LMDH, field practitioner from Perhutani and also officials from institution, furthermore is quantitatively and descriptively analized, while the strategy formulation was using SWOT analysis. Results of data analysis was obtained a conclusion that the society economic social condition of forest area of Regaloh (commonly at the productive age) is still poor. Diversification of effort by the exploiting of non timber forest resources have a good enough prospect to be developed particularly in agriculture sector of forestry sub-sector were demonstrated by income contribution of non timber was almost well balanced by income contribution of forest timber for income of Regaloh forest area. The supporting factors of exploiting the forest resources was adequate enough for supporting the developing effort of Regaloh forest area but the farmer still often difficultly to get the capital for procurement of production input, harvest marketing still in local sub district, considering the production quantities were still low. Forest tourism product marketing (camping ground) is also classified less because of service consumer (visitor) still involving in Pati Regency and the surrounding. Furthermore has been done the strategy formulation of exploiting the forest resources within area developing effort of Regaloh forest. Gist of those strategies were raising the qualities and quantities of diversification of the exploiting forest resources, developing the new products, improving product’s cost of diversification of the exploiting forest resources, improving the management system of Regaloh forest by Perhutani, raising the empowerment of forest village community and the law explanation for all of criminal acts of Regaloh forest. Recommendation which can be submitted by result of this research that is forest village community (pesanggem and non pesanggem) have to get attention by government of Pati Regency and Perhutani by provided facilities to get capital employed to increase production input so that forest village community able to increase the activities in forest area for the welfare increase by full responsibility and also do not damaged the forest conservation. Diversification of forest yield should be increase of the contribution of non timber for forest area incomes of Regaloh, procurement of education and training for quality increase of human resources in Perhutani of KPH Pati. Quality of the road, the number of route and medium of transportation was also need to be increased.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning
ID Code:15843
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:06 Jul 2010 14:09
Last Modified:06 Jul 2010 14:09

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