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Background : Leprosy in children is still a health problem in the society, the mortality is not to cause but the resultant disability is a threat to the future of children. The District of Brebes in Central Java is a region where leprosy is endemic, with the highest prevalence reached 2.9 per 10,000 persons in December 2002, whereas the proportion of new patients with leprosY (children of 0 — 14 years of age) was 19.3%. The purpose of the present study is to find out the influence of several risk factors on the occurrence of leprosy in children. Method : The design of this study is case-control. Cases are patients with leprosy (children of 0 — 14 years of age) that visited any public health centres in the District of Brebes between January 2002 and September 2003, whereas controls are children without leprosy from the same region and the same time period as with control. The number of cases are 80 children and that of controls are also 80 children. Data were obtained from leprosy patient's cards, from interviews and measurements. Result : Bivariate analyses have shown that risk factors that were independently and significantly associated were contacts with leprosy patients (in the same home, neighbours, and in social meetings), the type of leprosy suffered by the patients in contacts (neighbours and in social meetings), length of stay in region where leprosy is endemic, age, and history of BCG vaccination. Whereas the risk factors from contacts in the same home with more than one leprosy patients, the type of leprosy suffered by patient in the same home, history about drug use in leprosy patient (in the same home, neighbours, and in social meetings), the amount of person that lives in the same home along with the leprosy patient, sex, and characteristics of the parents (socioeconomical and educational level) have shown no significant association. Multivariate analyses have shown that risk factors that were proved to have influence on the occurrence of leprosy in children were length of stay in region where leprosy is endemic > = 5 years, OR 32.1 (95% CI: 3.9 — 266.3); contacts with patients with multibacillary leprosy, OR 30.3 (95% CI: 3.9 — 233.9); and age group of 10 — 14 years old, OR 7.1 (95% CI: 1.1 — 45.2). Conclusions : There were three risk factors that together were proved to have influence on the occurrence of leprosy in children, i.e. length of stay in region where leprosy is endemic > = 5 years, contacts with paticnts with multibacillary leprosy, and age group of 10 - 14 years old. Suggestions : Make an effort to prevent children from making contacts with leprosy patients, early disease detection in children of 10 — 14 years old through school survey, health promotion with regard to risk factors of leprosy occurrence in children, and intensive education to avoid wrong perception about the cause of leprosy, about route of disease transmission, treatment and management of disability resulted from leprosy. Further study on the risk factors from contacts with patients in the same home, population-based study, as well as study on the sociocultural aspect associated with the behavior of children with leprosy. Latar Belakang : Kusta pada anak masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat, bukan karena kematian tetapi kecacatan yang dithnbulkannya merupakan ancaman terhadap masa depan mereka. Kabupaten Brebes merupakan daerah endemik kusta di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan angka prevalensi tertinggi sebesar 2,9 per 10.000 penduduk pada bulan Desember 2002, sedangkan proporsi penderita baru kusta anak (0-14 tahun) sebesar19,3%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa faktor risiko terhadap kejadian kusta pada anak. Metoda : Rancangan penelitian kasus-kontrol. Kasus adalah penderita kusta anak umur 0-14 tahun yang berobat di seluruh puskesmas di wilayah Kabupaten Brebes antara Januari 2002 sampai dengan September 2003, sedangkan kontrol adalah bukan penderita kusta anak dart tempat dan dalam kurun waktu yang sama dengan kasus. Jumlah kasus dan kontrol masing-masing 80 anak. Data diperoleh dari kartu penderita kusta, wawancara dan pengukuran. Hasil : Analists bivariat menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko yang secara mandiri berhubungan bermakna adalah kontak dengan penderita kusta (serumah, tetangga, dan hubungan sosial), tipe kusta pada kontak dengan penderita kusta (tetangga dan hubungan sosial), lama tinggal di daerah endemik kusta, umur, dan riwayat vaksinasi BCG. Sedangkan faktor risiko kontak serumah dengan lebih dari satu penderita kusta, tipe kusta pada kontak dengan penderita kusta serumah, riwayat minum that pada kontak dengan penderita kusta (serumah, tetangga, dan hubungan sosial), kepadatan penghuni rumah pada kontak dengan penderita kusta serumah, jenis kelamin, dau karakteristik orangtua (titigkat sosial ekotioni dau pendidilcan) terbukti tidak berhuburigati beimakiia. Finalists thultivaliat itieriunjukkati bahwa faktor risiko yang terbukti berpetigatuh terhadap kejadian kusta pada anak secara bersama-satna adalah latna tinggal di daerah endemik kusta > = 5 tahun OR 32,1 (95%CI:3,9-266,3), kontak dengan penderita kusta multibasiler OR 30,3 (95%CI:3,9-233,9), dan kelompok umur 10-14 tahun OR 7,1 (95%C1:1,1-45,2). Simpulan : Terdapat tiga faktor risiko yang terbukti berpengaruh terhadap kejadian kusta pada anak secara bersama-sama adalah lama tinggal di daerah endemik kusta > = 5 tahun, kontak dengan penderita kusta multibasiler, dan kelompok umur 10-14 tahun. Saran : Mengupayakan agar anak-anak tidak kontak dengan penderita kusta, deteksi dini pada anak tunur 10-14 tahun melalui school •urvey, promosi kesehatan mengenai faktor risiko kejadian kusta pada anak, dan penyuluhan yang intensif untuk menghindari persepsi yang keliru mengenai penyebab kusta, cara penularan, pengobatan dan paiimalaksaiimn efteat kusta. Perin kajimi yang lebih mendalam mengenai faktor risiko kontak serumah, kajian berbasis populasi (populaaan based), maimun kajian mengenai aspek sosial budaya yang moyangkut perilaku pendetita kusta anak.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 14486 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 15 Jun 2010 15:44 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jun 2010 15:44 |
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