Marlina , Rika (2004) PELEPASAN BERSYARAT DALAM PENEGAKAN HUKUM DAN PEMBARARUAN HUKUM PIDANA DI INDONESIA. Masters thesis, program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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Long time before the World War II in many conditionally fre d countries used to be considered as an exceptional freed, but today that considerati n has been changing for all. Conditionally freed has been considered as a link in th prisoner's construction. Today, the evidence of this conditionally freed is the mo t important problem in relation with the prisoner's construction, it shows on the exis ence of the evidence in the United Nation congresses about Criminal Preventi n and the construction of the criminal's actor that was held in 1970, 1975, 1980, onditionally freed as an altemative of independence seizure criminal used to be the im octant topic in the congresses. Because of its importance of the conditionally freed as a part of the process of prison penalty, therefore, in this thesis, it will be described abo t today and future formulation of conditionally freed policy. The basic idea of the formulation of conditionally freed policy is based on the renewal of Indonesian criminal law. There is criticism on the application of the gift of the conditi nally freed in Indonesia. The conditionally freed is given to prisoner that has throng 2/3 of the penalty period or at least of 9 months penalty period. It will not be give to prisoner that has death penalty and lifetime penalty. The arrangement of the onditionally freed is arranged in the Code of Criminal Law. Based on the comparison of conditionally freed with another ountry, it is not only given to the prisoner that has been punished for certain time ext nt, but also, for the prisoner that has a lifetime penalty or death penalty. Because of the difference of the application of conditionall freed with another country, consequently, it will need a renewal of the law. In the Co cept of the Code of Criminal Law Arrangement Year 2000, which is the kind f the death penalty, is the worst punislunent and should be given in a form of lifetime penalty or penalty that contains of at least 20 years penod as an alternative. The d ath penalty could be given either in the conditionally form, vvith the attempt period, erefore, in that period, the prisoner might consider their mistake then try to fix eir self that could discontinue the death penalty. Sobel= Perang Dania. 11 tit banyak negara pelepasan bersyarat sering clianggap sebagai pembebasan eksepsional, telapi sekarang pluadangan semacam itu sudah sama sekali benibah. Pelepasan bersym-at telah merupakan suatu mata. mutat cli dalam sistem pernbinaan narapidarta. Bukti bahwapelepasan berqarat ini pada saat ini merupakan masalah yang sangat penting di &dam pembinann narapidana, tampak pada. aclanya konyatacm Rada kongres-kongres PBB tentang Pencegahan kejahatan clan pernbinaan para. pelalat yang diselengarakan pada tahun .1970, 1975, 1980, pelepasan bersyarat sebagai Slab sat' alternatif dari pidana perampasan kernerdekaan setalu menjach bahan pembicaraan yang penting, Begitu arti pentinguyapelepasan bersyarat setragai bagicui dart pelaksarman pidana - penjara. sehingga dalarn tesis ini akan diuraikan tentang bagaimarta kebijakan formulasi pelepasan bersyarat untuk saut ini dan yang akan datang. 1de dasar kebijakan fonnulasi pelepasan bersyarat int didasarlccui pada pembaharuan huktim pidana. In.clonesta. Terdapat kritik terhadap penerapan pemberian pelepasan bersyarat di Indonesia. Pelepasan bersyarat diberikan kepada. narapidana yang tehh menialant 2/3 masa. pidana. Mau sedikit-dikitnya telah menjahmi 9 Milan. Untuk narapidana yang clipiclana matt clan minim hidup tidal( tuendapalkanuya. Pengatunin pelepasan bersyarat diatur di dalcan Kitab Undang-thalang Huktim Pi data Berdasarkan. perbandingan dengan negara-negara lain, peteparran bersyarat tidal( hanya diberikan kepada narapidana yang, clijattii jangka walan m41(11E11 saja melainkmi narapidana yang clijatuld pidana smarm- hidup dan yang dipidana matt. Karena perbeclaan penerapan pemberian pelepasan bersyarat dengart negara lain, maka perlu adanya pernbaharuan hukum. Dalam Konsep Rancangan Kitab Unclang-Undang Haunt Pidana Talmo 2000 bahwa jenis pidana mati adalah yang paling bent clan lifints Malts diancamkan socarci aftermath clengan jenis pidana Iftchip Wan peructra paling lama 20 Vahan. Pidana. mati dapat dijattilikan puha secara bersyarat, dengan inemberikan imma percobarni, sehin,gga dalam tenggang wakixt masa pm-cob:um temobin terpiciaria ditiarapkan dapitt niettiperbaild dirt sohingga pidana tidal; rill; laksanaktui.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law
ID Code:14875
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:18 Jun 2010 11:14
Last Modified:18 Jun 2010 11:14

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