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Perkawinan adalah sebuah kegiatan yang sakral dan juga merupakan sebuah konvensi. Sebagai kegiatan yang sakral perkawinan dipercaya sebagai Legitimasi Ilahi yang menyatukan dua (2) insan anak manusia yang berbeda ke dalam lembaga sosial yang disebut keluarga. Sebagai konvensi, perkawinan adalah ikrar, janji atau amanah yang dibangun di atas cinta dan komitmen yang kuat. Perkawinan menuntut sikap yang bijak dari pasangan suami-istri untuk terus melanggengkannya. Roberta Jewett tokoh utama perempuan yang diangkat dalam novel That Camden Summer memandang perkawinan sebagai sebuah konvensi. Pelanggaran terhadap konvensi perlu direspon secara serius walaupun dalam bentuk perceraian. Ada tiga (3) masalah krusial dalam penelitian ini, yakni (1) bagaimana pengaruh Revolusi Industri (Industrialisme) mendorong terjadinya perceraian dan faktor-faktor/ proses terjadinya perceraian? (2) a. bagaimana pandangan tokoh perempuan mengenai esensi/ hakikat sebuah perkawinan dan perceraian serta peranannya sebagai single-parent dalam novel That Camden Summer (2) b. Bagaimana pandangan Roberta Jewett, tokoh utama dalam novel That Camden Summer terhadap pentingnya nilai-nilai perubahan sebagai wahana/ media menuju perubahan sosial (3) bagaimana peranan perempuan yang bercerai membawa angin perubahan bagi komunitasnya melalui pendidikan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut Novel That Camden Summer Karya La Vyrle Spencer dikaji dengan pendekatan Sosiologis antara lain Sosiologi Keluarga, Sosiologi Pendidikan dan Teori Syemour Chatman maupun teori-teori pendukung lainnya.. Langkah kerja dalam penelitian ini adalah membaca dan memahami substansi teks, menemukan unsur-unsur yang menyebabkan terjadinya perceraian dan peran single parent, serta mencermati intertekstualitas sebagai pembentuk wacana narasi novel That Camden Summer, yang mensosialisasikan perubahanperubahan sosial melalui pandangan tentang pendidikan, apresiasi seni, profesi, moralitas dan lain-lain. Perumusan hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan cara (1) Roberta Jewett, adalah seorang perempuan “modern” yang mampu menawarkan nilai-nilai perubahan sosial, (2) Aksentuasi simbolik dalam proses perceraian dan peran single parent Roberta diwujudkan untuk memberi pencerahan terhadap pemikiran/pandangan konservatif yang memandang perceraian dengan perempuan secara hitam putih dan (3) pendidikan, moralitas, apresiasi, seni merupakan faktor-faktor konstruktif yang dapat membuka cakrawala berpikir. Marriage is a sacred activity and it is also a convention. As a sacred activity, it is believed that marriage is the inherited legitimacy of the Almighty God who unite two individual with different aspects into a social institution called family. As a convention marriage is an oath, promise or trusteeship built upon love and strong commitment. Marriage requires wisdom from the Couple (husband and wife) to take care of it properly. Roberta, the main character mentioned in this novel views marriage as a convention. Therefore, any violation against marriage is regarded as serious violation and should be responded seriously in the form of divorces. There are three (3) crucial problems in this research, namely (1) how the Industry Revolution ( Industrialism) caused the divorce and the factors/processes of the divorce in novel That Camden Summer written by La Vyrne Spencer, (2)a. how the main character views the essence of marriage and the single-parent role in novel That Camden Summer. (2) b. how Roberta Jewett, the main character in novel That Camden Summer views the importance of education as investment on the change of values as medium towards the social changes.(3) how the role of a divorced woman brings forward “the wind change” for the development her community through education. In order to achieve the goals, novel The Camden Summer as written by La Vyrle Spencer is studied using the socio-literature approaches such as Family Sociology, Education Sociology. This approach also adopted a set of supporting theories such as Syeimour Chatman Theory on Story and Discourse ( Narative Structure in Fiction and Film) and other theories on setting, theme by Stanton. The steps of work in this research, conducted through reading the contents of text thoroughly, to find out the crucial elements which cause the divorce and single-parent role and also to study properly the intertextuality as the forming of narrative novel That Camden Summer, who promotes/campaigns the social change of values through the campaign of education by the main character. To formulate the results of this result, the research conducted as follow (1) Roberta Jewett, is a militant woman figure does intellectuality is able to bring forward the now values of social changes, (2) the symbolic accentuating in the process of divorce and single-parent role is meant to enlighten the black side of conservative-primordial paradigm, and (3) education, morality, art appreciation are constructive factors to unlock the stagnant way of thinking.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Literary |
ID Code: | 15344 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 29 Jun 2010 15:28 |
Last Modified: | 24 Feb 2012 08:50 |
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