USAHA TERNAK KAMBING SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF SUMBER PENDAPATAN DAN PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA KELUARGA : STUDI DI DESA TAMANSARI KECAMATAN AMPELGADING KABUPATEN MALANG JAWA TIMUR [Goat Raising as Source of the Houshold‘s Farming Income and Absorption of the Family‘s Labor Alternativ: Study at Tamansari Ampelgading Malang Regency East Java]

Hartono, B. and Hariyono, M.B. and Rochman, F. (2006) USAHA TERNAK KAMBING SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF SUMBER PENDAPATAN DAN PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA KELUARGA : STUDI DI DESA TAMANSARI KECAMATAN AMPELGADING KABUPATEN MALANG JAWA TIMUR [Goat Raising as Source of the Houshold‘s Farming Income and Absorption of the Family‘s Labor Alternativ: Study at Tamansari Ampelgading Malang Regency East Java]. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 31 (2). pp. 99-104. ISSN 0410-6320


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ABSTRAK Penelitian dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis kontribusi pendapatan dari ternak kambing, curahan tenaga kerja keluarga dalam usaha ternak kambing dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Pengambilan data dilakukan di desa Tamansari, Kecamatan Ampelgading, kabupaten Malang pada bulan Juli 2005. Jumlah responden sebanyak 60 peternak yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata jumlah ternak yang dipelihara sebanyak 0,88 UT, kontribusi pendapatan usaha ternak kambing sebesar 43,86 % dan alokasi waktu tenaga kerja keluarga dalam usaha ternak kambing sebanyak 209,54 JKSP/bulan/peternak. Pendapatan rumahtangga dari usahatani dan tingkat pendidikan peternak berpengaruh negatif terhadap alokasi waktu tenaga kerja keluarga di usaha ternak kambing. Kata kunci : kontribusi pendapatan, alokasi waktu kerja, usaha ternak kambing ABSTRACT The objectives of the research were to analyze the contribution of income goat raising, the time allocation of family‘s labors on goat raising and to identify the influencing factor on it. The study was conducted at Tamansari Village, Ampelgading District, Malang Regency, East Jawa Province on July 2005. Sixty were chosen as respondents by purposive sampling. The result showed that the average of goat raised was 0,88 UT, the contribution of goat raising income was 43,86 % and the average of the time allocation of family‘s labors on goat raising was 209,54 working hours equivalent to men (JKSP)/month/ farm. The time allocation of household‘s family labor on goat raising fuction were negativelly correlated on the farming income and the education farmers. . Keywords : contribution of income, time allocation labor, goat raising

Item Type:Article
Subjects:S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
S Agriculture > SF Animal culture
Divisions:Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences > Department of Animal Agriculture
ID Code:15669
Deposited On:05 Jul 2010 22:42
Last Modified:05 Jul 2010 22:42

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