ASTAWA, I DEWA RAI (2006) ASPEK PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM HAK – HAK TENAGA KERJA INDONESIA DI LUAR NEGERI. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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The protention aspect fo placement Indonesian blue - collar worker and craftsmen employed overseas in abroad are very interrelated to the system of management and control which doing by various sides that are wrapped in sending Indonesian employed to abroad. Set of problem to be critics in this researrch is deviation which done by Indoensian blue- collar worker and craftsmen employed overseas through the agent of Indoensian blu – collar worker and craftsmen employed overseas or non Indonesia blu- collar worker and cratsmen employed overseas in Grobogan Regency area. From the analysis known that work in abroad , have a procedure and terms and a kids of mechanism. For laborer whom will work in abroad , if the laborer do not past the procedure its means that the deviation happened. The type of deviation among other : the labor canditate is the native of Grobogan regency but the agent does not inform to the department of labor and population resettlement of Grobogan Regency, just have a passport , no visa, the labor keep moving from one job to another job without new document and axpired of stay permission. Department of labor and population resettlement protect the labor before the labor placement, in placement, and after placement as a process to solve the problem inside the problem inside the country , chanel to apply insurance claim, remittance program and prolongation job agreement. Law protection for Indonesian blue – collar and craftsmen amployed overseas is a kind of law protection from administration law aspect and criminal law aspect. An aspect of administartive law protection including establishment, control, and adminstrative sanction that inclined to government administrative act as government forced and revotion of offert licence. An aspect of criminal law more inclined to the act done for every one especialy to the agent of Indonesia blue- collar worker and craftsmen employed overseas that have more seriously act quality and make more seriously consequence too.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law
ID Code:15631
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:05 Jul 2010 14:41
Last Modified:05 Jul 2010 14:41

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