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This research had a purpose to recognize the people's peception of Jepara about Graha Husada Hospital so that it is able to set the marketing design of Graha Husada Hospital. This researchwas conduted to Jepara people who lived in the sub district of Jepara, Mlonggo, Bangsri, and Tahunan. The number of sample were 100 respondent divided into 3 groups which include group I; the group of people who didn't know and didn't utilize the Graha Husada Hospital. Group II was the group of people who knew but they didn't utilize the Graha Husada Hospital, and group III was the group of people who utilize the Graha Husada Hospital. The data obtainedwas analyzed qualitatively. Most respondent (92%) knew the existence of the Graha Husada Hospital. As many as 26% respondent were recorded who knew it but they didn't utilize service. Meanwhile, the respondent who didn't know and didn't utilize it just a little part of them (8%). The reason of group I why they didn't know the existence of the Graha Husada Hospital was because they never heard abaout it. Whereas, the reason of group II why they didn't utilize the Graha Husada Hospital was because they thought the hospital was a kind of expensive hospital. Group III utilized the Graha Husada Hospital because the service were good and friendly. The marketing assimilation analysis result of the hospital service that were not assessed well by the respondent, that was, on the attribute of services they wanted, better services of other hospitals, medical services satisfaction, doctors accessibility in communication, hospitality and politeness of medical services, hospitality and politeness of non-medical attendans, quick service of drugstore, large and comfortable parking passes, the quite of waiting room. Wereas, the products assessed very well, that was, on the atributte of services availability, kinds of services, medical assurance, equipments completeness, ready-to-use equipments, quick and terceptive medical service, nursing service satisfaction, quick and perseptive nursing services, nursing hospitality and friendliness, quick and perseptive services of non-medical attandans, the cleanliness of public facilities were well-maintainet, secure parking spaces, clean and comfortable examining rooms, clean and comfortable treatment rooms. The Marketing assimilation of price was assessed to be not cheap. Respondents assessed the marketing assimilation of place for distance of the hospital was close enough, whereas, the location of the hospital was not strategic. Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Rumah Sakit Graha Husada Jepara Untuk Menyusun Desain Pemasaran Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat Jepara tentang RS. Graha Husada Jepara sehingga dapat untuk menyusun desain pemasaran RS.Graha Husada. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada masyarakat Jepara yang berdomisili di kecamatan Jepara, Mlonggo, Bangsri, dan kecamatan Tahunan dengan jumlah sample 100 responden yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok yang melipuri kelompok I yaitu kelompok masyarakat yang tidak tahu dan tidak menggunakan RS.Graha Husada, kelompok II yaitu kelompok masyarakat yang tahu tetapi tidak menggunakan RS.Graha Husada dan Kelopok Ill yaitu kelompok masyarakat pengguna RS.Graha Husada. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa secara kualitatif. Sebagian besar responden (92%) mengetahui adanya RS.Graha Husada jepara. Tercatat sebanyak 26% responden yang mengetahui tetapi tidak memanfaatkan jasa pelayanan. Sementara yang tidak tahu dan tidak memanfaatkan hanya sebagian kecil saja (8%). Alasan kelompok I tidak tahu karena tidak pemah dengar sedang alas an kelompok II tidak menggunakan RS.Graha Husada sebagian besar karena rumah sakit itu dinilai mahal. Sedangkan alas an kelompok Ill menggunakan RS.Graha Husada sebagian besar karena pelayanannya baik dan ramah. Hasil analisis bauran pemsaran dad produk pelayanan ruamh sakit yang dinilai tidak baik oleh responden yaitu pada atribut jenis pelayanan seperti yang dikehendaki, pelayanan lebih baik dari rumah sakit lain, kepuasan pelayanan dokter, kemudahan dokter dalam bekornunikasi, keramahan dan kesopanan pelayanan dokter, keramahan dan kesopanan petugas non medis, pelayanan apotik yang cepat, tempat parkir yang luas dan nyaman, ketenangan ruang tunggu. Sedangkan produk yang dinilai baik yaitu pada atribut kemudahan pelayanan, jenis pelayanan, jaminan pelayanan kesehatan, kelengkapan peralatan, peralatan siap pakai, pelayanan dokter cepat dan tanggap, kepuasan pelayanan perawat, pelayanan perawat cepat dan tanggap, keramahan dan kesopanan perawat, pelayanan petugas non medis cepat dan tanggap, fasilitas umum terjaga kebersihaannya, tempat parkir aman, ruang pemeriksaan bersih dan nyaman. Bauran pemasaran dad harga dinilai oleh responden tidak murah, bauran pemasaran dad tempat dinilai oleh respoden jarak rumah sakit cukup dekat sedangkan letak rumah sakit tidak strategis.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 14505 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 16 Jun 2010 07:29 |
Last Modified: | 16 Jun 2010 07:29 |
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