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Production Process of Ammonia and Urea in the operational using equipments of produce of like turbine, compressor, condenser, pump, shell having potency generates noise. Noise was voiced which is not desired in space and time giving trouble having potency influences comfort and man health. Officer operating equipments is area component hit by direct influence as result of existence of improvement of noise, anticipated many company employees experiencing hearing trouble when working in the units. This research aim to evaluate noise in the work unit and evaluates level of adherence of employee applies x'self protective device Research is done by doing direct gauging to source of noise during 3 shift (in level of noise ekivalen 24 hours, Lek), applies Rion Sound Level Meter manual type NA-20. Gauging done at distance around 1 m from source of noise at various positions and done in manual every 5 minutes with measure time interval 5 seconds, at operation capacities of maximum. Besides done also observation to employee related to the adherence using X'self Protective Device, and does medical record data analysis the employees who worked in the unit. Result of study shows that level of noise of average generated by equipments in area compressor house mill Kaltim-1 (98,8 dBA), Kaltim-2 (98,6 dBA), Kaltim-3 (96,8 dBA), Kaltim-4 (92,1 dBA). All source of noises has gone beyond threshold value according to Number Decree of The Minister of Manpower 51 The year 1999 about Noise Ridge Threshold Value, that is more than 85 dBA during 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week, and exceeds initial design specification each device 13,4 decibels (Kaltim-3), 10,7 decibels (Kaltim-2), 8,8 decibels (Kaltim-1) and 2,4 decibels (Kaltim-4). Cumulative diffraction of noise to employee in every area at each source of mill noise Kaltim-1, Kaltim-2, Kaltim-3, exceeds value 1, medium of Kaltim-4 still under 1. Result of observation to employee, seen that employee which is not applies X'self Protective Device ear muff in Kaltim 1,2 and 3 (floor to 95 dBA) counted 68%. This thing is caused by some reasons that is not balmy is applied, bothers communications 2 directions and the light supervision and inexistence of assertive dubious from the side of management. Required impregnation timing of logarithm sheet, assertive sanction from the side of related management, if finding usage collision of X'self Protective Device, and waters down bureaucracy systems in retrieval of X'self Protective Device, especially ear muff and ear plug. Periodical need to be done evaluation and socialization about usage of x'self protective device like ear muff and ear plug Proses produksi Amoniak dan Urea dalam operasionalnya menggunakan peralatan-peralatan produksi seperti turbin, compressor, condenser, pompa, drum yang berpotensi menimbulkan kebisingan. Kebisingan adalah suara yang tidak dikehendaki dalam ruang dan waktu yang memberikan gangguan yang berpotensi mempengaruhi kenyamanan dan kesehatan manusia. Petugas yang mengoperasikan peralatan merupakan komponen lingkungan yang terkena pengaruh langsung akibat adanya peningkatan kebisingan, Disinyalir banyak karyawan perusahaan yang mengalami gangguan pendengaran ketika bekerja di unit-unit tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kebisingan di unit kerja tersebut serta mengevaluasi tingkat ketaatan karyawan menggunakan alat pelindung diri (APD). Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan pengukuran langsung terhadap sumber kebisingan selama 3 shift (dalam tingkat bising ekivalen 24 jam, Lek), menggunakan Rion Sound Levelmeter. Pengukuran dilakukan pada jarak sekitar 1 m dari sumber kebisingan pada berbagai posisi dan dilakukan secara manual setiap 5 menit dengan interval waktu ukur 5 detik, pada kapasitas operasi maksimum. Selain itu dilakukan pula observasi kepada karyawan terkait dengan ketaatannya menggunakan APD, serta melakukan analisis data rekam medik para karyawan yang pernah bekerja di unit tersebut. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa tingkat kebisingan rerata yang ditimbulkan oleh peralatan di area compressor house pabrik Kaltim-1 (98,8 dBA), Kaltim-2 (98,7 dBA), Kaltim-3 (96,8 dBA), Kaltim-4 (92,1dBA) . Semua sumber kebisingan telah melampaui nilai ambang menurut Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Nomor 51 Tahun 1999 tentang Nilai Ambang Batas Kebisingan, yaitu lebih dari 85 dBA selama 8 jam per hari atau 40 jam per minggu, serta melebihi spesifikasi desain awal masing-masing alat sebesar 13,4 dB (Kaltim-3), sebesar 10,7 dB (Kaltim-2) sebesar 8,8 dB (Kaltim-1) serta 2,4 dB (Kaltim-4). Fraksi kumulatif kebisingan terhadap karyawan di setiap area pada masing-masing sumber bising pabrik Kaltim-1, Kaltim-2, Kaltim-3, melebihi nilai 1, sedang Kaltim-4 masih dibawah 1. Hasil observasi terhadap karyawan, terlihat bahwa karyawan yang tidak menggunakan APD ear muff di Kaltim 1,2 dan 3 (tingkat diatas 95 dBA) sebanyak 68%. Hal ini disebabkan karena beberapa alasan yaitu tidak nyaman digunakan, mengganggu komunikasi 2 arah serta lemahnya pengawasan serta tidak adanya sangsi yang tegas dari pihak manajemen. Diperlukan pengaturan waktu pengisian log sheet, sanksi yang tegas dari pihak manajemen terkait, bila menemukan pelanggaran penggunaan APD, serta mempermudah sistim birokrasi dalam pengambilan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) khususnya ear muff dan ear plug. Secara periodik perlu dilakukan evaluasi dan sosialisasi tentang penggunaan alat pelindung diri seperti ear muff dan ear plug
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Environmental Science |
ID Code: | 15260 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 28 Jun 2010 09:21 |
Last Modified: | 28 Jun 2010 09:21 |
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