Mellissa Kurniawan1), Bambang Isbandrio2)
Background: Orange juice drink in which water is the main content is a popular and widely consumed at ordinary restaurant and roadside food stalls. The purpose of these studies is to test bacteriological quality in orange juice drink sold in roadside footstalls nearby Pleburan Undip Campus.
Methods: An observational analyzes study with cross sectional design has done on orange juice drink with a total sample of 30. Samples were taken from roadside food stalls nearby Pleburan Undip Campus. Two samples were collected from each food stalls. Each sample was detected for its Most Probable Number (MPN) value by culturing in Lactose Broth media, continued by culturing in BGLB media, MacConkey, TSIA, and IMViC-MU. Product information was collected by observing hygienic condition of the food stalls during preparation of the orange juice. The data was analyzed by Chi-square test, using SPSS 12.0 for Windows.
Results: From 30 samples, 28 samples (93.33%) were found coliform bacterias, that were E. coli in 16 samples (53.3%) and Salmonella sp. 12 samples (40%). However, the two other samples (6.7%) fulfilled the standard as fruit juice drink as they are practically free against coliform bacterias. Chi-square test in connection with the degree of hygienic processing resulted has p value 1,000.
Conclusion: The coliform bacteria (E.coli) and Salmonella sp. were found in the samples, and there were no relationship between the bacteriological quality with the degree of hygienic condition in processing the orange juice.
Key Words: Orange juice, E-coli, Salmonella sp, Bacteriological quality,
Hygienic condition
Latar belakang: Es jeruk merupakan salah satu bentuk minuman dengan bahan baku air yang banyak dijual di berbagai tempat makan termasuk di warung dan banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memeriksa kualitas bakteriologis es jeruk di warung sekitar kampus Undip Pleburan.
Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah es jeruk, dengan jumlah sampel total 30, diambil dari warung sekitar kampus Undip Pleburan, 2 sampel dari tiap warung. Setiap sampel diperiksa nilai Most Probable Number (MPN) melalui penanaman pada media Lactose Broth, dilanjutkan dengan penanaman pada media BGLB, MacConkey, TSIA dan IMViC MU. Data kuesioner didapat melalui pengamatan pada kebersihan penjual dalam memproses minuman dan keadaan warung. Data diolah dengan program SPSS 12.0 for Windows menggunakan uji Chi-square.
Hasil: Dari penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 30 sampel es jeruk, 28 sampel (93,3%) ditemukan bakteri coliform yaitu E. coli pada 16 sampel (53,3%) dan Salmonella sp. pada 12 sampel (40%). Dua (6,7%) sampel lain tidak ditemukan bakteri coliform. Uji Chi-square menghasilkan nilai p=1,000, menunjukkan tidak ada korelasi nyata antara perilaku higienitas penjaja dengan kualitas bakteriologis es jeruk.
Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini bakteri coliform (E. coli) dan Salmonella sp. ditemukan dalam sampel es jeruk, dan tidak ada hubungan antara perilaku higienitas penjaja dalam pengolahan minuman dengan kualitas bakteriologis es jeruk.
Kata Kunci: Es jeruk, E. coli, Salmonella sp, Kualitas bakteriologis,
Kondisi higiene Lihat Full Text