Nurnamawati, Diana (2004) Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Farmasi Untuk Monitoring Penggunaan Obat Antibiotika Di Rumah Sakit Daerah Kabupaten Kudus (Development of the Pharmacy Information System to Monitor the Using of the Antibiotic Medicine at the District Hospital of Kudus). Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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At the present time, monitoring system of the antibiotic medicine has not been based on a computer. To get information of the antibiotic medicine, it needs a long time because prescriptions have to be calculated manually. The duplication of data causes inaccuracy in the process of evaluation, Management could not determine an effective cost of using the antibiotic medicine. The Medical Committee of Pharmacy and Therapy has not gotten the monthly report of the antibiotic medicine. The aim of research was to know the current information system of pharmacy in order to result information system of pharinacy, which could be used for monitoring of the antibiotic medicine at District Hospital of Kudus. This was the descriptive-qualitative research using one woup pretest-posttest design. The Content Analysis was used for in-depth interview data. 7'he Descriptive Analysis 1,vas used for the result of the examining system with PfECES variables. The Sign Test was done to know the differences between pretest and posttest data. Development of system used the FAST method. The computer programs, which are used to develop the pharmacy information system of antibiotic medicine, are MS-Windows, Paradox database, and Borland Delphi version 7. The periodical data in the computer program of FoxPro version 2.5, which are taken from the Medicine Inventory System and the Medical Record System, are transferred to the Borland Delphi version 7 using the Paradox database. Check List of before and after the implementation of' the new system is used to describe the performance of the system. The total considered average in the old system was 1,3 and the total considered average in the new system is 4,9. It means that there are any differences of a quality between the old and the new system. Result of the cost-benefit analysis is 2,0 (more than 1). It means that the new system is proper to be used. The Pharmacy Information System could monitor the using of antibiotic medicine at the District Hospital of Kudus. The Pharmacy Information System could integrate with the Information System of Kudus Hospital while the data are being used together. Because of the complexity of the data basis, it needs to recruit the database administrator. Sistem monitoring penggunaan obat antibiotika saat ini belum berbasis komputer sehingga untuk mendapatkan informasi obat antibiotika perlu waktu lama karena harus menghitung secara manual resep yang ada dan duplikasi data sehingga evaluasinya kurang akurat. Akibatnya pihak manajemen belum bisa menentukan biaya efektif penggunaan obat antibiotika, Panitia Medik Farmasi dan Terapi belum bisa mendapatkan laporan obat antibiotika tiap bulan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui Sistem Informasi Farmasi saat ini untuk menghasilkan Sistem Informasi Farmasi guna monitoring penggunaan obat antibiotika di RSD Kudus. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, rancangan one grup pretest postest. Data kualitatif hasil wawancara dan observasi disimpulkan isinya kemudian dinarasikan, data kuantitatif sebelum dan sesudah uji coba sistem dianalisis secara desktiptif dengan variabel PIECES. Pengembangan sistem dengan metode FAST. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Farmasi penggunaan obat antibiotika dengan sistem operasi MS Windows dengan data base Paradoks, too/snya Borland Delphi Versi 7. Dari analisis uji coba sistem dengan pengambilan data secara periodik dari Sistem Inventory Obat dan Sistem Rekam Medik yang menggunakan aplikasi Foxpro 2.5 ditransfer ke aplikasi Borland Delphi Versi 7 dengan data base Paradoks. Untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas kinerja sistem dengan cek list sebelum dan sesudah adanya Sistem Informasi Farmasi penggunaan obat antibiotika didapatkan hasil 1.3 dan 4.9. Untuk melihat kelayakan ekonomisnya dengan analisis biaya manfaat diperoleh hasil 2.0 (>1) sehingga dikatakan Sistem lnformasi ini layak dilanjutkan. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Sistem Informasi Farmasi penggunaan obat antibiotika ini mampu memonitor penggunaan obat antibiotika di RSD Kudus. Sistem Informasi Farmasi penggunaan obat antibiotika ini dapat berintegrasi dengan Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit Kudus dengan pemakaian data bersama. Sebagai pelengkap dari Sistem Inventory Obat, maka basis data semakin komplek sehingga perlu ditugaskan seorang basis data administrator
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 14677 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 16 Jun 2010 19:57 |
Last Modified: | 16 Jun 2010 19:57 |
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