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Health Scholar generally takes hold of the position of the Head of the Health Center. When the decentralization, (arrangement applied) at Sragen district, the new managing and the structure of organization (permited) Non Health Scholar to take hold of the position of the Head of the Health Center. The Health Center is a unit of a functional organization that has relationship with a community to give the health services directly. The health knowledge is needed in the Health Center management. This research was to analyze the work performance of the Head of the Health Centers who was Non Health Scholar at Sragen district. This was qualitative research using in-depth interview and Focus Group Discussion. In-depth interview was done to six persons of the Head of the Health Center, the Head of the District Health Office, the Deputy Head of the District Health Office, a half of staffs at District Health Office, and six persons of the staffs of the Health Center's administration. Focus Group Discussion was done to the staff of the Health Center, and the functional officers at the Health Center that was divided into six groups for each Health Center. Based on the result of this research, it is known that the younger respondent is 35 years old and the older respondent is 52 years old. The number of male respondents is five persons and the number of female respondents is one person. All respondents have the stratification of "Penata" and Bic. The work period of all respondents is 1.3 year. The levels of respondents' education are education scholar (two persons), political social scholar (two persons), law scholar (one person), and economy scholar (one person). The knowledge of planning process, activation process, and implementing process generally is not .optimal Beside, monitoring and appraisal system are not optimal. The attitude to the Health Center management (the responses of cognitive, affective, and connective) generally are not good. The leadership style is a delegation. The staffs are given few tasks, few relations among staffs by their awareness. The result of the good management is in financial management and correspondence. The result of the bad management is in micro planning, workshop, monitoring, supervision, stratification, and management of medicine. The work period, the stratification, and duty period have significant relationship with the requirement to be the Head of the Health Center. The level of education, the knowledge, the attitude, and the leadership style have no significant relationship with the requirement to be the Head of the Health Center. The financial management and correspondence are good, but for the technical activities is not gooc. The decision makers need to evaluate the work performance of the Head of the Health Centers. The District Health Office needs to do the training. Kepala Puskesmas secara umum dijabat oleh dokter atau sarjana kesehatan, tetapi di Kabupaten Sragen dengan diberlakukan otonomi daerah muncul SOT barn yang memungkinkan jabatan Kepala Puskesmas dipegang oleh sarjana non kesehatan. Puskesmas merupakan unit organisasi fitngsional atau UPTD (unit pelaksana teknis Dinas Kesehatan) yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan langsung pada masyarakat. Pengetahuan kesehatan sangat dibutuhkan sekali dalam pengelolaan Puskesmas. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis kinerja Kepala Puskesmas non sarjana kesehatan di kabupaten Sragen. Penelitian kwalitatif, dengan wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terarah (DKT). Wawancara mendalam terhadap 6 (enam) Kepala Puskesmas non sarjana kesehatan, Kepala Dinas clan beberapa staf Dinas Kesehatan serta TU Puskesmas. Diskusi kelompok terarah dengan karyawan fungsional, masing- masing puskesmas satu kelompok sehingga juinlahrtya ada 6 (enam) kelompok Hasil penelitian untuk karakteristik tentang umur sangat variasi termuda 35 tahun dan tertua 52 tahun, jenis kelamin laid- laki lima orang dan perempuan seorang, semua berpangkat Penata dengan golongan mug 111c, masa jabatan semua satu tahun tiga bulan dengan pendidikan yang bervariasi yaitu Sarjana Pendidikan dua orang, Sospol dua orang, sedang Hulaun dan Ekonomi masing- masing seorang Pengetahuan secara umtun tentang proses perencanaa, proses penggerakan dan pelaksanaan, serta sistem pengawasan pengendalian dan penilaian kurang optimal. Sikap terhadap pengelolaan puskesmas secara umum respon kognitil afektif dan konatif sangat kurang. Gaya kepemitnpinan adalah delegating yaitu sedikit detail tugas dan sedikit hubungan sesama dengan tingkat kematangan staf tinggi yaitu mampu dan mau. Hasil untuk kinerja yang baik dalam pengelolaan keuangan dan surat menyurat, sedang yang kurang baik tentang microplanning, minilokalcya, pemantauan, pembimbingan / supervisi, stratifikasi dan pengelolaan obat. Dapat penulis simpulkan bahwa karakteristik yang sesuai adalah masa kerja, kepangkatan, masa jabatan sedang yang tidak sesuai adalah pendidikan, pengetahuan sangat kurang, sikap lcurang tanggap, gaya kepemimpinan delegating sedangkan kinerja pengelolaan keuangan dan administrasi persuratan baik namum untuk kegiatan yang terkait dengan teknis pelayanan kesehatan sangat kurang. Saran untuk pembuat kebijakan agar segera diadakan evaluasi, bagi Dinas Kesehatan untuk mengadakan pendidikan dan latihan.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 14367 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 15 Jun 2010 08:02 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jun 2010 08:02 |
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