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Atopic xerosis is dry skin in atopic dermatitis patients. This disorder is characterized by itching, dryness, roughness, and scales. Atopic xerosis is caused by the decrease of the slcin lipid content and and the decrease of the stratum comeum's ability to bind water so that the skin's water content decreases. The management of atopic xerosis is aimed to prevent overwhelming vaporization from the skin by using occlusive agents or increasing water content in the epidermis by using moisturizer. Ten percent urea and 8% gluconolactone are the moisturizer which is used to treat atopic dermatitis. This study compared the efectiveness of 10% urea cream with 8% gluconolactone cream and to find at the side effects. This study design is double blind study with paired comparison. Each atopic xerosis patient was given two kinds of the moisturizing cream which were applied twice daily on each forearm for 4 weeks. One kind of the moisturizing cream was applied to one forearm. Evaluation conducted every week and ended on the second week after drug cesation. The assessment was done were skin's dryness degree, skin surface's hydration and appearance of the side effects. The result of this study showed that there was no significant difference on the efectiveness of 10% urea and 8% gluconolactone groups. The side effect of the 10% urea was and 8% gluconolactone which manifests as itch and erytema papules was found in one of the patients symetrically on both her forearms, thus this side effect could not yet be differentiated with the symptoms found in atopic dermatitis's recurrency. Kulit kering atopik adalah kulit kering pada penderita dermatitis atopik. Kelainan inin ditandai dengan rasa gatal, kering, kasar, dan bersisik. Kulit kering atopik disebabkan oleh berkurangnya kandungan lipid kulit dan berlcurangnya kemampuan stratum korneum untuk mengilcat air sehingga kandungan air dalam kulit menurun. Penanganan kulit kering atopik ditujukan untulc mencegah penguapan air yang berlebihan dari lculit dengan pemakaian bahan oldusif atau peningkatan kandungan air dalam epidermis dengan pemalcaian pelembab. Urea 10% dan glulconolalcton 8% adalah pelembab yang digunakan untuk mengatasi kulit kering atopilc. Penelitian ini membandingkan efektivitas lcrim tuta 10% dengan krim glukonolalcton 8% dan untulc mengetahui efek sampingnya. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah uji buta ganda dengan paired comparison, Setiap penderita kulit kering atopik diberikan dua jenis krim pelembab yang dipalcai 2 kali sehari pada masing-masing lengan bawah selama 4 minggu. Satu jenis krim pelembab dipakai pada satu lengan bawah. Evaluasi dilakukan tiap minnggu dan beralchir pada minggu kedua setelah penghentian pengobatan. Penilaian yang dilalcukan adalah skor derajat kekeringan kulit, kelembaban permukaan kulit, clan adanya efek samping. Hasil penelitian menunjuldcan tidal( ada perbedaan efelctivitas yang bermakna antara kelompok urea 10% dan glukonolakton 8%. Efek samping urea 10% dan glukonolakton 8% berupa gathl dan papul eritem ditemulcan pada 1 orang yang lokasinya simetris di kedua lengan bawah, sehingga efek samping belum dapat dibedakan dengan gejala kekambuhan dari dermatitis atopik.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 14890 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 18 Jun 2010 13:59 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jun 2010 13:59 |
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