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ISPA is upper respiratory track infection that occurs less than fourteen days. There are three types of TSPA: Severe (acute) Pneumonia, slight pneumonia, and Non Pneumonia Each of those children suffbrs from this disease about three till six times per year. A research finding from the Public Health Center about those children shows that 40% - 60% of them suffer from ISPA: cough, cold with fever. The objective of this research was to analyze parents' behavior in handling/taking care under five-year old children with ISPA. The qualitative descriptive method was used in this research. Deep interview, participant observation, and group discussion were conducted to fmd out the reliable data. Deep interview to three primary data resources, the application of triangulation to each of the primary data resources; two subjects (one neighbor, one community leader), totally=6 (six) people were carried out. The research finding shows that the informants do not know that ISPA is a disease and consider it as an ordinary natural occurrence. Practically, informants try to cure those with ISPA traditionally and, if it doesn't work, they go to the medical service. As the conclusion, parents in "RW-1" Bandarharjo village, North Semarang District, Semarang City carry out traditional treatment to under five-year old children with ISPA. For the suggestions are: 1) the need of the same perception about the knowledge of ISPA etiology, 2) the need of Public Health Counselors at Public Health Center in Bandarharjo, 3) the need of establishing "UKS" (School Health Attempt) at "SD Santosa", 3) the need of facilities for mothers and children to get information about basic health understanding and baby-sitting pattern. ISPA adalah infeksi saluran pernapasan atas akut, yang berlangsung kurang dmi 14 (empat betas) hari. Ada 3 (tiga) macam ISPA yaitu Pneumonia Berat, Sedang, dan Bukan Pneumonia. Rata-rata setiap anak balita mengalami ISPA 3-6 kali dalam setahun. Dmi kunjungan di Puskesmas 409%-60% adalah penyakit ISPA; batuk, pilek dan disertai demam. 'Num dilakukan penelitian ini ialah untuk menganalisis perilaku orang tua dalam penanganan anak balita penderita ISPA. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipatoris dan diskusi kelompok terarah. Wawancara mendalam terhadap 3 (tiga) sumber data primer, kemudian penerapan triangulasi kepada tiap sumber data primer 2 (dua) Subyek (1 tetangga, + 1 Toma komunitas) total = 6 (enam) orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan infonnan tidak memahami bahwa ISPA sebagai penyakit dan menanggapinya sebagai peristiwa alame biasa. Dalam praktik, informan melakukan tindakan-tindakan penyembuhan nimah secara tradisional dan jika upaya tradisional tidak mampu menyembuhkan maka penderita dibawa kepada pelayanan medis untuk mendapat kesembuhannya. Simpulan; Perilaku Orang Ma di RW-1 Kelurahan Bandarharjo Kecamatan Semarang Utara Kota Semarang dalam penanganan Anak Balitanya melakukan praktik-praktik penyembuhan tradisional terhadap penyakit ISPA. Saran ; 1) perlimya penyamaan persepsi pengetahuan etiologi ISPA., 2) perlunya penambahan tenaga Penyuluh Kesehatan Masyarakat pada Puskesmas Bandarharjo., 3) perlunya penyelenggaraan UKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah) di SD `Santosa', 4) perlunya pengadaan sarana — prasarana konseling kesehatan ibu dan anak yang memfasilitasi pemahaman kesehatan dasar dan pola asuh anak.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 14404 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 15 Jun 2010 08:45 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jun 2010 08:45 |
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