Aviyanti, Dian (2005) Analisisi Minat Ibu Hamil ANC Poliklinik Kebidanan Terhadap Penggunaan Pelayanan Persalinan di RS Roemani Semarang,Tahun 2004 (Analysis of Expecting Mother ( pregnant women ) Interest in ANC Obstetrict Policilinic to reveal treatment in Roemani Hospital Semarang, 2004). Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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A qualified health treatment has become societies demand since they are living in globalization and free competition era. One of indicators to measure the interest can be done by looking patient's satisfaction toward health treatment's perception that they've got. Less satisfaction shows unappropriate perception between the patients and health treatments holder. Less satisfaction effects the patent's interest, which becomes less than before, in using the health treatment. Decreasing number of expecting mothers ( pregnant women ) who give a bird in Roemani hospital in the last 3 years needs to be researched. The research' aim is to know the effect of birth treatment facility in Roemani's hospital such as devices, doctors, and obstetrician toward the expecting mother's interest in choosing place to deliver their babies. The type of the research that is applied here is observational type using survey method with cross sectional approach. Primer data is obtained from 95 expecting mothers who have ANC in Roemani Hospital's obstetrict. The research has been done during November 2004. Data analysis of the research is using univarit, bivariat and multivariate with mean as the cut of point. Result of the research shows that the number of patient's interest who give a birth in Roemani hospital is 36 people ( 37,9 %) ; meanwhile, the numbers of the others who don't put their interest are 69 people ( 62,1 % ). Factors that influence the expecting mother in choosing the place to give a birth are information of ANC, policlinic service, available doctor, the trust to the doctor, obstetrician's expert and devices. The multivariate analysis shows the variable of the trust to the doctor, available doctor, and devices are the most important factors that influence them in choosing the place to give a birth. There are 7 things that should be priority in increasing the health treatment, they are : toilet cleanliness, comfortable waiting room, out of date equipments, obstetrian's response in taking the patient, difficulty in consultation and make appointment with the doctor, and lateness of the doctors in presenting their schedule. Therefore, suggestions to Roemani Hospital are to increase the cleanliness and tidiness, specially bath rooms ; have complete modern devices ; hold service excellent training; and have good communication with the patient, specially ; the health officer, management's approachment to the partnership doctors due to their lateness, and a proper time for the patient to have a consultation. Pada era globalisasi dan persaingan bebas kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu menjadi tuntutan masyarakat. Salah satu indikator untuk mengukur minat adalah dengan mengukur kepuasan pasien terhadap persepsi pelayanan kesehatan yang diterimanya. Kepuasan yang rendah menggambarkan ketidak sesuaian antara persepsi pasien dengan penyelenggaraan pelayanan. Kepuasan yang rendah menyebabkan rendahnya minat pasien untuk menggunakan sarana pelayanan kesehatan tersebut. Menurunnya jumlah kunjungan ibu hamil yang melahirkan di RS Roemani dalam 3 tahun terakhir dirasa perlu untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketersediaan fasilitas pelayanan persalinan di Rumah Sakit Roemani yang berupa sarana, dokter, dan bidan terhadap minat ibu hamil dalam menggunakannya sebagai tempat bersalin. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional memakai metode survey dengan pendekatan cross sectional . Data primer dari 95 ibu hamil yang ANC di poliklinik kebidanan RS Roemani. Penelitian dilakukan selama bulan Nopember 2004. Analasisi data dengan univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat dengan mean sebagai cut of point. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan minat pasien yang bersalin di RS Roemani sebesar 36 orang (37,9%) ; sedangkan yang tidak berminat sebanyak 59 oarang (62,1%). Faktor yang mempengaruhi minat ibu hamil dalam menggunakan tempat bersalin adalah pengetahuan tentang ANC, pelayanan poliklinik, kemudahan dokter, kepercayaan terhadap dokter, ketanggapan bidan, dan sarana. Dan analisis multivariat didapatkan variabel kepercayaan terhadap dokter, kemudahan dokter, dan sarana paling berpengaruh terhadap minat dalam menggunakan pelayanan persalinan. Didapatkan tujuh hal yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan dalam pelayanan meliputi kebersihan kamar mandi, kenyamanan ruang tunggu, peralatan yang kurang modern, sikap bidan dalam menanggapi keluhan pasien, keramahan bidan dalam menyambut pasien, kesulitan dalam berkonsultasi dan membuat janji dengan dokter, dan keterlambatan dokter dalam memenuhi jadwal praktek. Disarankan kepada RS Roemani untuk meningkatkan kebersihan secara keseluruhan terutama kamar mandi, melengkapi alat yang lebih modern, pelatihan service excellent, dan cars berkomunikasi kepada pasien, khususnya untuk petugas kesehatan, pendekatan oleh pihak managemen kepada dokter¬dokter mitra agar mengurangi keterlambatan dalam memenuhi jadwal praktek
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 14709 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 17 Jun 2010 06:43 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jun 2010 06:43 |
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