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Training and development Civil Servants is intended to guarantee a valuable and beneficial day implementation of developmentand general government on their day-to-day basis duties (according to Regulation 8/1974). This occurs as a balance between right and privileges of the officials. Government Regulation 3/1980 Government Regulation 99/2000 states that one of the rights granted to the civil servant is abtaning promotion. Each of the civil servant is appointed with particular grade according to obtaning to statutory regulation and whenever a promotion is achieved, it is given as a reward for the achievement of one's successful duties. The realiation of promotional grant in Employment Sub Division of the Prof Dr. IR Soeharso Ortopedic History Surakarta has desclined from 100% to )%. It has been fluctuated as far as 15%. This study aimed to find out the characteristics description of civil servants related to the realitation process of reguler promotion at Prof Dr.R Soeharso Ortopedic Hospital Surakarta. Method to be used in this study was an Explanatory Research,with a descriptive characteristic and used a cross sectional approach. There wara 98 civil servants into the samples of the study. Result of observation reported that of 98 respondents were 52 individuals who were 30 to 43 years old (53.1%). Most of them were from low education level (Secondary/High School), which consisted of 52 individuals (53.1%) Most of the respondents ere male (51 individuals 51%) Range of devotion to the office ranged from 17 to 32 year old (53.1%) Most of the respondents were male (51 individuals or 51%). Data obtained from 93 respondents (94,9%) revealeds a presence presentation above 66.6%. In other words, most of the employees are discipline on their obligatory duties. Knowledge rate of the respondents is fairly accountable (35 individuals or 35,9°M. Therespondents collectively obtained promotional achievement rate of 79.6%. Having resulted resulted in the above mentioned figures, Chief Executives of Employment Sub Division are suggested to take account for aspects related work achievements, in partcularly in form of regular promotiont. In addition, the chief executive should pay attention to the such aspects as work term, educational background, and knowledge of the employees in light with regular promotion. To obtain this goal there is a need for taking any action that involves employment training and education. This is important to understand how to carry out promotion as well as giving motivation to the employees in workplace. Pembinaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil diarahkan untuk menjarnin penyelenggaraan tugas umum pemerintahan dan pembangunan secara berdaya guna dan berhasil guna (UU No 8 tahun 1974.) Halini terjadi karena belum adanya keseimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban seorang pegawai negeri. Peraturan Pemerintah No 3 Tahun 1980 jo PP No.99/2000 menyebutkan bahwa salah satu hak yang dapat diterimakan kepada pegawai negeri adalah memperoleh kenaikan pangkat. Setiap pegawai negen sipil diangkat datam pangkat tertentu berdasarkan perundang —unclangan yang berlaku dan kenaikan pangkat adalah penghargaan yang diberikan atas pengabdian pegawai negeri sipil yang bersangkutan terhadap negera Realisasi kenaikan pangkat di Sub Bagian Kepegawaian RSO Prof Dr R Soeharso Surakarta mengalami penurunan jumlah cakupan dad 100% menjadi 0% dan fluktuatif menjadi meningkat sebesar 15 %, sehingga pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik pegawai.yang terakit dengan realisasi proses kenaikan pangkat regular pegawai negeri RSO Prof Dr R Soeharso Surakarta Jenis penelitian ini adalah "Explanatory Research"( penjelasan ), sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, dan menggunakan pendekatan Cross Sectional ( belah lintang ) Total populasi berjumlah 98 pegawal negeri sipil di Rumah Sakit tersebut Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden berusia antara 30 sampai dengan 43 tahun sebanyak 52 responden (53,1%.), responden umumnya berpendidikan rendah (SLTP/SLTA) sebanyak 52 orang (53,1%). Sebagian besar responden berjenis kelamin pria 51 orang (51 %) Responden yang memiliki waktu bekerja antara 17 sampai dengan 32 tahun sebanyak 50 responden (51 %). Dad data penelitian sebanyak 93 orang (94,9 %) responden memiliki persentase kehadiran di atas 66,6 % Responden yang mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan yang cukup dan baik sebanyak 35 responden (35,9%). Pencapaian realisasi kenaikan pangkat yaitu 79,6 %. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, Untuk meningkatkan prestasi kerja, khususnya program realisasi kenaikan pangkat dengan sistem reguler, Kepala Sub Bagman Kepegawaian harus rnemperhatikan aspek — aspek lama bekerja, tingkat pendidikan dan tingkat pengetahuan pegawai dalam hal kenaikan pangkat regular, sehingga perlu diberikan beberapa langkah seperti penyuluhan tentang kepegawaian, kenaikan pangkat dan pengelolaan motivasi pegawai dalam bekerja.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 14550 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 16 Jun 2010 08:57 |
Last Modified: | 16 Jun 2010 08:57 |
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