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The basic problem which are discussed in this thesis are how the weakness of criminal emulation policy in TPPU law and how synchrization of criminal law formulation policy in "IPPU law with TPPU law in Southeast Asia as an effort to solve the transnational la I . The first approachment to this problem is yuridic — normative approachment which is rted by yuridic — emprpc approachment, yuridic — comparative and yuridic — historic. The Inch has been gained, it's analyzed qualitatively by analysis and prescriptive analyzing. Based on the analysis, it's known that the weakness in TPPU law include about the origin dicate effence causes the problem if there is a criminal case beside of 25 criminal cases. - the system and strategic of condemnation have some weakness such as, a kinds of main wmulation which are rigid and imperative, that is, use a single system ( only fine law ) for ration and cumulative system ( prison and fine ) for person and there is no rule or guidance the application of special minimize law and there is no special rule for corporation which y fine. In the responsibility case, corporation are still limited and not consistent with the Lion which are existed in law of economic criminal case and the law of corruption. There is no synchronization of law formulation policy between Indonesia's TPPU law Southeast Asia especially about the problem of predicate offence. In TPPU law of esia, Myanmar. Philipine and Malaysia, all of them give a limited formulation but it's e»t in kinds of its criminal case and it can he a problem. About a number of predicate ;e in Indonesia, Philipine, Malaysia and also many other countries aren't definite its [ion unless in Myanmar. Its number or values are difinited by CCB. In Indonesia and also ny Southeast Asia countries, the subject of criminal case are similar, that is corporation, in 'Myanmar it's more closely to subject "person" not to "corporation". About another la] case which are related with money laundering criminal cases, in Myanmar:, there is a hat the bank or Financial Institution doesn't allow the investigating officer transfer the y and delete the note without permission by CCB. Pokok permasalahan yang dibahas dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana ;lemahan kebijakan formulasi hukum pidana dalam UU TPPU dan bagaimana nkronisasi kebijakan formulasi hukum pidana dalam UU TPPU Indonesia .;ngan UU TPPU di negara Asean dalam upaya menanggulangi kejahatan ansnasional. Pendekatan utama terhadap masalah ini adalah pendekatan yuridis xmatif, ditunjang dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris, yuridis-komparatif dan uridis-historis. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan onguraian secara analisis dan preskiptif Berdasarkan analisis diketahui bahwa masih terdapat kelemahan kebijakan )rmulasi hukum pidana dalam UU TPPU yang menyangkut masalah asal-asul arta kekayaan yang dicuci, meskipun dalam UU TPPU Amandemen diperluas ienjadi 25 tindak pidana. Dengan adanya pembatasan tersebut dapat timbul iasalah jika terjadi tindak pidana lainnya selain 25 tindak pidana tersebut. 4engenai pertanggungjawaban pidana dan sanksi pidana khususnya mengenai istem dan strategi pemidanaan dalam UU TPPU mengandung kelemahan antara tin perumusan jenis pidana pokok yang berlaku kaku dan imperatif, tidak ada turan atau pedoman penerapan pidana minimal khusus dan tidak ada aturan husus untuk korporasi yang tidak membayar denda, dan pertanggungjawaban orporasi dalam UU TPPU masih sangat terbatas dan tidak konsisten dengan trumusan yang ada dalam Undang-undang Tindak Pidana Ekonomi dan Undang¬ndang Korupsi, serta sistem dan strategi pemidanaan kurang diorientasikan ebagai transnational organized crime, karena masih bersifat individual dan urang bersifat institusionat Dilihat dari kerja sama Asean dalam menghadapi TPPU, maka perumusan predicate offence" di berbagai negara Mean yang limitatif tetapi "berbeda jenis indak pidananya" itu dapat menimbulkan masalah. Hanya di Myanmar )erumusan predicate offence terlihat lebih fleksibel. Kebijakan memperluas ubjek tindak pidana pada korporasi dalam UU TPPU di Asean sudah sesuai lengan standar internasional, hanya di Myanmar lebih ditujukan pada subjek )erupa "orang", tidak ada "korporasi". Mengenai tindak pidana lain yang )erkaitan dengan tindak pidana pencucian uang, di Indonesia didirikan Pusat 'elaporan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK), dan bagi negara-negara lain uga mendirikan semacam PPATK, AUSTRAC tahun 1989 di Australia, FINCEN :Financial Crime Intelligence Network) di Amerika Serikat, AMLO (Anti Money ',sundering Office) di Thailand, Unit Perisikan Kewenangan di Malaysia, suspicious Transaction Reports Office (S7RO) Singapura, dal) The Office of Anti Yloney Laundering di Filipina.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law
ID Code:14614
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:16 Jun 2010 16:35
Last Modified:16 Jun 2010 16:35

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