  Nomor 2  
Januari - Juni 2006
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Pedoman Penulisan
Puisi Media Medika Muda
Selamat Dies Natalis FK Undip ke-44
Kalender Kegiatan
Seminar Anakku Tidak Bisa Mendengar
Seminar Malpraktik IDI Jateng
Pengelolaan Gangguan Neurologis


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17. Carr C. Sandra, Vasana Cheanvechai. Histology and clinical significance of the carotid atherosclerotic plaque: Implications for endovascular treatment. Journal of Endovascular Therapy Vol 4 No. 4. pp. 321-25
18. Murohara T, Horowitz JR, Silver M, Tsurumi Y, Chen D, Sullivan AIJM Vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor enhances vascular permeability via nitric oxide and prostacyclin. Circulation 1998 Jan 6-13. 97(1):99-107
19. Graves DT, Yanling Jiang, Anthony JV The expression of MCP-1 and other chemokines by osteoblast. Frontriers in Bioscience 4 1999 July 1. 571-80
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21. Stinga EV, Knauper G, Murphy J. Gavrilovic. Collagen degradation and PDGF stimulate the migration of VSMC. J.Cell Sci 2000 113 : 2055-64
22. Grainger DJ, JC Metcalfe, AA Grace, DE Mosedale. TGF-beta dynamically regulates vascular smooth muscle differentiation in vivo. J.Cell Sci. 2000. 111. 2977-88
23. Sanz-Gonzales SM, Enric Poch, R Ignacio Perez, J Antonio Diez. Control of VSMC growth by cyclin-kinase inhibitory proteins and its implication in cardiovascular. Frontiers in Bioscience 5 2000 July. 619-28
24. Kuivenhoven JA, J Wouter J, Aeilko H Zwinderman, Peter de Kniff, Ruth McPherson, Albert VG Bruschke, Kong I Lie, John JP Kastelein. The role of a common variant of the cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene in the progression of coronary atherosclerosis. NEJM 1998 Jan 8 Vol. 338:86-93
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26. Panza JA. High-normal blood pressure-more ”high” than “normal”. NEJM 2001 November 1 Volume 345. Number 18:37-1339
27. Aikawa M. Lipid lowering as an anti-inflammatory therapy on vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques. Webmaster@j- circ.or.jp Jan 12, 2002


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