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Asa PKBI of Central Java, a Non Government Organization which conduct HIV/AIDS prevention through Information, Education and Communication (IEC) for the adolescence in Semarang. The IEC process is conducted by ASA volunteer through give a lecture to students of junior and senior high school. A Preliminary study indicates that Asa PKBI have never evaluate their EC process and they have not known how the target comments of IEC process either. The objective of this research is to figure out the IEC delivery process for HIV/AIDS prevention conducted by ASA PKBI of Central Java and adolescent comment as a target group in the second trimester, from May to July 2003. The type of this research is a qualitative research. The data collecting is performed by observing IEC process through extracurricular lecture in junior and senior high school in the second trimester of 2003. The data collection is crosschecked through Focus Group Discussion with informant (students), and in-depth interview with assistant coordinator of IEC unit and related person if it is needed. During the second trimester of 2003, researcher has observed five schools which are SLTP Muhammadiyah 3, SLTP Negeri 39, SMU Walisongo, and SMU Purusatama. The IEC process is conducted in the class room lead by IEC assitant coordinator unit of ASA. Especially for SMU Sultan Agung, IEC process is conducted in the audio visual room and it is lead by professional doctor who in charge in ASA medical service unit. The IEC process is held during the class meeting occasion, while the IEC process in SLTP Muhammadyah 3 is held during the Mapeta IRM. The research results show that performance, body language, stand up posifion, style of speaking, and the language of both communicator are good enough. But sometimes communicator in the class speaks too fast to be followed by the audiences. The communicators use Bahasa Indonesia, but sometime they mix with slank, medical terminology, Javanese language and foreign language. In SMU Sultan Agung, the communicator uses a plenty of new words/terminologies that can attract audience attention. In answering audience question, sometimes the communicator who speech in the classroom refuse to answer unrelated question, and this make the student upset. On the other hand, the communicator who speech in the audio visual room willing to answer all the question. The IEC material for senior high school students is HIV/AIDS prevention, while the IEC material forjunior high school students is about drugs. In conducting IEC process, the communicator deliver it through extracurricular lecture. In the classroom, the communicator use blackboard to support the IEC process as a Audio visual aids, while in the audio visual room the communicator just plays VCD after the lecture. Most of the students ask for picture as supplementary audio visual aids to make the lecture clearer. The researcher suggests the communicator to be more emphatic to his audiences, with the intention that he can deliver the material fit with situation and condition of the audiences. Moreover, the communicator should deepening his communication skills by join with public speaking training, reading material that can support the discussion, with the intention that he can deliver the material attractively. For The Asa of PKBI Jateng, besides enrich and updating its materials regularly, it requires to perform a public speaking training for its communicator regularly and conduct a need assessment for its audience candidate so the material that will be delivered in accordance with condifion and situation of the audiences. Asa should maximize the usage of media aid in the IEC delivery process, especially picture as audio visual aids to help the audience accepting. Asa should ask for audience feed back regarding with IEC delivery process to be better in the future Asa PKBI Jateng, sebuah lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) berupaya melakukan penanggulangan dan pencegahan HIV/AIDS melalui pemberian Komunikasi, Informasi, Edukasi (KIE) terhadap rernaja di Semarang. Penyampaian ME tersebut dilakukan oleh relawan Asa melalui ceramah ke SLTP atau SMU. Studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa Asa belum pernah melakukan evaluasi terhadap proses penyampaian ME serta belum mengetahui bagaimana tanggapan sasaran Asa terhadap proses penyampaian KIE tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini ingin mengetahui proses penyampaian KIE tentang pencegahan HIV/AIDS yang dilakukan Asa PKBI Jateng dan tanggapan remaja sasaran Asa terhadap proses penyampaian KIE Asa sepanjang trimester kedua mulai Mei hingga Juli 2003. Jenis penelitian ini kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi terhadap proses penyampaian KIE melalui ceramah di SLTP dan SMU sepanjang trimester kedua tahun 2003. Diskusi kelompok terarah dengan siswa SLTP dan SMU yang telah memperoleh KIE, serta wawancara dengan pihak-pihak terkait yang mendukung penelitian digunakan sebagai crosschek. Selama trimester kedua peneliti telah melakukan observasi di lima sekolah, yaitu SLTP Muhammadiyah 3, SLTP N 39, SMU Waliscngo, dan SMU Purusatama, yang dilakukan di kelas dengan komunikator asisiten koordinator unit KIE Asa. Di SMU Sultan Agung dilakukan di ruang audio visual dengan komunikator tenaga profesional dokter yang bertugas di unit layanan medis Asa. Kesempatan penyampaian KIE dilakukan pada saat class meeting, sedang di SLTP Muhammadiyah 3 pada saat Mapeta IRM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penampilan, gerak tubuh, posisi berdiri, gaya bicara dan bahasa kedua kcmunikator sudah cukup baik. Hanya saja gaya bicara komunikatcw di kelas kadang terlalu cepat untuk diikuti audiensnya. Bahasa kedua komunikator ialah bahasa Indonesia dengan penggunaan istilah remaja, medis, asing, dan Jawa. Komunikator di SMU Sultan Agung banyak menggunakan istilah-istilah yang mampu menarik perhatian siswa. Dalam menjawab pertanyaan komunikator di kelas beberapa kali menolak menjawab pertanyaan yang dianggap menyimpang dari materi, sehingga siswa yang bertanya terlihat kecewa, sedangkan komunikator di ruang audio visual bersedia menjawab semua pertanyaan. Di SMU materi yang diberikan pencegahan HIV/AIDS, sedangkan di SLTP tentang napza. Materi di SMU Sultan Agung ialah pencegahan HIV/AIDS, namun di akhir ceramah diputar VCD tentang napza. Metode yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan KIE ialah ceramah. Media bantu selama ceramah di kelas ialah papan tulis, sedangkan di ruang audio visual tidak ada, namun ada pemutaran VCD seusai ceramah. Sebagian besar audiens menginginkan media bantu berupa gambar untuk memperjelas ceramah. Saran yang dikemukakan : Komunikator selain rnemperdalam materi ceramah, harus belajar untuk lebih memahami audiensnya, sehingga apa yang akan disampaikannya sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi audiens. Selanjutnya komunikator perlu memperdalam ketrampilan berkomunikasi melalui pelatihan public speaking, bahan bacaan yang mendukung serta diskusi, sehingga cara penyarnpaian materi lebih menarik perhatian. Untuk Asa PKBI Jateng, selain mengadakan pengayaan materi secara teratur, perlu mengadakan pelatihan public speaking untuk komunikatornya secara teratur dan melakukan need assesment terhadap calon audiensnya agar apa yang disampaikan sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi audiens. Asa perlu memaksimalkan penggunaan media bantu dalam penyarnpaian KIE terutama gambar karena akan sangat membantu penerimaan audiens. Selanjutnya Asa perlu meminta umpan balik kepada audiensnya mengenai proses penyampaian KIE yang telah dilakukan untuk perbaikan di masa yang akan datang.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 14438 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 15 Jun 2010 09:31 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jun 2010 09:31 |
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