HENDRIYANTO, PUJO (2003) Hubungan tes tusuk kulit dengan kadar IgE total dan eosinofil absolut pada penderita asma bronkial alergi di Poli Penyakit Dalam RSUP Dr. Kariadi Correlation between skin prick test and total Immunoglobulin E , absolute eosinophil level in allergy bronchial asthma at pulmonology clinic Dr. Kariadi Hospital - Semarang. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Background. Allergy bronchial asthma is one of the most common allergy diseases in community with the prevalence was 5-8% and tend to increase. This disease is one of important allergy diseases because of its impact on morbidity, mortality, productivity and hospitality cost. Skin prick test, total IgE and absolute eosinophil were still the best diagnostic procedures to detect the allergy factor. In tropic area like Indonesia, house dust mite, mite culture and cotton were the predominant allergen. Identification, trigger factor control and immunotherapy were important to prevent the exacerbation, decreasing the symptom and hospitality cost. Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristic pattern of allergen and the correlation between skin prick test and total. IgE , absolute eosinophil in asthmatic patients aged 15-50 years old in pulmonology outpatient clinic Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, within the period of October 1, 2002 up to December 31, 2002. Materia and Methods. A Cross sectional prospective study was performed in 44 allergic asthma outpatients that fulfil inclusion criteria : clinical history , physical, skin prick test, total IgE, absolute eosinophil and stool examination. The data was analyzed by Fisher's exact test, correlation and simple linier regression methods. Result. In 44 patients, the most frequent of inhalant allergent was house dust mite (75%) and food allergent was crab (31.8%). 38 patients (86.4%) have IgE total level more than 200 IU/ml, while 39 patients (88.6%) have absolute eosinophil level more than 300/mm3. The result of Chi-Square/ Fisher's exact test showed the correlation between skin prick test and the increase of IgE total ( X2 =17,017 df= 1 r = 0,528 p= 0,003 ), skin prick test and the increase of absolute eosinofil ( X2 =9,776 df= 1 r = 0,426 p= 0,03 ), Increse of IgE total and the increase of absolute eosinophil ( X2 =2,98 df= 1 p= 0,01 ). Consequtively by the simple tinier regression method showed a weak correlation between Increase of IgE total and absolute eosinophil ( H:1.259 ). Conclusion. There was cor•elation between skin prick test and the increase of IgE total, increase of absolute eosinophil in allergy bronchial asthma. Latar Belakang. Asma bronkial alergi inerupakan salah satu penyakit alergi yang sering dijumpai di masyarakat dengan prevalensi 5-8% dan kecenderungan meningkat. Penyakit ini menduduki tempat yang penting oleh karena besamya dampak pada produktivitas, biaya perawatan, angka kesakitan dan kematian. Tes tusuk kulit, IgE total dan eosinofil absolut pada penyakit asma brokial alergi masih merupakan cara yang terbaik untuk membantu diagnosis kemungkinan adanya fitlitor alergi. Di daerah tropis seperti Indonesia alergen yamg dominan adalah debu rumah, tungau dan kapuk. Identifikasi, pengendalian faktor pencetus dan imunoterapi merupakan hal yang penting pada langkah mencegah eksaserbasi, mengurangi gejala dan kebutuhan obat-obat. Tujuan. Mengetahui pola karateristik alergen pada tes tusuk kulit serta hubungan antara basil tes tusuk kulit dengan kadar IgE total dan kadar eosinofil absolut pada penderita asma bronkial alergi usia 15-50 tahun di poli pam RSUP Dr. Kariadi, periode 1 oktober 2002 sanapai dengan 31 desember 2002. Bahan dan Cara. Disain penelitian observasional analitik cross sectional. Didapatkan 44 penderita asma bronkial alergi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, tes tusuk kulit, pemeriksaan le total, eosinofil absolut dan pemeriksaan feses. Analisis statistik dengan Chi-Square, Fisher's exact test, korelasi dan regresi linier sederhana. HasiL Dari 44 penderita yang dianalisis didapatkan alergen hirup terbanyak adalah house dust mite sebesar 75%, alergen makanan terbanyak kepiting sebesar 31,8% Kadar IgE total tinggi (> 200 IU/m1) didapatkan pada 38 penderita (86,4%), kadar eosinofil absolut tinggi (>300/m3) pada 39 penderita (88,6%). Dari analisis statistik Chi-Square didapatkan Hubungan bermakna antara tes tusuk kulit dengan peningkatan kadar IgE total (X2 =17,017 df= 1 r= 0,528 p= 0,003 ), antara tes tusuk kulitdengan peningkatan kadar , eosinofil absolut ( X2 =9,776 df= 1 r = 0,426 p= 0,03 ) dan antara peningkatan kadar IgE total dengan peningkatan kadar eosinofil absolut ( X2 =2,98 df= 1 p= 0,01 ). Hasil uji regresi linier sederhana menunjukkan hubirnpn bermakna antara peningkatan kadar IgE total dengan peningkatan kadar eosinofil absolut tetapi hubungannya lemah (r=0.259 ). Kesimpulan. Didapadcan hubungan bennakna antara tes tusuk kulit positif dengan kadar IgE total tinggi/ rneningkat, antara tes tusuk kulit positif dengan kadar eosinofil absolut tinggi, serta antara kadar IgE total tinggi dan kadar eosinofil absolut tinggi.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 14751 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 17 Jun 2010 08:46 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jun 2010 08:46 |
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