Wulandari, Cupita Asri (2006) Tampilan Konsumsi Serat Kasar Pakan, Total VFA Rumen, Glukosa Darah, Laktosa dan Kandungan Air dalam Susu Akibat Suplementasi Sauropus androgynus (L) Merr (Katu) pada Ransum Sapi Perah (The Consumption Appearance of Crude Fiber, Total VFA Rumen, Blood Glucose, Lactose and Water Content in Milk due to Suplementation of Sauropus androgynus (L) Merr (katu) in Rations of Dairy Cow). Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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The aim of the research is to know about the influence of katu giving to the consumption appearance of crude fiber, content of VFA rumen, blood glucose, milk lactose, and water content in milk of Friesian Holstein dairy cow. The research was carried out on August 22" to October 6th 2004 at CV Argasari, Tegalrejo Village, Boyolali Sub District, Boyolali Regency of Central Java. Twelve Friesian Holstein (FH) dairy cows in 5 th month of 2m years lactation period with average of body weight and milk yield are 415,42 ± 47,30 kg (CV = 11,38%) and 8,95 ± 1,28 1/d (CV = 14,20%), respectively, were used in this research. Diets were corn straw, concentrate and katu powder. The diary cows were assigned into 3 treatments (TO = corn straw (40%) + concentrate (60%) + katu powder 0%, as a control; T1 = corn straw (40%) + concentrate (60%) + katu powder 0,02% BW and T2 = corn straw (40%) + concentrate (60%) + katu powder 0,04% BW ). Parameters observed were consumption of crude fiber; total VFA rumen, the content of blood glucose, the content of milk lactose and the content of water in milk. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and than Duncan. The result of the research indicates that 1). The consumption average of crude fiber of TO, T1, and T2 are 2,2979; 2,1423, and 2,5369 kg/days successively; 2). Total VFA rumen of TO, Ti, and T2 are 76,5370; 46,1067; and 63,9985 inM/1; 3). The average content of blood glucose are TO: 49,2500; T1: 50,5000 and T2: 53,8750 mg/dl; 4). The average content of lactose are TO: 0,2465; Tl: 0,2539 and T2.0,2735 kg/day and 5). The average content of water in milk are 6,9955; 6,9444 and 7,7514 lig/liter/day The conclusion of the research is that the katu giving to the dairy cow with level of 0,02% and 0,04% from body weight hasn't been able to increase the consumption of crude fiber, total VFA rumen, the content of blood glucose, the content of lactose and the content of water in milk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian katu terhadap tampilan konsumsi serat kasar pakan, kandungan VFA rumen, glukosa darah, laktosa susu, dan kandungan air dalam susu pada sapi perch Friesian Holstein. Pcnclitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 Agustus sampai 6 Oktoher 2004 di CV Argasari, Desa Tegalrejo, Keettmatan Boyolali, Kabupaten Boyolali Jawa Tengah. Materi yang digunakan adalah: 1) sapi perch FI-1 berjumlah 12 ekor dengan criteria periode laktasi tahun kedua dan bulan laktasi kelima, rata-rata bobot badan dan produksi air susu berturut-turut adalah 415,42 ± 47,30 kg (CV = 11,38%) and 8,95 ± 1,28 ltr/hari (CV = 14,20%); 2) ransum (jerami jagung , konsentrat dan bubuk katu). Perlakuan yang diberikan pada penelitian ini adalah: TO = Jerami jagung (40%) -I Konsentrat (60%) + Tepung katu 0%, sehagai kontrol; Ti = Jerami jagung (40%) -I Konsentrat (60%) + 'reining katu 0,02% BB dan '1'2 Jerami jagung (40%) + Konsentrat (60%) + Tepung katu 0,04% BB. Parameter yang diamati meliputi: konsumsi SK pakan, total VFA rumen, kandungan glukosa darah, kandungan laktosa dan Icandungan air dalam susu. Data dianalisis dengan analisis varian (Anova) dilanjutican dengan Duncan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1). Rata-rata konsumsi SK pakan TO, Ti dan T2 berturut-turut adalah 2,2979; 2,1423 dan 2,5369 Icg/ekor/hari; 2). Total VFA rumen TO, T1 dan T2 adalah 76,5370; 46,106'7 dun 63,9985 mM; 3). Rata¬rata kandungan glukosa darah adalah TO: 49,2500; Tl: 50,5000 dan T2: 53,8750 mg/d1; 4). Rata-rata kandungan laktosa adalah TO: 0,2465: Tl: 0,2539 dan T2: 0,2735 kg/ekor/hr dan 5). Rata-rata kandungan a:r datum susu adalah 6,9955; 6,9444 dan 7,7514 kg/liter/hr Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian katu pada sapi perch dengan level 0,02% dan 0,04% dari BB belum dapat meningkatkan konsumsi SK pakan, total VFA rumen, kandungan glukosa darah, kandungan laktosa dan kandungan air dalam susu.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Animal Agriculture |
ID Code: | 15123 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 22 Jun 2010 18:26 |
Last Modified: | 22 Jun 2010 18:26 |
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