HASIL LATIHAN BOBATH TERHADAP SPASTISITAS PENDERITA HEMI PARESIS PASCA STROKE DI RSUP Dr. KARIADI SEMARANG The Outcome of Bohath Exercise at Spasticity on Post Stroke Hcmiparesis Patiens in RSUP dr. Kariadi Semarang

SULISTIWI, SULISTIWI (2000) HASIL LATIHAN BOBATH TERHADAP SPASTISITAS PENDERITA HEMI PARESIS PASCA STROKE DI RSUP Dr. KARIADI SEMARANG The Outcome of Bohath Exercise at Spasticity on Post Stroke Hcmiparesis Patiens in RSUP dr. Kariadi Semarang. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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30 hemiparetic out patient caused by non haemorhagic and haemorhagic stroke which were reffered to rehabillitation medicine installation RSLJP dr. Kariadi Semarang, since July untill November 2000 has been studied. Patient were examined & classified into Asworth scale by noticing their in creased muscle tones. They were prescribed a series of twelve Bobath exercise, twice a week.. Each movement of the exercise performed.ten repetitions. The end of the twelveth excercise, their muscle tones were evaluated patient, them, have given a home program. The result of this study is most of subyects were 61 — 70 years (46,66%), which 80% were male and 20% were female. There are a significant corellation (p < 0,05) between initial stroke and Asworth scale score improvement at upper and lower extremities at the end of evaluation. There are also a significant correlation (p < 0,05) between exercise regularty and Asworth scale score at lower extremites at the end of evaluation. There are no significant difference (p 0,05) between Asworth scale score at the initial and the end of evaluation. Telah dilakukan penelitian secara longitudinal pada 30 penderita hemiparesis oleh karena stroke non hernoragik dan stroke hemoragik rawat jalan yang rujuk ke Instalasi rehabilitasi Medik RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang, mulai bulan Juli sarnpai bulan Nopember 2000. Penderita diperiksa dan ditentukan nilai peningkatan tonusnya dengan skor skala AswOrth. Kemudian dilakukan Latihan Bobath selarna 12 kali latihan, seminggu 2 kali. Masing-masing gerakan latihan dengan 10 kali pengulangan. Setelah selesai latihan ke 12 dilakukan evaluasi nilai tonusnya. Penderita diherikan home program. Dad hasil penelitian didapatkan terbanyak berumur 61-70 tahun (46,66%). Dimana laki-laki (80%) lebih banyak dibanding wanita (20%). Didapatkan hubungan bermakna (p < 0,05) antara awitan stroke dengan perbaikan skor skala Asworth pada anggota gerak atas dan bawah saat evaluasi akhir. Juga didapatkan hubungan bermakna (p < 0,05) antara keteraturan latihan dengan perbaikan skor skala Asworth anggota gerak bawah saat evaluasi akhir. Tetapi tidak ada perbedaan bertnakna (p > 0,05) antara skor skala Asworth saat evaluasi awal dan evaluasi akhir.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science
ID Code:14435
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:15 Jun 2010 09:27
Last Modified:15 Jun 2010 09:27

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