MARYANTO, SUGENG (2003) PENGARUH PEMBERIAN SERAT BUAH JAMBU BIM (Psidium guajava L) TERHADAP PROFIT, LIPID SERUM TIKUS Sprague Dawley HIPERKOLESTEROLEMIA (The Effect of Guava Fiber on Serum Lipid Profile of Hypercholesterolemic Sprague Dawley Rats). Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Background : Guava is one of the famous and well known fruits grown all over tropical areas. In Indonesia Guava is easily found and not expensive relatively. Guava which is rich in dietary fiber, containing 48.3 % fiber (Total Dietary Fiber = TDF) of dry weight, much more higher than cereals group (20.3% TDF). There has no study yet on the effect of guava fiber in lowering lipid profile in those who consume the fruit. Aim : This study was conducted in order to determine the effect of fiber of guava on the lipid profile of hypercholesterolemic rats. Method : Control group pretest-post test design was applied on Sprague Dawley male rats that had been treated to be hypercholesterolemic There were 4 groups of rats with different treatment i.e. 2 %, 4 %, 8 %, 16 % guava fiber incorporated in their diet. Cholesterol fraction and triglyceride were analyzed using CHOD-PAP and GPO-PAP methods, respectively. Data was then analyzed using SPSS for Windows. Changes lipid profile was analyzed using Hest. Group means differences were compared by ANOVA of LSD with 5 % degree of significant. Result : The result indicated that addition with 16 % fiber of guava in the diet had significantly reduced total-cholesterol (ir0.000), LDL-cholesterol (T=0.001), and triglicerid (p=0.000), whereas 2 %, 4 %, 8 % concentration had no effect on lipid profile hipercholesterolemic Rats. However guava fiber did not increase HDL¬cholesterol. Conclusion : Sixteen percents guava fiber on diet had reduced total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride concentration of hypercholesterolemic rats. Latar belakang : Jambu biji merupakan tanaman buah yang tumbuh.dengan baik di daerah tropis, buahnya dapat dijumpai hampir di seluruh daerah di Indonesia dan harganya relatif murah. Buah jambu biji mengandung serat 48,3 % TDF (Total Dietary Fiber) per berat kering, lebih tinggi daripada kandungan serat golongan serealia (26,3 TDF). Selama ini serat ditengarahi dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah, namun belum ada laporan ilmiah mengenai pengaruh serat jambu biji terhadap profil lipid. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian serat buah jambu biji terhadap profil lipid serum tikus hiperkolesterolemia yang meliputi kadar kolesterol total, kolesterol HDL, kolesterol LDL dan trigliserid. Metoda : Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah control group pre test-post test design pada tikus Sprague Dawley jantan yang telah dibuat hiperkolesterolemia. Digunakan 4 kelompok tikus dengan berbagai bentuk perlakuan yakni pemberian serat jambu biji 2 %, 4 %, 8 % dan 16 %. Pemeriksaan fraksi kolesterol menggunakan metode CHOD-PAP dan pemeriksaan trigliserid menggunakan metode GPO-PAP. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil pemeriksaan profil lipid dianalisis dengan menggunakan program SPSS for Window& Perubahan profil lipid sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan diuji dengan t-test. Perbedaan pengaruh masing-masing kelompok perlakuan diuji dengan Anova menggunakan Least Square Design (LSD). Semua uji menggunakan derajat signifikansi a = 0,05. Hasil penelitian : Serat jambu biji 16 % menurunkan secara bennakna kadar, kolesterol total (p = 0,000), kolesterol LDL (p = 0,001) dan triglisertid (p = 0,000'„ sedangkan serat jambu biji 2 %, 4 % dan 8 % tidak berpengaruh terhadap profil lipid serum tikus hiperkolesterolemia. Penambkhan serat jambu biji pada diet tidak meningkatkan kadar kolesterol HDL. Kesimpulan : Penambahan serat jambu biji pada pakan tinggi kolesterol dengan kandungan 16 % dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol total, kolesaterol LDL dan trigliserid tikus hiperkolesterolemia.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 14812 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 17 Jun 2010 15:34 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jun 2010 15:34 |
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