Herlambang, Kuntio Sri (2003) KARAKTERISTIK JENIS KANKER PARU BERDASARKAN PENINGKATAN DENSITAS DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN CT SCAN. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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BACKGROUND : The incidence of bronchogenic carcinoma is increasing with high mortality rate. The diagnosis is often equivocal and difficult to be established. Early detection of the symptom in lung cancer to present a good prognosis the patient. Although development in radiologic imaging has developed rapidly using computed tomography (CT), Scintigraphy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, USG, Rontgen thorax still give a lot of information. To determine the type of lung cancer, histopatological and citological examination has to be performed. One of diagnostic method in identification for type of lung cancer cell is Transthoracal fine needle aspiration biopsy. Type of lung cancer can be predicted by its difference in density enhancement measured with Hounsfield Unit (HU) at computed tomography (CT). Several study lung cancer nodule enhancement at CT before and after administration of contrast material. The result of the study : The absence of significant lung nodule enhancement ( < 15 HU) at CT is strongly predictive of benignity. OBJECTIVE : The purpose of our study is characteristic to determine the degree of density enhancement incomparison with type cell of the lung cancer. SUBJECT AND METHOD : Descriptive "cross-sectional" .Patient with bronchogenic carcinoma admitted to the ward of Departement of Internal Medicine Dr. Kariadi Hospital during April 2002 until April 2003 density enhancement were measured with computed tomography (CT). RESULT : Thirty four samples : 28 (83,35%) male and 6 (17,64%) female were included. Mean age was 49,5 years. The most prevalent cell type were Epidermoid carcinoma 15 (44,11%), Adenocarcinoma 7 (20,5%), Large Cell and Small Cell 5 (14,7%) respectively, and Undiffiftentiated/ Malignant Cell 2 (5,85%). Type of lung cancer cell with enhancement contrast material were Epidermoid carcinoma 80,87 HU, Adenocarcinoma 67,6 HU, Small Cell 62,10 HU, Large Cell 61,5 HU, Undiffrentiated/ malignant Cell 55,8 HU. (p = 000). The criteria enhancement with contrast at lung cancer status <60 HU : Small Cell 2 (8,8%), Non Small Cell 4 (11,8%) and > 60 HU : Small Cell 2 (5,9%), Non Small Cell 25 (73,35%) (p = 0,01). Chief complaint is dypsnoe 19 (55,9%), Hemoptoe 11 (32,4%), Chest pain 4 (11,8%). CONCLUTIONS : The present findings show a significantly different density enhancement lung cancer (with HU contrast) between Small Cell and Non Small Cell group. LATAR BELAKANG : Insidensi karsinoma bronkogenik makin meningkat dengan angka kematian yang tinggi. Diagnosis sering meragukan dan sulit dikerjakan. Kemampuan melakukan deteksi dini sebelum gejala-gejala yang berat dari kanker paru timbul mmemberikan prognosa yang lebih baik pada penderita. Walaupun perkembangan radiologi sangat pesat dengan digunakannya Ct Scan, Scintigrafi, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, USG, namun pemeriksaan radiologi thorak masih merupakan metode yang amat infonnatif. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui jenis sel tumor dapat dilakukan pemeriksaan histopatologi sitologi. Salah satu diagnostik untuk menentukan jenis sel tumor adalah dengan Transthoracix fine needle aspiration biopsy. Jenis sel kanker paru di perkirakan mempunyai peningkatan densitas yang berbeda-beda yang diukur dengan satuan HU (Hounsfield Unit) dengan menggunakan CT Scan. Beberapa penelitian meneliti kenaikan densitas baik sebelum dan sesudah pemberian kontras. Tidak adanya kenaikan densitas ( HU <15) adalah prediksi kuat benigna. TUJUAN : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik jenis sel kanker paru dibandingkan dengan peningkatan densitas. SUBYEK DAN METODE : Deslcriptif 'cross-sectional'. Penderita karsinoma bronkogenik yang dirawat di bangsal Penyakit Dalam RS. Dr. Kariadi Semarang antara April 2002 sampai dengan April 2003 yang diukur peningkatan densitas dengan satuan HU dengan CT Scan. HASIL : Tigapuluh empat sampel : 28 (83,35%) pria dan 6 (17,6%) wanita yang di ikutkan dalam penelitian dengan rerata umur 49,5 tahun. Prevalensi jenis sel terbanyak adalah : Karsinoma Epidermoid 15(44,11%), Adenokarsinoma 7 (20,5%), Large Cell dan Small Cell masing-masing 5 (14,7%), UndifIrentiated/Malignam Cell 2 (5,85%). Ukuran HU kontras masing-masing jenis kanker paru adalah : Karsinoma Epidermoid 80,87 HU, Adenokarsinoma 67,6 HU, Small Cell 62,10 HU, Undiffrentiaied/ Malignant Cell 55,8 HU ( p = 000). Kriteria HU (kontras) dengan status sel kanker adalah dengan < 60 HU Small Cell 3 (8,8%), Non Small Cell 4 (11,8%) , sedangkan > 60 HU : Small Cell 2 (5,9%), Non Small Cell 25 (73,5%) ( p = 0,01). Keluhan utama yang paling sering dirasakan adalah sesak napas 19 (55,9%), batuk darah 11 (32,4%), dan nyeri dada 4 (11,8%). (p= 0,3) KESIMPULAN : Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna peningkatan densitas kanker paru (HU kontras) antara kelompok Small Cell dan Non Small Cell
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 14774 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 17 Jun 2010 09:13 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jun 2010 09:13 |
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